how i persevere

How I Persevere and Stay Consistent…Even When I Don’t Want to

Sharon Tseung Design Your Life Leave a Comment

In this video I talk about how I persevere and stay consistent, even when I don’t want to. A lot of people ask me how I keep up a bunch of projects. Here is my thought process around it! For me, it really comes down to 4 things, but for others it may be different. Anyway, hope you enjoy!

How I Persevere and Stay Consistent…Even When I Don’t Want to

Below is a transcription of the podcast. This transcription was taken from so it might not be completely accurate:

This is the digital nomad quest podcast with Sharon Tseung. teaching people how to build passive income, become financially free and design the best lives.0:14
Hey guys, it’s Sharon from digital nomad quests. And I get a lot of questions around how I continuously work on my projects. How do I persevere in these projects? And I think I get these questions a lot, because I built a lot of things from ground up. Like I love creating new projects, I love to create new music. I love to work on my passive income streams. I love to build my brand, like I’m all about creating and building and I’ve thought about it for a while. And I think it comes down to four things. So first off today, right, I have been kind of scrambling trying to get a lot of work done, I feel a bit behind on my content. And what I noticed that keeps me going and keeps me motivated keeps me on task is I use this app called Google Keep and you should use something like that like an app like that or1:00
Just use a notepad where it will keep is basically a notepad. It’s like a place where you can write down your notes, you can write down your checklist items. And what I do is every day, I might write down all the tasks I want to get done by the end of that day, like what will make me happy accomplishing by the end of that day. So you don’t want to stretch it out. You don’t want to make these long stretch goals that you don’t know if you’re going to accomplish because you don’t accomplish those things. You’re gonna feel bad about yourself, you want to make it stuff that you know, you can handle and you’re going to feel good about yourself when you finish them. So for example, even the simplest thing like oh, text my friend back as a line item, or like send an email to this person, sometimes I put those things as line items in my daily tasks sheet, which looks like nothing but honestly, every time I check it off, feel really good about myself. That’s what keeps me going and keeps me inspired and motivated. And when I can check off each item and when I’m done with it, I’m like, Yes, I did it. Right. So keep a daily task list of what you can actually handle. The second thing is you got to have like a long term vision of everything you have to maybe you really2:00
Write down your yearly goals your five year goals. I have this five year plan thing that I have broken down from five years to one years to monthly to weekly to daily. I wrote a whole blog post about how I write my goals down and achieve them. And I’ll link that below. But basically, it keeps me understanding the macro vision and a lot of people attempt these bigger projects or start a business without thinking longer term. I’ve had people come up to me like, oh, how can I improve my youtube channel? or How can I get sales on my Etsy shop? And I’m just like, how long have you been doing it? If you have only been doing it for like a month or less, it’s like you have nothing to say I spent a year and a half getting to pass $1,000 a month in passive income. It takes a long time you have to think macro. Okay? So that’s how you don’t give up. You have to think okay, I’m in this for at least like five years or something that’s like kind of a stretch. I prefer to think of that timeframe. Anytime people get impatient and try to complain about not getting results right away. This is what I tell them that you have to think3:00
Long term or else it’s not going to work out, you’re going to burn out because you think that, oh, I don’t get anything from this, why am I doing this then right? You can’t think that way, you have to remember that 99% of people give up and that 1% succeeds because they think in that long term timeframe. Thirdly, I like to be passionate about the things I pursue. So right now I am building my brand. And I am passionate about that I was building my youtube channel around music, I was passionate about that those are sustainable because I love them. And I want to keep working on them versus working on something that I really don’t care about just to make money that’s just not as sustainable. It’s just a lot easier when you actually care about what you’re doing, then you can be really authentic with your audience. You can be building something that you actually passionately care about. And I feel like I hear this a lot, right? I have experienced this multiple times where, you know, I was building some of these passive income streams that I was mainly trying to get monetary gain from it or I didn’t feel fulfilled from it, and I couldn’t keep going4:00
With some of these streams, I find that now I’m working on something that’s more fulfilling and might take longer for me to see gains, but it’s more sustainable and longer term, it will reap more benefits for me later, and I will be more fulfilled from it. That’s what keeps me going with it. And the fourth thing, honestly, like my pet peeve, when people tell me that, Oh, I’m so excited about pursuing this project. then a month later, I see they’ve stopped doing it consistently, and they move on to something else. And they keep doing that they keep moving on to something else. And every time they say they’re going to do something, they’re never really going to do it. I also hate when people say they’re going to do something and they’re like, but I don’t want to put in the work or like, you know, after a few weeks, I don’t see any results. Like I’m over it. I guess it’s like a two part thing. So people who skip all the time and like drop off or they don’t even want to put in the work but they’re all talk right. It’s like the same concept where I don’t like when people say there and do something and they don’t do it because of that. I’m critical of myself.

If I ever do that, so I don’t want to be identifying to that kind of label. So maybe that’s why I am good about staying consistent with things. And I know that anything that is good for me is going to have some type of resistance. And I know that it’s hard to do it because that’s usually the case when it’s like the thing that’s going to create growth for you or the thing you know you need to do is usually going to be met with the most resistance. And having done this for so long, I’m just like, trained to understand that I gotta keep persevering no matter what I don’t want to be labeled as that person who will say they’re going to do something and they won’t actually do it. I think those are the four main reasons that I can stay like consistent with my projects. And those are kind of my tips around it. If you want to be consistent with what you’re doing. You just have to persevere during the resistance and you have to kind of like stay organized so that you can consistently check off your to do lyst stay with that macro vision of where you’re trying to go and it’ll keep you going. So I hope you guys enjoyed

This episode, please make sure to rate review and subscribe. It really helps our podcast grow. And thanks again. I’ll see you guys in the next one.

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how i persevere and stay consistent

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    About the Author

    Sharon Tseung

    Hi, I’m Sharon Tseung! I’m the owner of DigitalNomadQuest. I quit my job in 2016, traveled the world for 2 years, came back to the Bay Area, and ended up saving more money and building over 10 passive income streams on my digital nomad journey. I want to show you how you can do the same! Through this blog, learn how to build passive income and create financial and location independence.

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