How Much I Make on YouTube with 50k Subscribers

Sharon Tseung Design Your Life, Side Hustles Leave a Comment

This is how much YouTube paid me! This doesn’t include sponsorships, product sales, affiliates – just YouTube ad revenue.

JFYI it has gone down a little bit since the peaks of this video 😂 but we shall see if I can bring it up in 2022! I just wanted to be very transparent in this video to hopefully inspire you guys to pursue side hustles like building a personal brand. Hope you enjoy this episode.

How Much I Make on YouTube with 50k Subscribers


Below is a transcription of the podcast. This transcription was taken from so it might not be completely accurate:

Hey guys, it’s Sharon from digital nomad quest and today we’re gonna go over how much I make on YouTube have you guys are new to the channel welcome. I’m all about teaching how to build passive income become financially free and design your best life. So you guys are interested in that make sure to subscribe and hit the bell button to be notified of my latest videos. So in this episode, I’m mainly going to go over my YouTube ad revenue. And I’m not going to be talking as much about sponsorships courses like other products or affiliates, this is mainly going to be what YouTube pays me in ad revenue. Now if you guys don’t know how it works, basically companies will bid on placing ads onto your YouTube videos, and YouTube will take a 45% cut while you take a 55% cut. Now, I never thought you can make that much money on YouTube. So for example, when I started YouTube, I actually started a music channel, I have two different YouTube channels for music, I was just doing it for fun, I was like making these covers. And because of copyright issues, you usually can’t monetize a lot of those videos. I just made like a couple bucks here and there for you know some of my original music. But honestly, I barely made any money on my music channels. It was solely for fun. I just wanted to put my music out there in the future, I’d love to do music more again. But right now I’m just focused on this YouTube channel and investing in side hustles and stuff like that. Now I digress. But the point is, you know, certain niches don’t make as much in terms of YouTube ad revenue, whereas right now I’m talking about investing in side hustles, which actually, you can get paid a decent amount and you could actually make a living from it. So it’s really cool to be able to talk about stuff I love to talk about and even make money from it. Now let’s go to some of my oldest videos, right, I was just kind of posting interviews during my digital nomad journey. So those didn’t really count those are five years ago. And then around April 17th 2019, is when I basically started posting more regularly, I decided to commit to this YouTube channel. Because if you’re really going to start a YouTube channel, you can’t just drop off and like not do it, you have to be consistent with it. So those videos I posted five years ago, it was just to post these videos, I knew I wasn’t trying to build a YouTube channel at that point. So again, two years ago, when I started, as you guys can see here, a lot of this was entrepreneurship based, I was talking more about, you know, podcasting versus YouTubing, how to build your email sequences, brainstorm business ideas, and even talk more about digital nomad, adding tools for your online business. So I was highly focused on entrepreneurship and online business topics. I think I’ve pivoted a lot, but I still talk about a lot of these things as well. So it’s kind of a mix now that I talk more on the financial side on the financial freedom side, personal finance, investing and all that stuff, which I didn’t talk about as much before, but as you guys can see, I was using the Canon G 7x. So it’s not as high quality as this Sony ASICs 500 that I’m currently using. I also didn’t spend as much time on my thumbnails here. I think I was posting two to three times a week, you know, filming in my room, putting down a camera blabbing about whatever and never really scripted too much. I just kind of winged it. These videos don’t perform as well, because I wasn’t like thinking through my videos, I was just talking about whatever I wanted to talk about. And just putting stuff out there. Around January 15 of 2020 actually joined a YouTube mastermind I still attend those meetings. It’s been almost two years now which is really cool. I love being able to speak with other youtubers on a call about our different struggles or different goals just helps you along the journey a lot more. So if you guys are doing this YouTube business, it is actually a good idea to find others in similar positions as you and try to like create a mastermind or join a mastermind. Now around March of 2020. I started picking up on tick tock and I decided to post consistently every single day some of that trickled over to YouTube. Now in July 14 2020, I made my first viral tic toc video. And when I say viral, you know 1 million plus views was kind of really exciting to see that really changed all my accounts, actually. So my tic tock group I grew in numbers on my YouTube. So as you guys can see here in July of 2020, right, you can see these spikes, and it’s because my tic tock video started picking up honestly tic tock doesn’t translate as well to YouTube, but it’ll help a little bit especially with the million views. So you can see my subscriber account grew around then two, which is like pretty amazing to see. I think at the end of that video, I did like a call to action of like, oh, follow me on YouTube. So that kind of helped with increasing the subscriber count there.
Now let’s look at the stats here. As you guys can see, you know, it was like five years ago when I started because of those interview videos I posted. So those don’t really count because this was just flat. I wasn’t using this as a YouTube channel. But then I started posting let’s go to 2020 Basically, I wasn’t monetized yet still in July of 2020, which is insane. You need to have 4000 hours of watch time as well as 1000 subscribers in order to get monetized and I still wasn’t there yet because of the watch time so I was able to Hit the subscriber account. But it still took me a long time to be able to reach that watch time, August 10, is where I actually started getting monetized. I was just making like $5 $10 Not making too much money at this point. But $10 is pretty good. If you think about it, because $10 times 30, that’s like $300 a month, that’s gonna help with some things, it’s going to help with some expenses of yours, right. And this is basically like passive income, because I could just not post for a while, but it would still get some ad revenue. Though I don’t recommend you know, just stepping away from YouTube for a while you want to stay consistent, you know, sometimes he will step away for months and still get a lot of ad revenue. So that’s why I feel like it is pretty passive. Now let’s look at what I was doing on my channel around that time. So around that time, when I first started getting viral on tick tock, I decided I wanted to upgrade on my YouTube channel. So as you guys can see here, quality changed dramatically from these videos to these videos. Because I wanted to step up my game, I did already have this camera because I wanted to shoot music videos back in the day. But I was like, You know what I’m going to use this for my YouTube channel, I was looking at what people were doing with their thumbnails and trying to reflect that in my own thumbnails, you guys can see it’s improved a lot over time. And I think that helped with my ad revenue a lot. So let’s go back to that look in 2020. Looks like I made about $2,000. But let’s go to the last 365 days. And it’s been $23,000, which is really insane. I never thought I can make this much money, but it’s increased a lot over time. So let’s go into these details, we’re going to look at the monthly estimated revenue. And it’s been insane. So since we’re looking at the last 365 days, last December, I was making $264 jumped a lot in January to $886. And it’s just going up and this December I’m at $5,636.99 Today is December 21. So it’s not the full month yet, which is insane. I think I could possibly hit six to $7,000 by the end of the month. Let’s look at the daily amounts, right. So daily, like it’s been around 200 something dollars per day, it’s gotten down a little bit. So I don’t know how long that can keep up. If we’re going to say like $190 per day, I’m definitely gonna hit 6000, possibly $7,000 In the month of December improved a lot. You know, if I can keep $200 a day for 30 days, that’s like $6,000, which I’m very happy about if I can make 2022 a six figure year in terms of ad revenue, that’d be really nice. So let’s talk about what kind of helped with my account. So I think the first jump was this best way to make passive income with no money, I guess it was catchy to people. And then I went into how I made $30,000 on merch by Amazon I released that video July 15 of 2021. And that has over 100,000 views now that’s the one that picked up a lot and helped me increase my revenues over time. And then this one was the biggest one. So from 30k a year to millionaire by 30. That one picked up a lot. And that’s what’s making me go at around $200 a day. I don’t know if I can keep this up because this video was more of a suggested video versus something that people search for online. So who knows if YouTube’s gonna keep you know, suggesting that video I hope so
we’ll see. But I’m hoping in 2022 I’ll make better videos and not just bank on this one video right. So hopefully I can keep this up and get it to a six figure year we’ll keep you posted. We’ll see what happens as you can see my RPMs $26 Just pretty high and that basically means how much you earn per 1000 views. And then CPM is how much advertisers paid per 1000 monetized playback. So this rpm and CPM are pretty high in my opinion. And it is because my videos are in the personal finance niche. Now there are a lot of personal finance YouTubers that are making a lot more than me. But honestly, I’m very happy with what I’ve been able to achieve. You know, I was just starting out with like five to $10 a day, right? And then now it’s gone up to around $200 a day, my highest even being $389.91 That blew my mind, I did not think I would ever be able to achieve that. And to be honest, like my goal is to create the best stuff for you guys, it’s okay if I don’t make a ton of money from this stuff. I just want to make sure I’m providing value. But you know, it’s an amazing feeling that like I can teach something that I’m passionate about but also make money from it and can make a living off of this. My goal next year is basically work more on the real estate side and document a lot of that stuff. I hope that provides a lot of value for you guys. I’m learning so much on that and I’m gonna be able to make better content by investing more in real estate and showing you guys what I’ve been doing. I also want to systemize a lot of the things I’m doing so I’ll bring you guys on that journey as well. Because I am making more on YouTube. I’m planning to invest a lot more of that back into the business and when looking at the analytics. My two best performing videos are based off of what I’ve achieved, like for example on how I made 30,000 on merch by Amazon And how I was able to get to millionaire by 30. So it seems like the more I do and like document that the more interesting that is for you guys, so I’m planning to do a lot more documenting a lot more tutorials, I think you guys really like that type of stuff. Now one more thing is I didn’t talk about sponsorships courses and affiliate now with affiliates. I’m just making like a few 100 A month nothing like insane but I am planning to do more affiliate marketing next year where I talk more about the products and tools I use to help with my business a lot. And then sponsorships I’m actually making multiple five figures now with sponsorships and I probably can hit six figures and sponsorships possibly next year. And that’s because I’m mainly doing them on Instagram. I have done a couple on YouTube as you guys might have seen already, but I’m only trying to do the ones that I actually want to pursue because honestly can be too much of a grind for me to make all these sponsored videos, I’m really making sure that they’re the ones that I care about because it is active work. I prefer building up my business versus advertising someone else’s business but I am only working with those that I think can benefit you guys and provide you value. So that’s where I’m at with sponsorships like I like doing them to an extent I want to make sure that any one that I work with is one that like I care about that can help you guys and then lastly courses actually hit six figures this year with courses if you guys are interested in my journey with that I can definitely make a video on this. It’s been a wild ride with courses and I actually love making them so you know you guys have the free content on YouTube but then if you guys do want the step by step I have been creating that curriculum and it’s been so fulfilling seeing students go from A to B with those so that’s where I’m at with courses and it’s hard to measure how much of that was from YouTube because I do link it in the description but a lot of them is probably coming from my Instagram so that’s why with this episode I really just did want to focus on the ad revenue now I’ve been very transparent with this video you guys can see all my numbers here and I even talked about my top videos so I hope you guys enjoyed this episode on how much I make on YouTube. If you guys liked this video let me know what you think in the comments below. If you guys are going to start a YouTube channel or not naturally like button subscribe, hit the bell button to be notified of my latest videos. And I’ll see you guys in the next one.Transcribed by


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    About the Author

    Sharon Tseung

    Hi, I’m Sharon Tseung! I’m the owner of DigitalNomadQuest. I quit my job in 2016, traveled the world for 2 years, came back to the Bay Area, and ended up saving more money and building over 10 passive income streams on my digital nomad journey. I want to show you how you can do the same! Through this blog, learn how to build passive income and create financial and location independence.

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