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How to Make Money Online During Quarantine

Sharon Tseung Side Hustles Leave a Comment

In this episode I wanted to go over how to make money online during quarantine! There are many ways to make money while you’re trapped at home, and it’s a good idea to get started on these income streams now.

How to Make Money Online During Quarantine 💰


Below is a transcription of the podcast. This transcription was taken from so it might not be completely accurate:

Sharon Tseung 0:00
Hey guys, it’s Sharon from digital nomad quest. And today we’re gonna talk about seven ways to make money from home during quarantine. Now, if you guys are new to this channel, welcome. I’m all about teaching y’all how to build passive income, become financially free and design your best life. So if you guys are interested in that, make sure to subscribe and hit the bell button to be notified on my latest videos. So these times have been pretty hard for people, people are getting laid off. I’ve seen things about protests around trying to start working again during this pandemic. And it’s just been crazy times. That’s why I wanted to go over these ways of how you can start making money from home so that you can create a better financial future for yourself. Having multiple income streams will definitely make yourself worry less and stress less and there’s so many opportunities online for you to make income. And I’m really here to kind of spread these ideas and opportunities for you guys so that you guys are inspired, start taking action and really setting yourself up for success for your future. Now, I believe it’s very important to diversify your investments, build these passive income businesses so that you can cover expenses and more and just build Build your nest egg while cash flowing. So that’s why you want to stay till the end of this video and make sure you understand all of these different ideas. So number one, one powerful way to make money online is to start freelancing. And a great way to do that is on Upwork. By freelancing on Upwork, you can make money from your home and build a big portfolio where you can get more and more clients based off of your ratings. The more work you put in, the more five star ratings you get. And then the more clients you can get through the Marketplace. You can also develop your own website for freelancing but Upwork is a great way to start because there’s a whole marketplace of people looking for jobs and people who are hiring. So I’ve hired a lot of work on Upwork. I recently like last week, hired a ton of writers and I’m constantly looking for people to hire as well. So so it’s great for freelancing as well as hiring people. Now when it comes to freelancing, you’re going to need to develop these tech skills. I’m going to name off a few different positions that you can do from home through your computer and some of it may require you learning a little bit more about it, setting up on it or doing some research on are a little bit more entry level that you can get into right away. So I’m gonna name off a few one is virtual assistant, you can start doing tasks for people. It could be kind of administrative work scheduling things out handling different tasks, it’s way more entry level, but you can grow your portfolio and start charging more and more, the more you get better at it. Next is programming. Obviously, this is a lot more difficult to get into. You can learn this through courses on Udemy on Coursera, things like that. So it requires a little bit more work to get into can be a copywriter, you can start helping people write blog posts and things like that you can be designer so maybe you’re good at doing graphic design, you can create graphics for people like social media posts and things like that. Also, marketing is a hot one. I am a digital marketer. I’ve been marketing for about eight to nine years now, which includes things like social media marketing, growth marketing, which includes paid ads, email marketing, there’s a lot of different areas in digital marketing that you can get into so all of these are great position so that you can start looking for work on up work to start making that money. Number two, you can actually go Fiverr and create a gig that you can do for people. So what kind of gays Can you do, you can create or edit resumes. You can write blog posts for people, you can create social media graphics, you do voiceovers, and you can design logos, there’s so many different options, you just have to think of one that suits your skills. So people make the mistake of thinking that you only can charge $5. But actually, there’s multiple packages that you can set up on Fiverr and actually make a lot of money. I have seen people make full time income, six figure salaries just from using fiber and kind of creating your own portfolio there. Number three is online coaching. So if you’re good at something, see if you can teach something. So I would say some common ones are like life coaching, Relationship Coaching, business coaching, health and wellness, like fitness coaching, you can do all that online, like with zoom. So I have a friend who does online coaching. You can see my interview with her Irene Tang in one of my videos and she kind of talks about different ways to get that set up. Well you’re going to do is kind of the same thing where you’re going to build that client base, build your portfolio, get those testimony You can use things like Yelp, Craigslist, SEO to build that traffic for your business. So like Irene mentioned in our video that a lot of our clients are coming through Yelp and through SEO, you can use these marketing tactics to build your portfolio and get that client base. So obviously, those aren’t common ones. But if you can teach an instrument if you can teach a language, these are things you can do online and teach people one on one or even in a group setting. Or number four, along the same lines. If you have a skill, you might want to sell courses on platforms like Udemy, teachable and Skillshare in order to spread that knowledge and scale up Udemy and Skillshare, for example, are marketplaces where you can make money through their own user base, right? So if you don’t have your own website, where you have a bunch of followers, it might be beneficial to leverage those marketplaces where people are searching for courses like that and find yours and then you can start making money from those sales. So think of those skills you have think of things you know how to do like even drawing or writing or how to talk on the camera. Like you can make these horses for people there are always going to be people interested in what you’re interested in number five, you can sell digital downloads on Etsy. I talked about this all the time. Basically, with digital products, everything is in digital files that people can sell on the marketplace. And then whenever people buy, they instantly get their files. So it’s pretty passive and it’s a great way to start making money I have a course called the SEO entrepreneur for you want to check that out. I’ll link it below where I teach people how to make their first thousand dollars a month in passive income through the course obviously teach everything I know on how to do that. So this is a great way to get started because it doesn’t require that much capital there’s not much risk. So it’s a very easy thing to get into number seven, you can sell products on Amazon or eBay. This includes stuff that at home that you’re trying to get rid of, but it also includes things like if you want to start drop shipping if you want to work with manufacturers and ship that product over to like the Amazon warehouse and get that passive income whenever people buy your products. Amazon will help you fulfill those orders and that’s called Fulfillment by me. Amazon if you want to check that out, that’s how that platform works. But a lot of people are really making a killing with e commerce making 678 figures even through this business. So you want to check it out for sure. Lastly, I really advocate building a YouTube channel blog or podcast. content creation is a great way to start getting the eyeballs getting the followers where you can start monetizing through ads, through sponsorships through courses or selling your own products through books. There’s so many different ways where you can monetize when you have a follower base that really cares about what you do. So what you’re going to do with this content creation is you’re going to provide that free value for people where you become this trusted source, this trusted leader in your niche, and the more people follow you and the more relationships you create with people, the more they’re going to support you and you can basically monetize this and create a living just helping others and it’s super fulfilling in that way. But obviously content creation is definitely a longer term process. I would always recommend thinking five plus years If you’re going to pursue any of these different content creation platforms, so you want to make sure that you’re in it for the long haul the other methods I listed earlier, you can probably get quicker gains than this method. So it really depends on what your goals are when it comes to starting to make money online. So I hope you guys enjoyed this episode on how to make money from home during quarantine. If you guys liked this video, let me know which method you guys are thinking about pursuing in the comments below. Make sure to subscribe hit the bell button to be notified of my latest videos and I’ll see you guys in the next one.Transcribed by

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    About the Author

    Sharon Tseung

    Hi, I’m Sharon Tseung! I’m the owner of DigitalNomadQuest. I quit my job in 2016, traveled the world for 2 years, came back to the Bay Area, and ended up saving more money and building over 10 passive income streams on my digital nomad journey. I want to show you how you can do the same! Through this blog, learn how to build passive income and create financial and location independence.

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