how to become a full-time youtuber

How to START and GROW Your YouTube Channel (Ask Sharon #8)

Sharon Tseung Side Hustles Leave a Comment

I filmed this a few months back, but everything still applies :). AJ approached me wanting more tips on how to create success on YouTube. We walked through what he wanted for his channel and how I would do it from there. A lot of these tips were based on my learnings from building my other YouTube channel: – and I still learn a lot to this day from this YouTube channel!

How to START and GROW Your YouTube Channel 🚀(Ask Sharon #8)


Below is a transcription of the podcast. This transcription was taken from so it might not be completely accurate:

Sharon Tseung 0:00
Hey guys, it’s Sharon from digital nomad quest. And I’m with AJ again here, I guess if you want to introduce yourself again.

Unknown Speaker 0:06
Yeah, my name is AJ and I recently did a video with her earlier. And we’re doing another one. Because we were just talking and it became really deep. And we thought we should get it on camera. Yeah, basically, I’m learning from her, you know, cuz she she already has a YouTube channel. And I’m thinking about getting started. So I have a lot of questions. Yeah,

Sharon Tseung 0:22
so let’s dive in again. So this is gonna be I think about YouTube and social media again, and we’re gonna learn more about your personal experience and how we can help. It’s maybe a coaching call sort of like list. Exactly. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 0:36
Yeah, exactly. It’s almost like coaching and therapy. And so yeah, basically, my wife, she’s, you know, she’s been telling me that I should maybe start a YouTube channel. And I’ve had friends and family come up to me and tell me that I just couldn’t see myself doing it. But then I’m also thinking like, why don’t I just do it? Who cares? Right? If it fails, like, that’s fine. If nobody watches it, I’m okay with that, too. But then I’m also thinking about if I am going to start one, what’s the identity that I want to have? What am I trying to accomplish? So those are some of the things I was trying to understand and get. So for me, I’m in the financial services business. So I want to be able to provide value for people because I feel like right now, in this world today, there’s too much information, people are getting information from everywhere. So how do you know what’s right and what’s wrong, and I want to be able to help people do that. And at the same time, not just financial services and, and, and learning about that. But also, I’m big on personal growth and leadership development. I think it’s important in life, and I feel like everybody needs to learn a little bit of leadership development and personal growth. And I think the world would be a better place, honestly, if everyone strive to do that. But I also like fitness, too, at the same time. So like, how do I create a channel to grasp all of that? Yeah, one. So that’s, that’s the trouble that I’m having.

Sharon Tseung 1:43
Okay. So your number one is to give the right answers around, what would you say financials? Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 1:50
provide an education platform. Like I said, there’s too much information out there. And also people, they say that they’re going to do their own research. They’re going to go on Google or YouTube, but they’re going to find exactly what they’re looking for, because they know what they’re looking for. But what about the things that they don’t know? How do they find that stuff? So I want to be able to provide that.

Sharon Tseung 2:06
Okay, so that’s your number one. And then the others are more like self development, and then fitness. So there’s like, three, right? Okay. I feel like okay, my scenario, I kind of view self development, like, oh, how to improve confidence, how to improve public speaking and things like that. It’s kind of relevant to business, right? Yeah. So, like, in my channel, I feel like it kind of flows like decently. Do you feel like that could flow with what you would be teaching? Or do you think it’s pretty separate?

Unknown Speaker 2:31
I think it could

Unknown Speaker 2:32
flow. Yeah. But then I also think about keeping a certain balance.

Sharon Tseung 2:35
Yeah. Okay.

Unknown Speaker 2:36
Yeah. Cuz I feel like if you if you do one topic too much, then what is this? Is this a fitness channel? Or is it a finance channel? Is it a personal growth channel? So like, how do you just pick one and one of the ideas I had was, I can’t believe I’m sharing this on camera. But I was thinking to keep it very general, just like my life journey. Like, I don’t know what to call the channel, but it’d be something like that, because it’s just me, you know, business challenges going through, like teaching people in finance, and also like, you watching me grow over time, because if I plan to do this, it’s going to be long term. Got it, you know, and if it’s long term, you’re gonna see me grow. And and hopefully you do, hopefully, I’m not saying stagnant, I’m growing. And that’s what I’m trying to capture. Okay,

Sharon Tseung 3:13
what I think what I would say is usually when you’re super niche that does better. So

Unknown Speaker 3:19
super niche.

Sharon Tseung 3:20
So for example, my friend does like UX design, or no UX research or something like that. And, like, not many people are covering that topic. So his subscriber counts was like, flowing out. And he’s just only making that content. And that does really well, in my opinion, like my channel, I think it’s a little broad, because I do different channels like Etsy, Amazon, whatever, you know, that’s like how I want to do it, whatever. But I know that if I only did Etsy, or if I only did Amazon, one channel, I do better. If you want it to be super successful, maybe you should focus on one focus on one if you got to the point where like, they are interested in you a well known name, that’s when you can like blog, and you can do whatever you want. And they’ll be cool, right? But you shouldn’t do that when you’re just starting usually, no one like nosy. No one’s gonna like search for this.

Unknown Speaker 4:09
Like that’s true. I think that’s that’s a really good tip. I think that’s a really good tip because I thought about doing that too. When you watch face when you see people on Facebook on Instagram, there’s a lot of people that do that, but then you kind of see that they don’t have a lot going on. So maybe that is a really good tip is to be super niche.

Sharon Tseung 4:26
Yeah, I definitely wouldn’t put fitness and the other two but also when it comes to the Financial Services thing, I’m guessing and be very specific, like, oh, what do you do? They’re like taxes or like, whatever. So I think that’s not as like self improvement, like related. So I guess I probably would steer off of that and especially if you are like it sounds like you know that number one that’s your core focus. You should probably focus on that. And if you wanted to, you can make another channel for fitness for whatever.

Unknown Speaker 4:54
What is the success rate for somebody who has multiple different channels one for fitness. I’ve never been Anyone are seeing anyone that has done that. Maybe you have

Sharon Tseung 5:02
currently I have to well, currently I have like, right she has to pull.

Unknown Speaker 5:06
Yes. Music and yeah, music and

Sharon Tseung 5:09
I have seen like big YouTubers decide I’m gonna make another one. So like, for example, Graham Steven, he does real estate investing videos. And that’s a great niche. Because how many people are doing it? I would say and my boyfriend’s doing that one now. And I think it’s gonna do well. So I think he decided, you know, I’m gonna make a separate channel about money, business, finance, anything he wants to talk about kind of thing. And they’ve already become interested in him. I don’t know. Like, he’s become so popular that it’s like, oh, whatever you post like, it’s interesting. All right. So once he did that, it’s already at 60,000 subscribers now. And he Wow, like recently made that second channel, right? Yeah. Yeah. So it’s like, once they know you, so I need to interview him.

Unknown Speaker 5:48

Sharon Tseung 5:50
Yeah. But I mean, it’s like once, once they know your name, then you can kind of do more,

Unknown Speaker 5:54
whatever you enjoy. So before he started the business, the money business investing channel, that’s what it was. Yeah,

Sharon Tseung 6:02
I think he mainly focused on like real estate.

Unknown Speaker 6:04
So so he had a separate channel. That was all real estate first, pretty much. Yeah. Which which one right now is taking off?

Sharon Tseung 6:11
Oh, the other one. He has like, what almost 800,000 subscribers on the loan? Maybe? Wow. Yeah. But I think you said he started recently. Alright. Okay, so the 800,000 or seven 800. He started through like three years ago. Okay, three, but that’s still

Unknown Speaker 6:24
very good. I see. So

Unknown Speaker 6:29
you want to switch? It’s not really bothering me. All right, let’s see if we’re switching. All right. We switch tabs for somebody to get started. And, you know, I think it’s important to talk about, like how fast it takes to get up there. Alright, some people they want to get there in a hurry. What What is it realistically, what are the numbers? Like if you’re just getting started, and you’re trying to build up your followers and subscribers and all that, right, what is the average timeframe?

Sharon Tseung 6:54
I mean, that’s hard. I sometimes look that up. There’s this one blog post, I found that he interviewed different YouTubers, like when do you get to 1001? Do whatever, but it varies a lot. And some said, like, you might say, that was in the category of super fast or something. Some even did it in a few weeks or something, which is like crazy, but it kind of depends on your niche, your consistency, you know, it spanned from like, a few months to like few years. Like it really depended on those. Those two factors, I would say. But yeah, if you are really good on camera, yeah, like really good information, that’s gonna help a lot. Right. So it’s really hard to say, but I can send you that blog post. But like, sometimes I’ll think about it for myself, like, oh, how if I did like three videos a week, how, how am I gonna do but honestly, I think entrepreneurship overall is kind of like that, where you can’t really tell you. Yeah, yeah. It’s like, there’s this analogy I saw on another YouTube video, or they’re comparing to like, okay, so basically, they they’re like, would you take a million dollars? Or would you take a penny doubled for like, 30 days?

Unknown Speaker 7:56
Yes, I know this. Oh, you talk about this in finance? Oh,

Sharon Tseung 7:58
really? Okay. But it’s crazy, right? Because it’s like, oh, it sounds like a million would be, you know, 30 days for pennies? Like, yeah, yeah, yeah. But then they said, you know, day 20 I think it’s still $5,000. Right. And that upward trend is like, towards the end, and you don’t really know when it’s gonna hit Yeah. and entrepreneurship, but it’s the same concept. But the entrepreneurial journey, it’s like, very hockey stick. And in hindsight, you can be like, oh, it took me this long, but like, when you’re when you’re actually in it, you have no idea when that’s gonna happen. So, yeah,

Unknown Speaker 8:30
actually, I think that’s a good point to talk about, too, because I think it’s important for me, I’m in finance, but I pretty much run my own business. You always want to think long term, I was taught that, you know, things aren’t going to happen overnight. You know, you’re going to put on hard work. Yeah. Working when everybody else is sleeping and having fun. Yeah. And and that just goes with being an entrepreneur, right and building your own business. And that makes sense, right? If you’re gonna invest into something like this, there’s no guarantee just like being an entrepreneur, you just have to be patient. Right? Yeah. And I guess don’t quit your day job right away. Yeah, it would be good advice. It

Sharon Tseung 9:03
sounds like yeah, I mean, you could I mean, like go all in. Yeah, I mean, you could and not that actually does a while for a lot of people either what it takes, but I also think that if you do the side hustle thing, it can work too. If you’re more risk averse. Maybe that’s the path but I think everyone’s journey is different. You know, my boyfriend’s actually he quit like kind of he’s just doing all in baseball. Yeah, yeah. And I kind of did the same thing in a sense because Okay, I did have like part time jobs and stuff remote when I traveled. I was like, Alright, at least if anything happens, I still have this to fall back on probably get a job later. I just like quit and I just went for it. So you know, it’s all doable. Also, back to your other question, though. I didn’t music right. I had one channel that it was I got 6000 subscribers, and then I decided to I guess I started a new channel. Basically, I wanted to rebrand myself. And that music channel got to like 10,000 but it was a lot faster. It was like I just did it because I was so consistent. I told them I’m gonna post Every Sunday, it’s like everyone knew what to expect. And it was more like as faster growth. I just decided to stop because it wasn’t my passion to just keep pushing out covers because I felt like I was marketing something that I didn’t really have the product for, like, I wanted to work on creating my own music and enough time, like it’s just, you know, it’s I think it’s really about consistency. And because I know that from like that previous experience, I’m like, Alright, I should just push out all the videos and see what happens. All right,

Unknown Speaker 10:25
I don’t think I have any more questions. Unless you have any questions for me. I

Sharon Tseung 10:29
don’t think I have any. So

Unknown Speaker 10:31
awesome. Awesome. That was great. Well, thanks for asking me those questions and helping me figure it Yeah, yeah, definitely to do I think I have a better idea what I need to do. Okay, when I get started, Okay, perfect.

Sharon Tseung 10:40
Cool. I hope that helped you. I hope that helped the viewers out there. So awesome. Thank you.

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    About the Author

    Sharon Tseung

    Hi, I’m Sharon Tseung! I’m the owner of DigitalNomadQuest. I quit my job in 2016, traveled the world for 2 years, came back to the Bay Area, and ended up saving more money and building over 10 passive income streams on my digital nomad journey. I want to show you how you can do the same! Through this blog, learn how to build passive income and create financial and location independence.

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