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The Pros and Cons of Blogging

Sharon Tseung Side Hustles Leave a Comment

In this post we cover the pros and cons of blogging! This is a basic blogging 101 on blogging as a business.

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The Pros and Cons of Blogging


Below is a transcription of the podcast. This transcription was taken from so it might not be completely accurate:


This is the digital nomad quest podcast with Sharon Tseung. teaching people how to build passive income, become financially free and

design the best lives.

Hey guys, it’s Sharon from digital nomad quest, and today we’re going to talk about the pros and cons of blogging. So if you guys are new to the channel, welcome, I’m all about teaching how to build passive income, become financially free and design your best lives. So let’s get right into it. So if you notice in one of my previous videos, I interviewed Ryan Scribner, who talked about how blogging has actually started making him a few grand a month within one to two years timeframe. As you can see, it’s not overly saturated, where you can’t start making money now, I’ve been blogging for about four to five years now and it’s generating income. I also have a niche site that generates income, and it’s totally doable. That’s why I advocate blogging. So let’s just get right into it first kind of what I just mentioned that blogging still works. You can still make money off of it, though it’s kind of more saturated. As I mentioned, you know, Ryan Scribner is making it happen. I’m making it happen. A lot of bloggers out there making six figures a month, just blogging, you can monetize it in multiple ways through ads, affiliate marketing sponsorships, owning your own products like courses and books, maybe even starting your own service or an innovative product that is relevant to your niche. There are many ways you can start making money off of blogging and it’s totally doable. Still, number two, I would say blogging is very good for people who are obviously interested in writing and is able to crank out articles quickly. So if you’re interested in that, I think it’s a pro in the sense of it is gonna do really well for you if you’re able to be consistent with it. If you enjoy writing about the topics you’re passionate about, you’re gonna do really well on blogging, and then that leads me to number three if you are more introverted, blogging is great for you. So like for me, I am a bit more introverted. I do enjoy doing the YouTube thing but obviously It requires you to be on camera. podcasting requires your voice to be heard. But like writing, you could be totally behind the scenes just blogging, you don’t even have to show your face on the blog. So I feel like there are two different blogs, thousand one features like a thought leader in the platform where they’re trying to put their personal brands out there and they’re trying to show their face. Whereas the second one is more of a repository of information. And you can do that right, you can create educational pieces of value without having to show your face. And then you can also even get writers to write on the team and grow it into a thing where it becomes a repository of information around the niche that you are passionate about. So if you’re introverted, it’s a great path because you don’t need to like be the spokesperson, you don’t have to be visible on camera or on audio. So it’s just really behind the scenes. You can just type whatever you want and then crank out a blog post which leads me to point number four blogging is very easy and you can just bust out your work anywhere and then Start, you know, cranking out that content. So when it comes to YouTube, you kind of want to be in your own spot, you want to have the mic setup the camera setup, you will have to do some post editing, it’s a lot more involved. Whereas like blogging, you can go to a cafe and then just start typing and it’s just a lot easier. And that’s one of the points Ryan’s here talks about on the interview. So go check that one out. There’s a lot of educational content there to learn more about blogging and affiliate marketing. Number five of Pro is you’ll inevitably learn a lot around online marketing and design and UX. Like no matter what you’re going to realize that blogging is not just about writing. So you’re going to learn a lot about doing email marketing, how to get leads, and then designing your blog to be aesthetically pleasing as well as navigable so that like users will understand how to navigate it very concisely and clearly so that’s going to be like a lot that you learn. And if you are looking for that path where you can actually substantially grow in terms of your personal skills. I think blogging is a great way especially like even if you want to get a marketing job and showing that like you’ve created a blog, you understand content creation, email marketing, social media, marketing, all the stuff that’s involved with it. Like it’s a great resume booster in case you are looking for a job in that area. But regardless, it’s a great way to learn a lot of things because by the time you start learning how to monetize your blog, you’re gonna have to know like online marketing, you’re gonna have to learn how to get those leads, and how to nurture them, and then how to convert them as well as how to build a community. Right. So there’s so many different components to it that I think blogging is a great way to just increase your skill set and increase your mastery of online marketing and design. So point number six Another pro is I think that you usually need a website no matter what, if you have a podcast or a YouTube channel, you’re going to want to direct them to your own space where you can collect your emails and you can own your audience kind of thing you know, with YouTube and podcasts if it shuts down. Write you are kind of screwed like you’re using their marketplace. Whereas like with blogging, when you have your own website, you’re collecting your own emails. If you lose your blog, you have your email list at least. So it’s really important to start building your website regardless. So no matter what if you are going to YouTube podcast, I think you should create your own domain. So it makes sense to start a blog. You could even repurpose your video and audio into blog posts and then you can use that to populate your blog and then get searched upon. Now when it comes to cons blogging is definitely more saturated than YouTube and podcasting so YouTube has been around since 2005. Blogging has been around basically forever since the internet Google started back in the day you would have to code your own website but now WordPress has made it super easy to start your own blog and your own website. Right. But it has been around for forever. So obviously because of that there’s going to be way more bloggers out there versus YouTubers and podcasters so it can be harder to make money. money off of it and get traffic on your website. It just depends if you’re good at keyword research and Pinterest, which is to my next point number two, I guess the con would be that you would need to learn keyword research and Pinterest in more advanced skills to be able to get traffic on your blog. So those are two great ways to start getting traffic on your blog, which requires that education of how do you do that, whereas I would say YouTube and podcasting, you don’t need that knowledge as much YouTubing does have its own SEO type of thing to like learn, but ultimately blogging, it’s like way more crucial that you learn how to rank for certain keywords. So to both of those points, right, being saturated and having to learn those things. I can twist that to the pros too, because when it comes to the saturation, it still makes money. Obviously Ryan is making a few grand a month from just one to two years of blogging so it’s still doable for sure. You just need to like know where to start and how to choose the right keywords for that. I also have a free blogging course that will be coming out. So I’ll put the link below when that’s ready. So that will help get that understanding of everything. And then we also are going to launch a paid course called blog launch profit, which will go really in depth about keyword research. So you might want to check that out to the second point of the whole keyword research and Pinterest thing. Yes, you’re gonna have to learn all that stuff. But again, it’s like great to be able to learn how to master these skills because it’s going to be helpful in anything you do if you’re going to grow a business and you know, if you know that you’re going to need to have a website in the future for all this content creation, you might as well start learning all these things. So I can twist those as pros, right, it’s a good thing to start learning all these different skills. So I hope you guys enjoyed this episode. Please make sure to rate review and subscribe. It really helps our podcast grow. And thanks again. I’ll see you guys in the next one.

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    About the Author

    Sharon Tseung

    Hi, I’m Sharon Tseung! I’m the owner of DigitalNomadQuest. I quit my job in 2016, traveled the world for 2 years, came back to the Bay Area, and ended up saving more money and building over 10 passive income streams on my digital nomad journey. I want to show you how you can do the same! Through this blog, learn how to build passive income and create financial and location independence.

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