As I had mentioned I went to the Real Estate Wealth Expo a few weeks ago, and Tony Robbins was the best part of the entire seminar!
His whole thing was about ENERGY: “You can’t manage a business if you don’t measure it. You can’t manage your life if you don’t measure it. You have to measure it with intense positive energy.” I never really thought about using energy as the metric but I like it, because your mood, perceptions, relationships, and success are all affected by it. You have to keep your energy up even when you’re not 100%.
I liked the talk and decided I wanted to post a bit about his notes so maybe you can all benefit from it.
Tony Robbins Change Your Mindset. Learn. Become a Millionaire Notes – Real Estate Wealth Expo
Mastering Knowledge
Tony mentions there are 3 levels of mastery:
3 Levels of Mastery
- Cognitive Mastery : Understand It – You have intellectual understanding, but knowing is not enough.
- Emotional Mastery: Feel It! – You link emotional consequences to your intellectual understanding.
- Physical Mastery: Doing It…Consistently – You embody it and own it in your physiology – it is in your identity. You do this through massive repetition.
I find this to be true as even when you learn a fact, it doesn’t mean it actually absorbs and becomes implemented into your daily practices. You have to connect yourself with the facts emotionally, and then make habits that continually reinforce your new knowledge.
If your energy is low, you’ll become fearful, pissed off, and frustrated. Two people who love each other with high energy are more likely to have a magnificent relationship, while two people who love each other with low energy won’t have the same quality of relationship. They’ll perceive things differently, and they’ll get frustrated easily.
If you want to be successful, it is important to keep your energy at a high level, even when you’re not feeling good.
You can’t manage a business if you don’t measure it, and you can’t manage your life if you don’t measure it. You have to measure it with intense positive energy.
Where do we get our energy from when we’re exhausted and tired?
Sometimes the hardest part is just getting the momentum.
This is what Tony outlined as the “Success Cycle”.
The Success Cycle
Most people’s results don’t match their potential, and most people aren’t taking action. If you don’t believe what you’re doing is going to work, you’re not going to tap into your full potential. You’re going to get bad results, your faith will decrease, and the cycle will get worse and worse and put you into a downward spiral.
If you believe 100% that you’re going to succeed, you would moreso be able to fulfill your potential.
You are not your emotions, and you are not your behaviors. It is important not to identify with those things. For example, mean people can be nice, and nice people can be mean.
In life you should care about 2 things: performance and enjoyment/fulfillment. We need a life that’s meaningful. If you look around you’ll see some successful people who are unhappy. Why are some people who were given everything, in rehab?
Being hurt by someone or by some situation, can actually be leverage. There are people who weren’t given shit who become the Oprahs of the world.
But you don’t need to have a miserable upbringing to “succeed” – you need to be hungry and not satisfied with comfortable.
Everything’s a pattern. Whatever people do, there’s a reason. Anything can be influenced.
Pattern 1: FAILURE
When you ask people why they failed to achieve what they wanted, their reasons are:
- Time
- No energy
- Money
- Lack of technology
- Lack of education
- Not enough research
- Terrible management
- Terrible people…
These reasons are all resources. All you’re saying is you didn’t have the resources, and that is a lie. You’re telling a story about not having enough resources.
Emotions are the ultimate resource
- Creativity
- Commitment
- Determination
- Certainty
- Flexibility
- Connection
- Compassion
- Vision
Tony used an example of Walmart vs. Kmart in 1974 and how Walmart’s owner focused on what he had rather than what he lacked.
Walmart vs Kmart in 1974
- Walmart – 78 stores
- Sears – 851 stores
- Kmart – 1326 stores
The combined market value of Sears and Kmart was 65 times Walmart. But the owner of Walmart had resourcefulness. Walmart currently has over 11,000 stores and over $476 billion in sales. A $1,000 investment in Walmart in 1974 would be worth over $25,000,000 today!
2 Things That Will Make Any Business Successful
- You have to know your ideal customer, not your current customer. Who’s the customer who will buy the most from you and will stay with you when the economy has a problem?
- Irresistible offer. Overdeliver
I didn’t end up staying for the entire 4-hour talk as my friends were tired, but I’m glad I saw Tony. I think my biggest takeaways were around energy and the success cycle. I know that if I had 100% belief/certainty in the process and results I would be unstoppable. We ALL would be unstoppable to reach our full potential!
Comments 4
Love your blog, you’re my hero, marry me.
I listened to him on the way to grad school (on cassette tapes!) three decades ago. Decided to set short and long term goals that I achieved. Have been a follower ever since. Now, there is the Tony Robbins podcast:
He’s pretty awesome! Cool I’ll check it out