In this episode, we go over a list of 17 self-made millionaire habits and talk about if we do them or not! This video sprung from an Instagram post I put up about how I don’t actually wake up early etc. lol! People wanted to see what habits I actually do have.
Do you do these habits? Let me know in the comments below
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Below is a transcription of the podcast. This transcription was taken from so it might not be completely accurate:
and this is Sean with everything, Rei,
and today we’re gonna talk about the habits of millionaires and if we actually do them, so I’ve been getting questions like, what’s my daily routine? What’s my morning routine? What are my habits? How do I manage my time, I actually posted an Instagram story recently about how I actually wake up late, I stay in bed too long. So that’s why I kind of wanted to make this video today where we can go over some of the habits that a lot of people say millionaires do, and then we’re gonna break it down and see if we actually do them. Both of us are actually millionaires. So that’s why we’re gonna put our input today are so we’re gonna pull up this article from Business Insider, that’s the 17 habits of Self Made Millionaires from a man who spent five years studying rich people. Alright, let’s see what happens. Number one is they read consistently.
Yeah, I used to read a lot. But I feel like right now we’re really busy with our operations or full time careers. Kind of put on the backburner a little bit, Joey speaking nice to read a lot. It’s a good way to learn information and get new ideas, you read
a good amount I feel like and then I think when we started dating you were just not very good. But I’m actually picking that up a little bit more I have like waves sometimes I just like don’t touch it. But then right now I’m actually reading right now current book I’m reading is The Power of Habit. I’m also reading the book on tax strategies for the savvy real estate investor, the bigger pockets books pretty good, I find that the more I read, the more knowledge I can get from different people get more perspectives on life. In the article, they say 88% of rich people devote 30 minutes or more each day to self education or self improvement reading, and that most did not read for entertainment true. Like I don’t really read novels, I just read kind of self help or something that will teach me something new about something I want to learn right now. I’m like in the mode of learning about taxes and stuff like that, I’m trying to get into those books. So that’s really helpful when you want to get that knowledge.
Yeah, for me, if you don’t have time, you can also do audiobooks., you can have it as an app on your phone. And then when you go to the gym, where you’re driving, you can listen to it at like two times speed, and get all the information in a very compressed timeframe. I’ve also found that after a while reading all the books on like real estate or tech strategies gets kind of repetitive kind of transition into reading autobiographies, you get to see what the entrepreneur was thinking of why they made these specific decisions, kind of understand I want to get to where they’re at. I have a similar mindset.
Yeah. And also another thing I read in the Miracle Morning is if you read 10 pages a day, you can read 18 books a year, so you can actually absorb a lot of knowledge I find that reading autobiographies does help when it comes to figuring out your own journey and like how to push past obstacles, how to think creatively on different things, it really helps on the journey in my opinion. Number two is they exercise so I would say that I exercise more because of him without him. I have to like kind of drag myself it’s kind of hard for me. So like when I see that he’s gonna go to the gym, then I just follow him. And I’m glad I do that because I feel like I get anxiety about my health a lot. It’s like a psychological thing in my mind that okay, I shouldn’t be unhealthy. I should be okay.
Yeah, I mean, I go to the gym, probably like 45 minutes a day, we can and nothing too crazy. I’m not lifting crazy heavy weights, I’m just doing the same thing over and over again, because I just want to stay in shape. I’m not trying to get super buff, not going to any like competition. But I do want to feel healthy. If I don’t go to the gym. I feel really bad for the first year of COVID. When everything was shut down. All I could do was just like push ups at home and it really wasn’t the same. And it really affects like the mindset, you can dedicate some time every day at a certain time to just go no matter what think you have great results.
So for me, I don’t even know if it makes me feel energized or anything like that. I feel just anxiety thing for me. It’s like okay, check that off my list. If I reflect and I get worried about my health and like, well, I did exercise a couple of times a week feel better about myself in that way. It makes me feel okay, but like, honestly, I do sit a lot of the days. Yeah, I lie in bed a lot. But actually, I’ve been fixing that habit, a bad habit I was having for these last couple of weeks. I feel like I’m just trying to get out of bed soon. There’s one thing I’ve fixed but then I should just do jumping jacks throughout the day or something. Because honestly, I feel like if you just do a little bit each day, you’re like good, right? So I don’t push myself that hard at the gym either. I just do the same thing every time. And as long as you do that. I think it’s better for your health. Number three is they hang out with other successful people.
I mean, I do go to meetups, and I haven’t tried to attain more meetups with more advanced people, I would say but really we hit with each other and we’re pretty successful, right?
Yes, I would say though, I think we do a pretty good job of this because we go to a lot of conferences that we go to a lot of meetings we’ve exposed ourselves to a lot of people that have pushed us to another level. I feel like I wouldn’t have thought about these things if it weren’t for that this is actually a really important tip in my opinion. I don’t think I would have gotten my social profiles and stuff to the level it’s at right now like my personal brand to where it’s at. I would say that the people I’ve met over time have opened my eyes a lot even just like being with you like in this relationship. I have grown so much as a person real estate career. and all these different things when you met me you built a YouTube channel and stuff like that. So the online world was like a mystery to you before meeting new people is like a hack to like success in my opinion, one sentence can change your life. You know, I mean, this is a very important tip in my opinion,
put yourself out there. Don’t be shy, many people, even these, like really successful people can learn something from you don’t forget that everyone has something they can learn someone
else. Number four is they volunteer? I have not been volunteering, which I host meetups for free. That’s true. I mean, does that count? I don’t know. But kind of I would say that. So in the past, like I volunteered at like soup kitchens and stuff like that did like really for life. Back in the day. I also did like this project to donate books in China. But like lately, I’ve been so focused on other things that it would be good to do this though, in my opinion, because I do feel like it puts things into perspective to when you volunteer more, give back more, it feels good as well as it helps other people. So we should be doing this more.
Yeah, I would say that I haven’t done any volunteering for charities or anything that but I definitely do volunteer for like trade organizations on like the treasurer for reo. Right now I volunteer to check people in other meetup groups, those like connections I’ve made generally business elsewhere. So like you, you join them for business, but you just happen to get them because you’re surrounded by so many people who are in the same industry. This is a guy who is a part of a trade organization, we packed food to send to families in Africa, the basics, right? It’s like rice, beans, and some nutrients that package can feed a family for like six days really efficient, and we’re able to pack 1000s of them help a lot of people who are very hungry. Yeah, we didn’t feel good about and again, same thing. Because of the trade organization, you get to meet the people next to you while packing food and they become your friends.
One thing I would like to do in the future is possibly volunteer at like a senior center, as well as another one would be like to build homes in like third world countries and stuff. I think that’d be fun. The senior center part of it is also cuz I would like perspectives from older people. Sometimes we get caught up in the state of day and then you like forget that life is short, there are different lessons that they could probably teach us about life that will make us more grounded as people. Number five is they practice dream setting.
So dream setting means sculpting your ideal life. So I think that’s like we close your eyes and think of if I could have the best anything, what would my life be? Okay,
we do this a lot. I feel like because I always ask you like, what do you want, we pictured a lot and it just helps you because when you visualize it, it makes you also think of like the direction you’re going in, you know, manifesting is what people will say, right? Like, the more you think about it, the more that attracts you, I feel like
you can go toward a targeted direction versus just scatterbrain. Like, oh, I want a million dollars. Like why? Like, why is your dream scenario like and then that way you can work on those paths to get to where you want to be.
When you think of, for example, your scenario is like, oh, I want X amount of money. But it’s like you dig deeper into it. Like, do you really want that? Or is it that people say like, that’s what you want or something right? So like you figure out like your scenario, like what would the ideal life be without, you know, thinking about what other people want from you and like just dig down deeper. And then I think that helps you a lot with like the things you’re going to do in your daily life to try to get to that goal number six, they pursue their own goals.
So I guess the difference here is that like the last one, you pick the goals that you want to hit versus just doing what other people expect you to do growing up, if your parents expected you to be a doctor or lawyer and you go and do it deep down inside, maybe you won’t feel that satisfied. But instead you’re like, screw that. I’m gonna do what I want to do. That’s what this article is saying. And yeah, we definitely do that. We went to school for completely different things. And what we’re doing now, right I did engineering, you studied like psychology and music. And we’re not in those fields anymore. It’s because we want to do what we want to do.
Yeah, I mean, like psychology and music was things I wanted to do, but it wasn’t career path I wanted and then I even like quit my job travel the world for two years, we’re doing real estate and side hustles, which isn’t like the most normal thing that people expect from us. I’m all about living to your true potential. Make sure that you are doing stuff based off what you actually want. Number seven is they sleep at least seven hours a night, you probably do it. So
on average we do I sleep more she sees less.
Okay, the reason why I sleep less is I have insomnia a lot, which is not very good. It’s probably true that if I fix my habits that it would improve this part probably should wake up earlier or whatever. And one of the things I want to do to help this is no caffeine after a certain time and no sugar after certain times after 8pm What I need to work on
Yeah, and you’re not even like drinking coffee. It’s just like even like a lemon tea or a Coca Cola that will cause her to stay up late at night. Yeah, working on your phone late at night is also an issue too, is working in general because then your minds like active and thinking about stuff brushing me I’m checked out by 10 this is one that I need to work on at an early bird with me if you wake up at six every morning, you’re gonna be so tired all day and then you’ll fall asleep like that at nighttime trust. I’m
not gonna do that. But anyway, this is a helpful step because like I literally had a class on psychology of sleep. This is very important because of all these different things that it benefits you
well think about it like if you’re sleep deprived throughout the whole day, you’re kind of useless, right? You’re gonna be like kind of groggy, can’t think, right. You can’t do critical thinking skills, but you had a long night sleep, you’re good to go for the day and
it’s good for health. Literally, it’s to help you boost your immune system and all these other things. There’s so many Different studies like essentially sleep is actually very critical. People who Hashtag team no sleep, I don’t agree with that at all, like you got to sleep number eight, they get up early. So he does this. I don’t do this
before we were dating. So wake up at 530 every day to go to work. And I did deliberately because I could work whenever as long as I’m eight hours in. So I wake up at 530 in the office by six and then Dallas by two, but I gave me the whole day to do whatever I wanted afterwards. Whereas now that we’re together, I don’t get up till eight now. That’s pretty good. And then she seeps into why
nine, something, whatever, it’s fine. That’s not even that bad. Okay. But like this, it says nearly 50% of the Self Made Millionaires in Corley study said that they wake up at least three hours before their work actually began. So that’s 50%, that’s a lot. Here’s the thing like me, three
hours is a lot, that’s more than I would do. Okay, I will just start my day earlier, like, get all my stuff done right in the morning, and they can show the rest of the day, I would
say that it’s not so much. If you wake up early, you’re gonna be successful. I think it’s the way you use your time. So you have to make sure that you’re intentional when you wake up. Even if you wake up later. There’s my opinion, as long as you use your time wisely. It’s okay. Like, I know someone with like hundreds of millions of dollars, who sleeps really late and wakes up super late as well. So this is not a hard rule. In my opinion. As long as you are intentional with how you spend your day. I think that’s what matters the most. Number nine, they have multiple sources of income. Okay, very true. Yes. Do you guys see my previous video? I think it was 12 income sources I had, we have new ones coming in too. So like sponsorships? I didn’t mention that. In that video. You know, it’s really important to have multiple sources of income. Because if anything happens to your day job, you want to make sure you feel okay, right. Or if you decide that’s not the job you want, you can just leave and you know, do your own thing. I think it’s really important to have that safety net. It’s very good to diversify as well. So just make sure that you have multiple streams of income coming in, if anything happens to one year. Okay.
Yeah. So for us, we have multiple real estate income streams, too. So even if one particular property doesn’t perform well, well, we have all the other properties that will carry that
one. Yeah. And we invest in multiple markets, too. So that’s like, one of the things if one market something happens, like we’re okay, because we have other ones too. Number 10. They find and check in with mentors. I don’t really have a mentor, I would say do you have one?
We don’t have official mentors. But you know, from doing the podcast and meetup groups, and just meeting a lot of like successful real estate investors or people in our field, we become really good friends with them, you know, class by proxy, you can ask them any questions we want. So there’s no like official mentorship and guidance where we have like monthly check ins, but because you’re our friends, now we can just text him for random questions. And that seemed to work out for us quite a bit.
One of the things is I find where types of people who worry about hassling others, and asking for help, which I think is good and bad. I think sometimes we could be reaching out more, you know, I would love a mentor. I don’t know who it would be. But I would say that there are a bunch of people in my space that I can, like you said reach out to that have way surpassed me or whatever in the things that I want to like do well in or whatever, those people can answer my questions. If I ever have any. I do think this is a very important tip. I do think that we don’t have official ones. And maybe we should, it’s just I don’t know who that would be. But definitely, if you are looking for a mentor, don’t just be like, will you mentor me, like you have to provide value or something, not just be some annoying person like asking for help all the time, right? It’s
like a mutual relationship, you know, like, they have to feel good about helping you out. So if you just like annoying person and just bugging them all the time, then they probably wouldn’t want to be your mentor.
And also think that the questions you asked shouldn’t be something where you never even tried it. Like for example, if you want to do like et Cie or something like that. And you just ask, okay, like, tell me how to do it? That’s not a very good question. You should probably, you know, try doing some of this stuff first. And then ask for guidance and tell them your goals or whatever, because then it shows that you are on the path and you will actually take action and take the words of advice to heart.
And of course, like with mentors, if they’re guides, right, they’re not going to do everything for you. So you can’t just like get one expect them to do everything for you. You should do the work yourself and only come to them for like those specific questions. I really help you get to next level,
we wouldn’t even mind just like paying for a coach and stuff too in the future. Like if we need to, I was trying to book a coaching call Chandler, David Smith, remember the other day, and he was nice enough to just like talk with me. So don’t be afraid to do that as well. If you want to book it and like pay the price, it actually can be a game changer to actually do that. Because you never know if they’re going to give you something that will change your business or whatever. Alright, number 11. They help others succeed.
I feel like we do that. I mean, we have these platforms that we create content for free, right? We have a YouTube channel podcast, I host a meetup group, you have your tick tock and Instagram. We do all these things for free, and we’re helping other people all the time. Yeah, I would say it matters a lot to in terms of business because you know, for my YouTube channel, I don’t have a huge subscriber base but I’ve been creating content that teaches people about flipping houses, hard money loans, and then I get rewarded because now people trust me as a hard money person and so we do loans for them. So He works out.
Yeah, this was definitely a huge part of why I wasn’t fulfilled before because I wasn’t helping anyone when I was just doing it myself with the side hustles. And so I came back because I was like, you know, just chasing that number is not very fulfilling. But now it’s like, oh, I can show you guys what I’ve done in the past. And it helps you guys like try to attain financial freedom, you know, travel wherever you want to and build these income streams, like that’s really fulfilling to me. So I would say we are helping people through our platforms, and hopefully you guys are getting that value from us. Number 12. Is there a positive? I think so?
Yeah, I think so too. Even when things are going bad for me last year, for the most part, pretty positive person happy, so smiling. So having a good time. And it helps to because it helps our mindset where we can think bigger, because we have like an optimistic view of a situation, for example, or moldy House Project, most people who saw a product that would probably back away because we’re thinking like, oh my god, it’s a disaster. I’m assuming Motorola for us for like, Oh, he’s an opportunity. It’s covered in mold, yes, but there are ways to remediate that mold, to get rid of it, and to remodel it. So as long as the numbers work, that’s still a good deal. So we went for it,
I would say that if you always go through life with a negative mindset, that’s actually something I see in a lot of people who don’t feel like they’re where they want to be, is that they always feel other people have it better than them. I don’t have the opportunities other people have, they hate on other people’s successes, they think about everything negatively. Whereas if you change that to a mindset of if they can do it, that’s really cool. Because I could do that, too. I would love to do that as well. And I’m going to learn from them. That mindset shift will really dramatically change your life for the positive, right? If you view things in that way, then you will also start doing those things. Number 13. They don’t follow the herd. I feel like this was already kind of addressed in the previous one that you’re being intentional with your own goals, not other people putting them onto you. So we definitely do this. We make sure we follow what resonates with us. And I feel like that attracted me to you that maybe attracted you to me. Because I think we’re just similar in that way that we will do what we feel is right it aligned with us because we have very similar views. Number 14 They practice good etiquette, I think more fruitful light, anyway. Yeah, I guess so. I mean, dressing properly for various social events. You’re saying you shouldn’t be like
a slob present ourselves? Well, okay, Hollywood is. So people like having us around. That’s probably what the main point is of this article. Like, if there wasn’t new words, a super loud super brood in your face, then, you know, it goes back to networking, right? People won’t like you as a person. And so therefore, they won’t help you succeed. Because in reality, people don’t really succeed by themselves. It’s always a team effort, somehow, some way that makes things really work.
I’m gonna say one thing to make sure you say thank you when you should. And also, if you have a compliment for someone, give that compliment. Don’t just keep it in your head. This is something I learned from my high school teacher compliments just make people happy, right? So why not spread that compliment. And I do that all the time. If I think of something, I’m just going to tell you like, you look good today, you know, like, just let them know because people will remember that they will appreciate that. I remember I was walking to work one day and then someone complimented my coat and I just like thought about that the whole day. Like that made me really happy.
I was walking down UCLA one day and someone commented on my new shoes. I was like wow, this is pretty cool,
right? Yeah. So spread those compliments number 15 They dedicate 15 to 30 minutes a day to just thinking okay, I definitely do that because I overthink it’s not good overthinking is not good
I don’t think that much anymore so I think she thinks twice for oh my
god yeah, I spend time like mapping out my goals but like goal setting and just thinking where I want to be in life but also reflecting on my days. I also say on top of this I write it down and that helps me a lot I think it helps me a lot because then I can like reflect later when I forgot what I said like it’s nice to see it in writing. I’ve had my goals written out since like 2017 on my Google Keep so like each one I can see 2017 This is what I aim for 2018 2019 2020 It’s really nice to be able to like see all that back and kind of be grateful for where you’re at now kind of thing
I mean, all I do is occasionally I do journal where I go over my thoughts current past and future I guess sometimes I get goes back to goal setting we have time just think about your current goals or your future goals.
I think you do I think I don’t journal so you journal and that’s really good.
helps a lot in the shower or in the car
your free time. Yeah, when you like clear that space to think for example, in the shower, like you said, I get so many ideas on there because there’s no distractions nothing and it helps me be like Oh, I could do this and this and this. I don’t know why like but it happens so just dedicate some time to do that number 16 They seek feedback
I don’t get feedback that often actually. So I don’t do this but probably should but
we do get the feedback which is nice different
yeah nicer saying they seek feedback. This
is good though. There are books that tell you that you should like ask what people think of you though, like honestly tell you and I won’t be real like I Don’t do that, because I’m scared. And that’s not good. So I can see why this is very helpful. We do get feedback, though. So we’re part of this YouTube mastermind. And there would be like, one person highlighted each one. And that person would present like their channel or whatever, and get feedback. So I thought that was very helpful. Because when you do that, you can see what other people are thinking about not just your own videos, but like other people’s videos, and then you’re like, oh, like, I should be doing that, too. So we have feedback on our stuff, too. I can see the how that’s really helpful. So we could possibly do this more. Number 17. The last one is they never give up or say
give up per se. But I think there’s a fine line between giving up and pivoting. I was doing some things and then I stopped it to pivot to other things. I used to do Amazon stuff I did used to have like a small startup with my friends. But then we ended up pivoting because realizing it wasn’t working. If you do go down with a ship that could be really damaging. I think it’s okay to pivot. You shouldn’t quit on your dreams and just give up on everything. But it’s okay. Don’t give up on certain ideas into a different direction.
No, I agree with that. For example, I have multiple side hustles. Yeah, some of them still cashflow for me, but I don’t spend time on them anymore. Because I like building my personal brand more and helping people that way. Also, my brand can grow way more exponentially, too. It helps me it helps other people. Whereas like what I was doing with Etsy, which I still like really advocate, it’s just that I was like churning out products over and over again. And I wasn’t learning anymore. I feel like it’s okay to pivot when you’re like, oh, actually, this new direction makes a lot more sense. For me. It’s also that maybe if something’s not working out for you, and you realize that maybe your strengths lie in something else, that could be a point where it makes sense to like move as well. But for YouTube, for example, I would say to this point, they never give up. I think that’s very true. For me, for example, our content, I think in like five to 10 years out can be like a grind. And it can be difficult sometimes, like sometimes I just want to like not do anything. And that’s cool. But with content, you got to be consistent, like posts every week, like show up for people. And I think that that can be difficult sometimes. But like, because I’ve had that vision where I know, I’m going to be doing this for the long run. Like that helps me a lot because you create that expectation in the beginning so that you know, you’re gonna keep doing that I wrote in his study, more than 1/4 of the participants said they failed at least once in their business and pick themselves right back up. That’s very true. Like, there’s a lot of people who’ve had those failure stories, and just know that when you see people’s successes, it’s not just like, really easy, like, there’s gonna be this, those people who are successful usually are like, You know what, let me just like go past this. And let me keep going. Alright, that was a lot. We covered 17 habits of Self Made Millionaires and basically our opinions on them. As you can see, not all of them were done completely. Like for me, for example, like getting up early and all this different stuff. What about you was there Oh,
I don’t get stuff. Okay. Yes, I’ll be back. Yeah, there’s
a lot of things that you know, we currently don’t do, but we are millionaires. So one thing I would say is, if you’re not doing all of these things, don’t beat yourself up. I feel like sometimes people feel shame or something because they’re not Oh, like waking up at 5am. And like meditating and all this stuff that everyone says, It’s okay, if you’re not doing this things, and just see what works for you. And if you slip up sometimes, like, don’t beat yourself up too hard about it. Yeah, just improve and keep going. We’re all on our own journeys. So something that might work for someone else might not work for someone else. Right. So just see what works for you.
I will say one thing that’s missing from this is patience. You know, that’s a very important concept, because for the most part, our wealth was built because of our equity in real estate investments that were built over time, because we held on to the assets so much as they appreciated. And same goes for like, if you buy stocks or cryptocurrencies, Dyneema, who bought Bitcoin back in 2008, you know, they held on for a decade before their assets truly exploded. But you know, everyone kind of gets into the whole, like, get rich quick schemes and losing all their money because to try and do things without putting in the time and not having patience. So I think really hard to get patients that’s
a very good point. I would say like, you know, if you’re investing and things with a long term outlook, don’t sell for the next Dogecoin or whatever, right? You want to make sure you’re holding on to these valuable assets for a long period of time and just wait till it grows. So patience is definitely a good one to add.
So hope you guys enjoyed this episode. Please make sure to rate review and subscribe. It really helps our podcast grow. And thanks again. I’ll see you guys in the next one.Transcribed by