Happy New Year! Here are my 2020 resolutions and goals so you can hold me accountable to them!
Below is a transcription of the podcast. This transcription was taken from Otter.ai so it might not be completely accurate:
Hey guys, it’s Sharon from digital nomad quests. And today I wanted to wish you guys a happy new year. I’m super excited for 2020. And in this video, I kind of want to go over quick recap of 2019 and then talk about my goals for 2020. So in 2019, I really felt like two things happen. I really grew as a person, I feel like I’ve learned to let go of things a little bit more, I still I’m a bit anxious and stuff like that, but I’ve improved a lot. I also feel like I’ve learned a lot in terms of business concepts and stuff like that. I’ve learned how to really build up my brand. I’m excited about how I challenge myself a lot in terms of doing improv, interviewing people getting interviewed on podcasts and things like that. I’ve really felt like I’ve taken my brand to the next level and 2020 is going to be kind of the same thing, improving myself and improving my business. So I wanted to go over my goals in 2020 I wrote it down on my Google keeps I’m going to pull it up. Alright, the first thing is really helped for me so this past week, I all you can eat hot pot twice and I was about to eat it again over the week.
And then I’ve been eating a lot of junk food like a bunch of popcorn and stuff like a lot of soda, a lot of fries and stuff like that. And then last night I woke up like at 4am freaking out, my heart was beating like really rapidly and then I was just anxious like, I felt really like gross inside I even like threw up a little bit because I just felt like I wasn’t healthy. So today like I went out and exercise like did a lot more cardio and I realized I need to improve my mainly with exercise I really need to improve that I need to go to the gym more often. Because I don’t go enough and I get insomnia, get anxiety and I feel like exercise can really help those things. I could probably drink more water to I feel like my diets not bad. But I could improve in those areas as well but mainly exercise. So what I’m going to do is I’m going to implement the Miracle Morning again. So that’s something I really think is a great thing where you basically do six steps in order to start your day. It’s like meditation visualization.
affirmations, reading, writing and exercise. So it’s like all six of those things. You do that in the first hour before you start your day. So in the book, he’s like waking up at like 4am or something like that. I know that’s not sustainable for me, I know I’m probably going to be waking up more like eight or possibly seven, but I’m going to stretch that, like, I wake up late normally. So my goal is I’m going to start doing that every day, at least for a month, that’s going to be my January challenge. That doesn’t mean I’m going to go to the gym every morning. I might just like do some quick squats and sit ups and push ups and get my blood pumping with like jumping jacks and stuff and then like do the other five steps and hopefully that will help improve my health. And I’ll try to go to the gym more. My boyfriend really likes going to the gym like every single day, so I needed to be consistent about it too. So hopefully I’ll join him more often. So yeah, that health scare was not cool. I definitely need to improve that. All right, my next thing is I need to finish up my courses. I have three courses in the works. In my previous video I talked about going
To the course workshop with Pat Flynn, right two of my courses were outlined at that workshop. Another one is basically dying with my friend Jason from frugal for less, of course, his blog launch profit and we’re going to teach you how to basically make money off of your blog, set it up from zero to maybe $1,000 a month, we’re going to give you a lot of information on SEO and keyword research can be a really powerful course. Anyway, we’re planning to launch that one and then we’re also going to launch an out of state rental course with my friend Sean as well as an Amazon course with him as well because we’ve been working on that together. That is the goal for my brand. Number three, I want to make better email sequences with my brand I feel like I can improve more ConvertKit has been amazing for me this year and I know I can do a lot more with it. So number three is I’m going to make better email sequences number four, I want to create my first webinar and I hope to do that with Sean because I feel like he is more extroverted person I am not as much and maybe you’ll make me feel more comfortable doing that with him and hopefully we could do one of those
pre recorded ones will do a live one ball. So maybe have that run so that it can be an automated process so that I can provide more free information for people and then show them my courses and stuff like that. So hopefully I’m going to get to that stage where I feel comfortable conducting my first webinar number five in terms of e commerce I want to spread from not just Amazon FBA, but also selling physical products on Etsy and eBay and Shopify. I have dabbled in those areas, but then I feel like I want to make them really legit brand around the niche that we’ve chosen that will include a lot of like custom packaging and really private labeling our products basically designing our own packaging, so we’re really excited about that. Hopefully, we’ll be able to grow that more. So next year back to digital nomad quest, I want to get on to at least 20 more interviews. I’ve been able to get on a lot of podcast interviews like Johnny FDS, podcasts, late night marketing, I’m going to be on to more I’m excited about for next year. Hopefully I get on 20 is my goal. I feel that
These guests collabs are really good basically for promotion and basically getting your name out there. I’d also like to do more affiliate marketing, I have my own niche site, but I could do more affiliate marketing within my own platform because I have a lot of resources I recommend, I just don’t talk about it enough for people to get more value out of it. So yeah, I feel like affiliate marketing will be one step for me as well. I also want to do more real estate investments. So I’m going to do an out of state property with Sean hopefully I get even more than that, though, not just one. So I’ve already gotten my first rental property until I’m 12. I really hope that I can get more of them in 2020 I have the capital I just need to look for the properties to invest in And lastly, I want to keep up with the content. I hope you guys are liking my content. I’ve been doing basically YouTube podcast and blogging. My blog has been crazy. I’ve been doing one posts a day. I don’t know if I can keep up with that anymore. But I’ve been pushing a lot of content out and I hope you guys are getting a lot of value out of it. Also, if you guys want to join my facebook group, check it out link below. A lot more people are joining that. I hope I can get more
People into that as well. So I hope you guys liked this episode on my 2020 goals and comment below if you guys have 2020 goals you have set out to pursue as well if you liked this video smash the like button subscribe, hit the bell button to be notified on my latest videos and I’ll see you guys in the next one.
Transcribed by https://otter.ai