Fincon 2019 Review

Is FinCon Worth it? My Review of FinCon

Sharon Tseung Personal Finance 1 Comment

Is FinCon worth it?!

Well, last week, I attended FinCon (2019) and it was a blast, to say the least. I never really thought I would nerd out over branding and email opt-ins this hard, but that’s how I’m feeling right now. I wanted to provide my review of FinCon because I’ve been on this high after the conference.

I’ve basically been working nonstop these past few days because I feel more confident in my purpose and my future moves. I’m extremely excited about my next steps with my website. FinCon gave me a lot of clarity on what I need to do to REALLY take my brand to the next level, and a lot of it is not what I would have realized if I hadn’t gone to the event.

So let’s get to it. Here’s my review of FinCon, and how FinCon is changing my business!

Is FinCon Worth it?! My Review of FinCon

First Impressions

Arriving to FinCon, I was shocked at the amount of attendees who were visiting. I mean, even Pat Flynn told me about how the number of attendees has been extremely large since the start of the conference:

pat flynn instagram


The Goodies

The booths were awesome too. My boyfriend and I grabbed so much swag from the event LOL.

Some of the notable booths included…

Free headshots and shirts by FinCon:

fincon headshots

Ally’s cupcakes with our faces on them:

And some other goodies we got from Cozy and other companies of the like, including picnic blankets, pens, notebooks, and more.

They also had a pre-party and an after-party where you could get food and drinks as well:

fincon party

I thought about it and the goodies ALONE already started to make up for the $300 ticket. I mean, we picked up a picnic blanket, a headshot, some pens, a deck of cards, a shirt, cupcakes with our faces on them, and stuffed ourselves with food and drinks for two nights – that’s all worth $300 right? Lol jk. But real talk, compared to other conferences you get a lot for the ticket price.

The Seminars

Okay this is where I was surprised. When I bought tickets for FinCon – I didn’t realize it was solely for financial content creators and influencers. I actually thought I would learn more about finance, which I was okay with. My goal was just to learn, attend more conferences this year, and meet cool people.

Little did I know I would learn best practices that would change the way I did my business.


In some conferences I’ve attended, the speakers’ backstories would consume 80% of the talk, and the other 20% included mindset or general advice that didn’t ignite any actionable steps for me. Inspiration is cool, but I am MORE inspired by learning strategic advice and understanding the details and steps behind a success story.

FinCon did things differently. There were so many amazing breakout sessions that went straight into the technical & nitty gritty around entrepreneurship and marketing where I was ACTUALLY LEARNING!


Even being introverted, I felt comfortable enough to ask a lot of questions because I knew these experts could teach me a lot. The cool thing was the speakers were RELATABLE. A bunch of them started where I was and attended FinCon each year, and they were able to grow their sites/YouTube channels 10X in a short period of time. They provided exact numbers, timeframes, and what little tweaks they did that resulted in each growth spike.

Another amazing thing was there were tons of breakout sessions that allowed you to choose what fit your business best. If you were a podcaster, they had a podcaster track that educated you on actionable steps for your podcasting business. If you were a financial planner looking to get clients, they had a track for how to get more business. Therefore, you had many choices of what to learn and didn’t have to waste time on sessions that weren’t informative for you!

I was shocked at the information that was provided. I will provide more notes I took at FinCon later!


For a while I’ve been feeling kind of alone in my endeavors. I really wanted a mentor or others to discuss with. I had been looking for like-minded people with similar or more experience as I have. I even started a meetup group in the Bay Area that has been fun, but a lot of my members are just starting out with their online businesses.

FinCon really brought together a lot of people I felt were similar to me. I met some cool YouTubers including Sean Lei, Arvabelle, and The Bemused:

As well as Ryan Scribner, Nate O’brien, and Apple Crider:

And of course…the big real estate bosses, Graham Stephan and Meet Kevin!

I even got to meet Alex Nerney from Create and Go – someone I’ve been following for a long time and had bought 2 of their courses (Pinterest Traffic Avalanche and Six Figure Blogger):

Something about speaking with people in real life beats doing it online. I got to actually make some deeper connections and stay in touch with these entrepreneurs. I now feel comfortable that I have people to talk to when I have questions. One of the biggest resources is the FinCon Facebook Group, which is highly active and makes me feel like I can openly ask anything I need to there!

Conclusion – How FinCon is Changing My Business

So if you’re asking “Is FinCon worth it?” – The answer is YES!

I made a video of my review of FinCon as well!

FinCon taught me that I need to really focus on branding, increase my number of opt-ins/content upgrades, fix my email sequences, and more. I also realized I need to produce more content and work on my affiliate marketing. I’ve already fixed my home page in terms of what my brand is about and what my menu should look like. Next I’m going to work on giving the reader a clear direction of what to do after they land on my home page.

Another thing I realized at the conference was that people actually read my blog. I had one reader come up to me telling me how much my blog inspired them, and another telling me they’ve heard of my website before. I was surprised and it made me want to work on my site more.

This was my favorite conference I’ve gone to so far, and I already bought my ticket for next year. I’m really impressed, and I now want to find even more conferences like this one – so if you guys have any suggestions for other conferences for content creators and entrepreneurs, let me know.

Hope you enjoyed my review of FinCon! Also if you want to purchase a ticket, check out FinCon here:


my review of fincon


About the Author

Sharon Tseung

Hi, I’m Sharon Tseung! I’m the owner of DigitalNomadQuest. I quit my job in 2016, traveled the world for 2 years, came back to the Bay Area, and ended up saving more money and building over 10 passive income streams on my digital nomad journey. I want to show you how you can do the same! Through this blog, learn how to build passive income and create financial and location independence.

Comments 1

  1. Hi, great summary of FinCon! I attended in Orlando in 2018 so I enjoyed reading what 2019 was like. I’ve switched gears now away from the personal finance niche and am building a Yelp like site for content creators…it focuses on courses, conferences, memberships and tools.

    Will you do me a huge favor and write a short review of FinCon on my site? Also, I see you have a course, so if you’d like it listed for your customers to write reviews, let me know and I’d be happy to add it. Thanks!

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