Best Microphones for UNDER $100?! FIFINE USB Microphone K678 Review (I upgraded my mic!)

Sharon Tseung Personal Finance Leave a Comment

I upgraded my microphone to the FIFINE USB Microphone K678! I used to use the Plug & Play Mic. Both are budget mics for under $100! Let me know what you think about the sound quality for both :).

FIFINE K678 USB MIC (new):
FIFINE Plug & Play Mic (old):

Best Microphones for UNDER $100?! FIFINE USB Microphone K678 Review (I upgraded my mic!)


Below is a transcription of the podcast. This transcription was taken from so it might not be completely accurate:

Sharon Tseung 0:00
Hey guys, it’s Sharon from digital nomad quest and today I’m excited to show you guys this microphone that I received from five fine. In this video I’m going to do an unboxing and review of the five FINE K 678 USB microphone. Now if you guys are new to the channel, welcome, I’m all about tg on how to build passive income become financially free and design Best Live. So if you guys are interested in that, make sure to subscribe and hit the bell button to be notified on my latest videos. So as a full disclosure, feifei actually sent me this microphone. And the crazy thing is I’ve been using their other microphone for the entirety of this YouTube channel. The interesting thing is, I don’t know if you guys know this, but I’ve been doing music for a while I have another YouTube channel for music. It’s slash Sharon st, where I have a bunch of covers and music videos up there. And for the microphones for that channel. I’ve been using multiple condenser microphones that are high quality, but you have to hook it up to like an audio interface. And it’s super complicated where I decided to purchase this $20 like 20 to $30 USB microphone from feifei. And I didn’t have too many expectations, it had really high reviews on Amazon. So I was like why not. And lo and behold, this microphone is actually really good. I’m super surprised by the audio quality. I feel like you guys like the audio quality as well. And many people have actually approached me asking which microphone I use. And the crazy thing is when I link it, I’m like, yo, it’s actually a really cheap microphone. And it’s really good. So multiple people have actually purchased this one. And even my boyfriend started using this one for his YouTube videos because he thinks is good quality. Now the fact that they sent me another microphone, I’m already like, super pleased with the company. And I’m sure the quality is gonna be even better than this one. So I’m super excited to open it. Hope you guys are too. You know, you guys already seen the video upgrade since a couple months back, I upgraded to this new studio with the better camera with the lights and everything like that. So having a microphone upgrade is perfect. So again, thank you fine for sending me this. I’m already an avid supporter of your brand and company. Now let’s go do an unboxing of this microphone. Alright, so now we are unboxing this microphone, and I’m already really impressed with this packaging. So they’ve actually rebranded their logos nice, I love this little smiley face here, it’s already got some information about it here. So let’s go ahead and open it. Okay, got this booklet and the social media stuff here. I like the packaging already. So this is what it looks like up front. So pulling this microphone up, it’s actually a lot heavier than I thought it would be. So it looks like this. And then it has this stand here. Let’s it prop it up. It feels really high quality metal. And it has like these two knobs here that allows you to control the mic gain as well as the headphone gain. It also lets you push this button here to mute or unmute. Now let’s keep looking at their other things. So this is for attaching to the bottom here. So I’m going to attach it on the bottom. But I don’t need this because I’m probably going to prop this up on the desk, I’m probably just going to keep it like this. But I’m going to put this on the bottom just in case I don’t want to lose it. But this is something I can attach to a stand if I need to in the future. See what else they have here. This is the last thing. So let’s open this. Okay, of course, this is the connection to the laptop. And it’s actually really nice. I love the packaging. I love the design of everything here. So let’s go ahead and set this up with my Logic Pro. So I’m going to show you guys how I’m setting this up. So currently, I use Logic Pro with my microphone, and I export the audio files and match it up with my videos, then send that to my editors. So then they edit it for me. Now I’m going to disconnect this because I’ve been using their other microphone and we’re going to connect this new one here. Testing 123testing 1230. All right, so now I have the microphone set up. So essentially, I hooked up the USB to the laptop and I selected the device, it was super easy to set up. So I’m already set up now. And essentially they have these knobs, right so I can turn up the gain or turn it down. So let me just do that right now. Testing, testing, testing, testing, testing, testing, testing, testing, testing. Alright. So as you can see it’s peaking now, so I’m going to bring it back down. So we’re probably going to talk around here, sorry, I like that. I can control that. All right, now we have the microphone set up and we’re going to move back to this view so I can talk about it a little bit more. So this is kind of a sound test. As you can hear. I’m going to make it a little bit louder right now Testing, testing 123. Now I’m going to just say align and you guys can compare and see what you guys think. Alright guys, so now we’re going to do a sound test of the microphone. This is the front I find k 678 microphone or here’s a sound test, make sure to smash the like button. If you guys like this video, comment below and let me know which microphone you actually prefer. And let’s see if this microphone is good or not, I’m gonna finish the video with the K 678 microphone. And it’s really interesting because I feel like both microphones are really good. I was listening back to them and I do feel like the quality is better with this one. However, I do feel like it is making my higher frequencies more emphasized, I feel like you would need to do some post editing to boost the warmer frequencies. This video is not going to be audio edited, it’s going to make sure that volumes are matched for both of these microphones. But I’m not going to do any tweaking when it comes to frequencies and boosting like the warmer tones and stuff like that. I want to make sure you guys hear it raw. So the great thing is both of these microphones in my opinion are great from feifei. And I don’t think you can go wrong, I would say that this one does sound higher quality, you can let me know what you guys think in the comments below. But I want to link this microphone in the description. And if you guys do purchase the microphone through this link, it would just support the channel at no extra cost to you because I would get a small commission from the sale. So in summary, I think both of these microphones are great. This one is super cheap if you want to get started with it and then this case 678 is higher quality if you guys want to upgrade again I love the packaging. I love that it has the two knobs it’s a total upgrade because this microphone doesn’t have any tweaking and this one has like a weight to it, it just feels more luxurious. It’s like two pounds ish and this one’s way light right so you can bring this anywhere you go if you need to do a session on the go or something like that, but this one is definitely higher quality. I also liked that there’s a mute button in the front where you can tap it and then it’ll be muted if you are red and it will work if it’s green and it’s very cool that you can move the microphone up and down. So overall I’m really happy with this microphone. Thanks again five fine for sending this over and upgrading me from my previous microphone. Again if you guys like this video comment below let me know what you think about the audio quality. subscribe, hit the bell button to be notified on my latest videos. I’ll see you guys in the next one.Transcribed by


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    About the Author

    Sharon Tseung

    Hi, I’m Sharon Tseung! I’m the owner of DigitalNomadQuest. I quit my job in 2016, traveled the world for 2 years, came back to the Bay Area, and ended up saving more money and building over 10 passive income streams on my digital nomad journey. I want to show you how you can do the same! Through this blog, learn how to build passive income and create financial and location independence.

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