Hey everyone,
I’ve been pretty MIA on the blog as certain personal things have happened in my life. I don’t think I will be sharing everything – I was kind of at one of my lowest points to be honest. But even though I have my ups and downs, I feel like I’m in a much better spot than I was 1-2 months ago!
With the things I’ve been going through, I’m going to try to do the following:
– I don’t want to feel bad or apologize for being who I am, ever!
– I want to be more objective with my life – no slump is ever permanent. My future is still unwritten.
– I want to be more present rather than look at the past and future too much.
– I want to focus on things I’m passionate about and ways to help others.
For a while, I started feeling lazier and less purposeful. I wasn’t my best self and I was anxious about where my life was heading. I remember before traveling – even while I was working full-time, I held down 2 other freelancing positions, worked on my online businesses, and created music on the side. I worked crazy hard, had drive, and was excited about life. And from the start of traveling, I was so excited by life’s opportunities and wonders. I want to get back to that level of hard work, passion, and positivity.
I’ll fill you guys in on some big updates: I’m back in the Bay Area now and feel like it is a good move to be here because I’m around my friends, family, and a lot of like-minded people. It’s great to have that support network. I’m also going to be very honest: I decided to take a full-time position, which I’m actually really happy about because it’s helping me towards my goals in different ways. I didn’t take the job because of money issues, as my passive income is still working well for me. So having that option and pursuing what is in line with my gut is great!
I know it seems like I’ve “given up”. But I called this post digital nomad 2.0 because there’s this thing that seems to happen after traveling as a digital nomad and figuring out your true self. My friend Chris talks about it in the below video. Many digital nomads come across this feeling in which they end up wanting to settle down somewhere more long term. I’ve pretty much done this thing for 2 years now and have experienced something similar. It was never my intention to nomad forever (though I always saw myself having 2-3 home bases around the world). To me, digital nomading doesn’t mean needing to travel forever and never having a home base. It’s more about the freedom to do what you love.
Now, I have also decided I’d like to start working on the blog again. I hung out with my friend over at FiFighter and we were talking about really working on our blogs/brands. It got us super excited and motivated. I’m going to help him with building a course! Unlike other “gurus” out there, he actually knows what he’s doing and has the track record to back it up, and he’s been teaching people for free for 6 years. I’m nowhere near his level but it makes me want to build myself up as well. I think I’ve learned a thing or two while I’ve been traveling, pursuing passive income, and things like that, and it has been fulfilling providing information that people can learn from. We’re super stoked about creating a team and pursuing the same vision of helping people attain freedom.
One of my passions – that I almost lost sight of – is to inspire people to live out their lives the way they want to. We’ve been given this gift of life, so why not make the most of it! With this blog, I’m here to help you live your full potential. It doesn’t matter if you want to or don’t want to travel all the time. It doesn’t matter if you love or hate your job, etc. I want to help you attain the financial and location freedom to pursue whatever you dream of pursuing, so that money and location don’t become factors anymore in your choices. My current life decisions are based on what is right for me at the moment, and I think we should always follow our gut. Pursuing passive income is a means of removing the external factors that might stifle the life decisions you want to make deep down.
Anyway I’m glad to be back. Let’s hustle and live our best lives!
– Sharon
Comments 4
haha thanks for the mention and glad to see you posting again so soon after our meet up!
You got this! Time to kick ass!
Woot let’s do this!
You enjoyed nomading for two years! Good luck with your new job! I know you said it’s not about the money, but the salaries around here are amazing!
I left a very good job 10 years ago, early retired, traveled, tried a lot of new things, but I also settled back in the Bay Area. Honestly, my old career still calls back to me even now… It’s shocking how much tech compensation has gone up from already very high levels 10 years ago.
The salaries are pretty crazy here, but I guess the expenses & cost of living here can be shockingly high as well! And yeah, I feel like after a while the regular schedule and learning experience of a full-time position is nice! Thanks for the comment