How to Find Off Market Properties Using Direct Mail (REAL ESTATE MARKETING TIPS)

Sharon Tseung Investing Leave a Comment

In this episode, we talk about how to find off-market properties using direct mail and evaluate some direct mail pieces we’ve received!

Here are some resources mentioned / ones to help you with finding off-market deals:
– Try out Propstream for FREE for 7 days:

– Open Letter Marketing:

– Yellow Letters Complete

– Ballpoint marketing to help you do direct mail:

– RESimpli CRM:…

✅ If you want the step-by-step guide on investing out-of-state to buy rental properties, check out our course Remote Rental Riches!

How to Find Off Market Properties Using Direct Mail 🏠 (REAL ESTATE MARKETING TIPS)


Below is a transcription of the podcast. This transcription was taken from so it might not be completely accurate:

Hey guys, it’s Sharon from digital nomad quest. And this is shot with everything in Rei.
And today we’re gonna go over tips on creating the best direct mail pieces for real estate investing. Now if you guys are new to this channel, welcome, I’m all about teaching y’all how to build passive income, become financially free, and design your best life. So if you guys are interested in that, make sure to subscribe and hit the bell button to be notified on my latest videos, make sure to subscribe to Sean’s channel where he talks all about real estate investing.So let’s back up and talk about why people do direct mail marketing for real estate investing. A lot of people are curious how to get the best deals, how to get the affordable ones off market to invest in. And there’s so many different strategies to finding a good deal and one of them is direct mail marketing. And the way you do it is you’re going to send postcards or written letters to the owner directly and see if they’re interested in selling the property, the response rate might be low, because they’re probably getting bombarded with a bunch of these letters and there might not be ready to sell however, there can be situations where it’s actually beneficial to the owner because they might be having financial difficulties, they might be going through divorce, and they want a massive change in their life. So it could be coming at the right time for these owners.So the beauty of direct mail, in general, is that you’re able to scale your marketing efforts. So for example, the best way to do it is really to go door to door but as a physical human being could only go door to door and knock on so many houses in one day. Whereas for direct mail pieces, you can just send out a blast of 10s of 1000s at one shot if you want to physical mail is also better because they can physically hold on to it and maybe put it in a drawer somewhere. And in months or years later, they might open it up and say hey, are you still interested in buying my house.Now let me go over briefly how to find your list of contacts as well as how to start sending these direct mail pieces before we go into like crafting the best direct mail piece. And one of the best ways to find your lists of owner contacts is actually prop stream.
So prop stream is an amazing tool that many real estate investors use to identify their leads and be able to stack different lists. So people who are on a foreclosure list people who are in a tax lien list, you can stack all these together and find those particular individuals who may be more willing to sell because if you just market to everyone in the phonebook, you’re gonna be spending a lot of money. So a prop stream is a great tool that enables you to hone down your list to people who are most likely to sell their properties.
And the portal makes it so it’s easy to filter and then export into CSV all your contacts so that you can easily upload that into the marketing platform of your choice in order to send out these direct mail pieces.

So in the past, I’ve used these two direct mail providers, yellow letters complete, as well as open letter marketing. So by briefly going over it, you can see that they have these like direct mail pieces, it doesn’t look like someone just typed it on computer, they have these fonts that look like someone wrote it. And as you can see here on this thing, there’s like this auto pen. So now you actually have a robot that’s physically like moving a pen, so you can see the difference. And you know, people actually really vibe with those better. It feels like wow, someone took the time to write me a physical handwritten letter, I’m going to spend more time reading it versus Oh, some guy just randomly typing stuff and blast it to 10,000 people.

So that’s one of the tips real quick, actually, that there are different types of marketing materials you can use. You can do flyers, you can do postcards, you can do written letters like this, and you don’t have to write it out all the time, if you have a template that you want to send out to everybody. So you might want to test out your response rate with these different types of marketing materials and the different types of copy you’re going to use on the materials. And we’re going to go over some examples later on of different types of copy. And we’re going to evaluate as well.

Alright, so going back to it, as you can see, here we go that was complete, you can decide if you want the small envelope, the large envelope, you know, different colored envelopes, just testing things out to see what works. And we found that, you know, different markets respond to different types of marketing. Some people would just prefer these postcards, because they’re a lot cheaper. Some people like using letters better. If we look at the pricing, let’s see what they cost. You can see here that the more you spend, the cheaper things get for 100, you’re paying $1.93 for 25,000, you’re paying 95 cents, which is like half the price. I mean, these prices have increased quite a bit since when I was first doing it, they used to be only 70 cents. Now we’re at $1 Plus, and everything comes with volume.

See postcards are only like 42 cents. So some people just like sending postcards because like the more touch points you get, the better it is. And people also like to vary it up. So again, this is yellow is complete. And then we have open letter marketing. So the thing I like best about Open Letter marketing is that they have campaigns for you. So they don’t really mention it here. But again, the cool thing about open their marketing is that they have the campaigns where they will automatically write the templates for you. And they’ll probably give six touches. So send this batch of mailers six times to the same person, you know, varying intervals, like every month or every six weeks. And that way, the more touch points they get, the more likely they’re going to be able to call you or recognize your letter. I also didn’t
want to add that Shawn brought up a good point that like it depends on the market as well like that some markets respond better to certain types of mailers. And you might want to see what’s more common in your area. It’s also kind of like what will stand out from the crowd as you’re doing this. So if everyone’s getting like the same thing over and over again, it might be better to try something different. So it’s a good idea to look into what the target market is actually receiving and mailers.

So I’ve talked about the different kinds of direct mail letters, we’re actually going to open up some of the ones that we received because we own properties out of state, we are not owner occupied landlords. And so we are actually a big target for real estate investors who want to buy properties off market. So when talking about these direct mail pieces, we just want to go over a little bit of our background. So for me, I’ve actually been in marketing for around nine years or so now and have worked at Google and other companies. And we’re both investors. And he’s, you know, sent a bunch of direct mail pieces in the past as well, he actually looks through a lot of these direct mail pieces and has learned a lot along the way. We’ve also done research on like stats and things like that. And that’s why we just want to talk about these direct mail pieces and best practices.

As you see here, there are different types of letters here. We’re going to try to block out our address as much as we can, but this one is a yellow letter, which is really nice. The um, the yellow envelope, which stands out from everything else. This one’s pretty cool, because actually has the picture of the property, which could be kind of creepy for some people, but you know, for us, oh, we see, okay, maybe this guy drove by my house, maybe he knows exactly what home I’m talking about here. I personally think it’s too much. Yeah, this one here is is a regular blink letter. So nothing’s too special. But even some people, they have the postage stamps, right? They make it more colorful, so it stands out. And then finally, we got this one here where it’s like a handwritten envelope. So I’m like, oh, maybe someone I know from Jacksonville wants to send me an actual letter.

So I should open it. It’s not like tight like these other guys are. Alright, so you want to be honest and open the first one real quick, in my opinion, looking at all these different ones. I like the handwritten it just seems like it’s more personal. So like for this, you know, it looks like it’s a handwritten letter to him. So I think that’s good. The yellow like he mentioned does stand out.
Yeah. also looks very professional to like, they’re just like, it feels good. The textures on lovely, very nice. So Which one do you think is your favorite so far?

This one’s my favorite because of the handwritten stuff. This one. I mean, this one’s kind of creepy. Right? So maybe it’s the last one. Yeah. But then again, this one’s pretty bad too. Right? Because it’s just a regular letter. It doesn’t seem like anything interesting. And it also says, you know, electronic service requested so it looks like a bill. There’s something I don’t really want to open and this one seems okay. Because it you know, nice envelope. It seems trustworthy ish. So let’s open our least favorite one first. Let’s open this one with the picture on front. Yeah, go ahead and do the honest, I’m gonna open this like opening Christmas presents, you know, react videos, Chair, I guess.

Alright, so first of all, now that we open this letter, I was wrong. This is not an investor letter. This is a letter from a lender who wants me to refinance my house and to, you know, give me a lower interest rate at a low loan amount. So that’s nice, you know, to see this, but even then, as you can tell, direct mail works for all different types of industries in the real estate space, including loans offers to buy your property, etc. Okay, so let’s put this one away then. Okay. Let’s try another one.

All right. So let’s see here. trifold is this paper is pretty thick. Pretty nice though, which I can make sure we can show this. Alright, so here, we can see here. This guy has big branding right here. He has some BBB Better Business Bureau accredited business, which again, could be BS, but who knows, maybe it’s legit. And here’s what he says Dear bla bla bla, my name is and I’m interested in your property located at blink. And the reason you have received this letter is because I recognize your neighborhood as an area of potential growth. Have you considered selling I can put together a customized plan to fit your individual needs 99% of time my offers are higher than others in the business, you pick your closing date, or I can close in as little as seven days. I’m not a wholesaler I purchased everything I contract 100% of time allowing you to eliminate a middleman. All homes are purchased in as is condition and I paid all of your closing costs. You can even receive funds 30 days before move out. My company is locally owned with over 75 years of local real estate experience. I invite you check out reviews on my company online, calm our team today, if you want discuss your property in further detail with somebody who actually intends to close, please allow us to exceed your expectations. Best regards, and even give me a way to opt out of his mailing list, which is very rare. Usually they don’t do this. Okay, so what are your thoughts about this letter? And what are your thoughts about messaging?

Well, I think it kind of is like two different approaches one is like from a business versus one is like personal This one’s very like you can opt out all this stuff so it doesn’t give you that feel that they even care about you that they’re just like sending they’re just mass blasting this to everyone and like you can opt out and whatever to me that part is kind of weird but I think also the part about like I recognize your neighborhood as an area of potential growth for some reason I don’t like that I guess it sounds like oh, he can like really profit and it’s like more self serving versus like talking more about like your needs and like how you can help them type of thing. You just talking a lot about themselves. That was kind of my thought.

Yeah, I agree. He did mention some things about I am not a wholesaler. Now this is kind of weird because as normal consumer they don’t know what a wholesaler is. So to talk in this language, again, you’re probably talking to an investor. So maybe the reason why he messaged me is because he knows I am an investor. And that’s why he is targeting this message to me another investor. Whereas if he was targeting a homeowner, maybe they would have had a different message.

That’s true. So they knew that you were an investor, you’re at state. So that’s probably why it’s okay to speak like this. I think if you are speaking directly to the owner versus like an investor, I would totally use a different type of language. So that’s something to consider. Maybe this works well, because it is direct to investor, you’re going straight up no BS, talking about all the different points. What are your thoughts on that? Yeah, because if you’re talking to a homeowner, you want to make it more like caring, right? Like, oh, like maybe I grew up in this neighborhood, I like this area a lot. Or talk about how easy it is for us to handle like clothes, you know, even helping you move out, right? Like they didn’t mention that they didn’t mention that I can pay you before moving pay for closing costs. But other than that, like, I didn’t feel like any warm funds letter,I guess my mind kind of shifted like, Oh, this is actually contacting investor and says they have over 75 years of experience, which means they probably have done a lot of testing on like, what is working and what isn’t.

So that’s another thing you can think about is like, if you are checking some of the direct mail pieces you’re getting and seeing, like, what is probably better or not, you can probably see like, oh, this person has had this much experience, they probably tested different things out already. So it’s probably gonna work for them pretty well. So yeah, so what are your thoughts on like, is this a good one? Or is this a bad one?

It’s okay. I mean, it’s okay. I don’t want to say like, I don’t know if I would call this person because again, it’s like, if I call this person, it seems like I’m just going to get a member of his team and not him directly. And I get a lot of cold calls from just team members all the time. And it’s really annoying because they’re gonna ask you a bunch of questions, and they won’t be able to give you like a ballpark estimate without wasting an hour and a half your time and they’re gonna fall with you all the time to you, right. So I really want to talk to like the direct owner, to get like their feel and build rapport directly with them. And then also like, being able to get a number from them without wasting all my time. So that’s my opinion, not really a fan of that one. Let’s go on over to the next one. Let’s go over to this one here. This yellow one. Ooh, okay, so show what came inside the envelope. There’s two things two things one’s like a yellow a lateral yellow letter. And the other one is this is haplit.

Okay regarding your property at blank, dear Shawn, I’m writing you as a representative and the sole purpose of this letter is to announce our interest in making a cash purchase right now right now on this or any other property and they put their phone number in there is in the business of buying and selling houses in multiple house packages we rehab resale and rent properties we’ve been doing it for 15 years and we are committed to offering you the best possible price with an immediate closing date the details of our offer are as follows we will purchase your property in as is condition for immediate cash we will pay all closing costs and there will be no real estate Commission’s we enclose in less than 10 days we maintain the highest professional standards in the course of our dealings and thank you for considering this opportunity. We invite you your call anytime you put their phone number and their sign off.

Okay, so we have this little pamphlet here too. It says call clothes cash sell your home or the phone media fast, easy and safe. And they even give us a four step process with some amazing stock photos as you can see here call us today our friendly and knowledgeable licensed agents are available to serve you seven days a week get a cash offer we will complete a free property value analysis and give you a no obligation cash offer in minutes receive your contract there are no hidden fees and no closing costs our professionalism will make you glad you chose Meridian trust closer to your cash all you need to do is sign some paperwork and choose how you receive your money it’s that easy. And then you have testimonials from three people and then on the back you have some some reviews oh they’re on the Forbes real estate Council top workplaces from Sun Sentinel and Greenpeace work. So I’m not sure are these guys like a hedge fund or something? Thoughts Yeah, terrible letter. Really, I think it’s again this maybe to investor centric, but maybe that’s the best way they’re going.

That’s what I’m saying. Like the research shows. Okay, I actually like this one better than the other one. Why? My thought was well first with both of these I felt like okay, now I understand this is like really geared towards investors really like just on tech the business you will get a cash for just quickly all this stuff. And I mean, the last one, you know, they were saying like, Oh, your markets appreciating all this stuff. Like why would you tell the investor that like, wouldn’t they want to like keep the property if you’re saying that and then also, they’re just saying like, right away, okay, we’re gonna get the cash. I mean, let me check the other letter as
they say the same thing about how you’re gonna get the cash. You can even get cash before you close. That’s pretty good.

I think the yellow one we just read feels more direct. But yeah, one thing I noticed is we versus I think it kind of depends on On the approach this one is like he tells you his name. This one is like I’m a representative, which, okay, I don’t like that about this one. Like, I’d probably want to put my name so they both kind of do say it like we close in 10 days we close in seven days. Same thing. Yeah, yeah, I guess this one is really like telling you twice in bold like cash, immediate cash, all this stuff. So I think in general, like as you’re just like a beginner investor starting out or something like that, like you wouldn’t be writing these like under a company and targeting other investors, you’re probably going to be targeting homeowners, right?

Homeowners lots equity, but maybe in distress situation. Any other thoughts? No, I mean, again, I don’t really like this. Yeah, this thing also kind of weird, too, right? It feels like it’s an actual, like business. But that’s what it is, I guess, selfhood national business.

I guess what it is, is like it’s two different audiences. Like, yeah, owner versus investor? And do you just want like a business transaction, like here, they have testimonials. They have five star ratings and all that shown. So it’s like, oh, you can trust this company we have like, it’s, it’s on Forbes and all that stuff. So it’s like a different type of, you know, feeling Yeah, and different vibe. Versus like Santiago, Mom and Pop investor, you can just select a natural like, institution. So I guess I like it for that target market. And I guess you don’t like it.

Okay, finally, we have this one right here, which is a handwritten type letter on the outside. And you can actually see the inference. So someone did we’ll use a pen to read this out. Because see, though, the grooves on the envelope. Alright, so we have two pieces of paper inside. Whoa, this is weird. Okay, give me a sec. Let me wait, really, it’s pretty good. Pretty good. All right. So I got I got a little touched right here, I got a touch right here. So they’re off the bat, we opened this letter and actually has two pieces of paper inside. And this is really cool. Because one, you have your regular letter that just talks about blah, blah, blah, I want to buy your property. But then here, they actually give you the offer and tell you how much they want to buy for. That’s amazing. This is really cool. Because as a home seller, normally when you get letters like this, people just cuss you out. Right? They call you say mean things, but you offer an actual offer, then it’s like oh, well, cool. Like if I if I call him, then there’s usually means that I’m interested in that number.

Let me add one thing to like Shawn gets calls all the time for like to buy his properties. And it’s really funny because I’ll listen and he actually like entertains them and like, Okay, well how much or whatever. And then he’s usually talking to like a virtual assistant or something who doesn’t even know what the property is. And then to me, I will like all route you to somebody else. And then he’s like, okay, so like, you don’t even know what property you’re talking about. You don’t even have the number and you just ask stupid stuff like, oh, I want to buy your property, blah, blah, blah address. I said, Okay, sounds good. How much do you want to pay? Okay, like, can you tell me some information about it? Sure. How many bedrooms and bathrooms armour like, dude, just go on Zillow, you’ll find information like that. Like it’s, you know, like, you know what you’re talking about?

Yeah, it’s super impersonal. Whereas this is super directive, like, we’re gonna offer you x. And it’s literally like, if you sign it and everything it could go through right away kind of thing, right? If you scan it back to them, I guess. So it’s like they’re making it super easy for you, they are also personalizing it because they’re actually putting the number down.

So I mean, they probably use an algorithm to determine this number. But still, that’s, that’s still better than somebody on the phone being like, I don’t even know anything about your property, essentially. So that’s pretty cool. So let’s go into the actual error itself. So this thing is weird because it was written in, you know, the font looks like handwritten font, kind of cursive. But you can always tell it’s not because of all the little dots here, right?

It’s, it’s definitely not trained super. It’s just like a computer font. But But why is it like this? Why is it all a dotted? Maybe they’re
trying to make it look like a written letter, but it totally does not know. But like, it’s all like dotted so strange. Like the actual what words there’s like dots. So it’s like as it as it the font is like this on purpose. Well, it’s not good, basically, is what we’re saying. And I think the font is too small. So think about who’s going to be looking at this letter, it’s probably going to be something older, so they can read it. And I really like forget it and throw it away. So make sure your fonts are actually pretty big. Because look, yes, so much space here, like look at those extra spaces not using can make this you know, 14 funds, like 10 or whatever it is. Alright, but in any case, let’s read it.

Alright, so hello, Sean. My name is I’m a serious local buyer in Jacksonville and surrounding areas. We are actively buying homes and land in your area for my family and I’d like to speak with you about making an offer that works for you for your property on blink. We guarantee to close with a clear title. As soon as five days no repairs or updates required or realtor commissions. PS please keep this letter for future reference. If now is not the right time to sell your property. If you know of anyone else that might be looking to sell please give them to them. text or call me at blank for more information. Take care We appreciate you NDA into a number and then Okay, so here’s here’s his like his letter. You know what I think this printer is weird, huh just prints like all these weird dots everywhere, because it should be all like, flat. But there’s like little dots all across the font here anyway is a standard agreement to sell real estate is written on a piece of paper, obviously not like from their association of realtors.

But this real estate sale agreement is made between the seller and buyer, you’re filling your names. Whereas for good consideration, the parties may agree that seller agrees to buy the following property. So he didn’t put the address on this letter. It’s kind of weird. But then he wrote, buyer agrees to pay seller and seller agrees to accept 150,000. And it looks like there’s written an actual pen ink because you can kind of see the grooves here. That’s cool. He took time to write this down as total purchase price payable as follows. And then, you know, check, I guess. And seller warrants it as good and marketable title, blah, blah, blah. Thing is I bought this particular property for $70,000.05 years ago, and he’s offering me $152,000 is actually more than market value. So if he buys my property at this price, he’s probably gonna lose money. Interesting, but I don’t want someone property. And one of the advantages of buying directly for the owner to sell it as well. They don’t need to like hire an agent. Right. So they don’t have to pay a bunch of commission fees. 6% Usually, yeah. So that is another advantage to work with these types of people.

I mean, they’re also covering closing costs, which is also another 2%. So you’re thinking about it, you’re saving 8%, but you’re losing like 30% 40%? Because you’re signed to it invest directly. Yeah, I mean, they’re gonna offer a lower price than for the convenience. Exactly. But so the thing is, I guess, if you’re not losing 40%, you’re only losing like 32% Because you’re getting the 8% spread, because no agents and no closing costs.

Wait. So this is actually above market value, though, I think. So that’s pretty crazy. But we like to keep our own properties. So we’re probably you know, we’re not going to go with this. But like, it’s very interesting. I think what I don’t like about this letter is just like, it’s kind of harder to read, like because of the font and it’s also cursive. It’s kind of weird. I think they were really trying to make it a written letter. But it’s like, you obviously know this is printed, you know, you might as well just print it regularly, if you’re going to do that, so that I can easily read it. But something I liked was like the PS thing, that was a good thing to add. Because it’s like we never know, because maybe there’ll be ready in the future. So like, keep it and then like, let other people know about it, too. Like that’s a great thing to add. I think in there.

I mean, I’ve sent out direct mail pieces in the past and gotten calls two years later, because they kept my letter. In my case, the mom kept the letter passed away. And then when the son was like fixing her belongings different letter and then calling me.
Oh, okay, well, so let’s go over you know, we had four letters we open obviously, one doesn’t really count. But like the three we looked at which one was your favorite?

Definitely, this one right here is my favorite letter. There were some ways to improve this. I think if you did just pay a bit more money and opted for that ballpoint thing, I always been really impressed like, wow, this guy actually spent time to handwrite this letter, and with a ballpoint machine, you know, it’s legible. Like my handwriting is illegible. If I wrote 100 pieces, I’d be tired, I give up and be can read anyway. But this the way he did it is not the best. He also could have done bigger fonts, I can read better. But you know, just making it more personal saying that, you know, I’m a serious local buyer, and I’m buying it for my family. That’s really cool. You know, and he’s talking about PS keep the letter for future reference. Also really great. Everyone talks about making easy, you know, 70, close by the close, clear title. But you know, what really counts is like the personality. So if I call this person might be talking to this domain guy, which is cool, versus these other letters. Who knows what when we talk to, and I’m also really impressed that you had this thing right here is another piece of paper that shows how much you want to buy a property for as well as how much you pay for it.

Yep, I agree with everything Sean said. That was definitely my favorite one. So now let’s recap on some of our favorite tips and strategies when it comes to crafting these direct mail pieces. So one is do a lot of testing. So if you guys are going to do this direct mail stuff, you should actually test different pieces and see what’s getting better response rates. And what you could do is actually a B test. So you might send out to half of one version of copy and another version, a copy to another set. And that way you can compare response rates, as well as you could do you know, a handwritten letter for one and then like a postcard for another. So that’s another way to AV test as well.
Another big tip is that consistency is key. And actually received multiple letters from several these people time and time again month after month. And I usually throw them away. But for the purpose of this video, I try to keep them but you need to have multiple touches. If you just send out one batch and don’t get any calls back and give up then you can be very sad because it’s really all about sending multiple times. And I’ve heard somewhere it takes about seven different touches for them to actually reply back to you.

So if you want a cost effective way to do it, it’s just a bunch of postcards and not worry too much about the messaging until maybe you’re selling Six or seven times with that same person. So when you’re thinking about that you need to budget that amount of money for this direct mail campaign. It’s not just one blast, you have to do multiple. And like we showed the prices earlier. So you got to account for that, like, how many are you going to send? And how much does that cost. And that’s why it’s really important for you to do a lot of research on the front end to make sure you’re targeting people who are more likely to sell. And that’s why again, using a service like prop stream will help you a lot with finding those people who might be willing to sell.

Now another tip is to be personal when you are actually sending these. So we did kind of review two different types of target audiences. In my opinion, like one it felt more like he was speaking to someone on a personal level, like if it were an owner versus like speaking to an investor from a company standpoint. So we’re going to talk more about like kind of sending it to directly to an owner, because that’s probably what you’re gonna do starting out right, you’re probably going to be sending it directly to the owner and trying to make it more personal to them. And you want to make sure that doesn’t sound like just you know, you’re blasting to everybody. It’s not specific to them, you want to try to do different things like handwritten is nice. And what they did with the purchase and sale agreement, they actually put the number they would offer. That’s another way to personalize it. So just make it personal to the owner in that property.

No tip is to make it legible. Ideally, you have it on a bigger font. You know, personally, I prefer the ones that are more handwritten, like this guy’s envelope was definitely handwritten. Right? This is cool. This makes me want to open it. And when I see the letter is actually handwritten, then this is somebody that I’d rather call versus someone who just typed it up.

Yeah, I mean, also, you got to think about like, it’s kind of to like a barrier entry. This, this part is the barrier entry, right? Like, you need to make sure they’re going to open it. So like, yeah, make this enticing, like, you know, personal, if you’re going to do like a postcard or whatever, make sure it’s not ugly, like make sure it’s legible, make sure it’s aesthetically pleasing. So they’re gonna like look through it. Yeah, the thing is, like with this company, they have been sending me this letter over and over and over again, because I recognize this envelopes and like this style. So that’s also part of your branding to another point I would say is to make sure you’re providing value instead of just talking all about what you are and whatever, like see how you can help them so try to frame it in a way where it’s something that they know it’s like benefiting them.

Yeah, I guess another thing is that you want to be straight to the point because you don’t want like a super long essay. I did like how this guy bolded his topics but actually like their letter a bit better because they actually broke down everything into bullet point format. So it was very clear to see all the benefits that we were going to get from working with this company.

Yeah, if you go like too long with the essay like you know, I wouldn’t want to read it you want to make sure that like the information gets to you as quickly as possible. And finally I think that letter that said the whole PS keep this for future reference. That’s a great strategy for your letter because you never know if they’re in contact you years down the road like what happened with Sean so you want to make sure that they keep it they keep you in mind and possibly tell their friends they put that in the note too like if you know other friends are interested in selling like let them know about us so I love that they put that little PS now at the end and that might be something you consider as well so I really hope you guys enjoyed this video we talked all about direct mail marketing the best practices by people are doing it how to find your leads, how to start sending them out. So if you guys liked this episode, let us know in the comments below if you guys tried direct mail marketing or you guys are attempting to do it hope you guys found this video helpful if you guys liked this video, make sure to smash the like button. Subscribe hit the bell button to be notified on my latest videos. Also make sure to subscribe to Sean’s channel as well. Where are you talking about real estate investing. And I’ll see you guys in the next one. See you

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    About the Author

    Sharon Tseung

    Hi, I’m Sharon Tseung! I’m the owner of DigitalNomadQuest. I quit my job in 2016, traveled the world for 2 years, came back to the Bay Area, and ended up saving more money and building over 10 passive income streams on my digital nomad journey. I want to show you how you can do the same! Through this blog, learn how to build passive income and create financial and location independence.

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