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How to Setup Your Email Marketing and Coaching Calls with Kevin from Zero to UX (Ask Sharon #7)

Sharon Tseung Side Hustles Leave a Comment

Hey guys, this is another episode of the Ask Sharon series with Kevin Liang from Zero to UX where I answer his questions about setting up email marketing and your coaching call system. JFYI we recorded this a while ago so I’ve upgraded my email marketing immensely since then.

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– ConvertKit:
– Hostgator for hosting (code DNQ60 for 60% off)-
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How to Setup Your Email Marketing and Coaching Calls with Kevin from Zero to UX (Ask Sharon #7)


Below is a transcription of the podcast. This transcription was taken from so it might not be completely accurate:

Sharon Tseung 0:01
Hey guys, it’s Sharon from digital nomad quest. I’m here with Kevin from zero to UX. And Kevin approached me asking for tips on building up his website, right? Yep. So the two things you were asking about were the calendar setup, as well as the email marketing setup, right? Do you want to tell me more about what you’re like looking for? And then I’ll try to like guide you in the process.

Unknown Speaker 0:25
Yeah, no, I appreciate it. So the two things that I mentioned were number one, the calendar thing. My plan for that is while I do a lot of kind of consulting and mock interviews with my clients, so right now what I do is just email back and forth and say, Hey, are you free this time so I would like to just set up a calendar on my website, so they could just click a time and book it with me. And the second one is capturing their emails for my email list. Right now. I don’t really have anything except you know, the YouTube so what I have in mind is I would give her a freebies on my website, say like download here, put your email here and that’s how I might capture the emails. Okay,

Sharon Tseung 1:06
cool. Okay, so for the calendar portion, I’m not like an expert, because I don’t have that on my site. Alright, so I went to this like seminar in at fin con. And one of the dudes was talking about getting leads and clients for his website and how to like do that. So he was talking about putting a call to action, leading it to the landing page, and then like one action, which should be scheduling an appointment, and he recommended acuity and schedule once I think these are paid tools. But the good thing about those I think you can embed it into your website, but like there’s tools like calendly and this thing called, which is more of a marketplace for finding your expert I think so like if you were looking for like a consultant in like, like UX UI or whatever, they could find you there. But I think you can also do direct them to this tool to like Schedule your appointment. So you can set your rate there and schedule it there. So it depends if you want to do it external and also if you want to pay for it. So do you want to pay for it now? Or do you like care? Like,

Unknown Speaker 2:15
interesting? I haven’t thought about either having on my website itself or just directing it to somewhere else. Okay, I just want whatever is easier for my clients, so I don’t know.

Sharon Tseung 2:27
Okay, well, I think if you’re just starting out, I feel like you could just do the free tools right now, because it’s the same thing. Like you would just give them the link. So for calendly, you give them a link where you would put down the different times and dates that you’re available and it’s already like out there, and then when they click the link, they can just check the slot they want, right? Same thing I think with clarity, so let me show you a sample. Okay, so it lets you set your rate they take 15% fee, but this allows you to put it On a whole marketplace where people can find you through that platform as well. So I think if you click OK, yeah, it gives you times two. So this one’s pretty nice. It gives you another like platform to be on for calendly. Have you seen it? I think

Unknown Speaker 3:17
I’ve tried it out in the past. Okay. Okay. And it was pretty easy to use. It was like a trial for a couple two weeks.

Sharon Tseung 3:23
Oh, is it not free? Okay, there’s a Yeah, there’s a free option. Okay. So yeah, will you do for both of these is just send the link and be like, okay, like scheduled time. This is right. And then in terms of the email marketing part, I would recommend like either MailChimp for free or ConvertKit. And with ConvertKit you it’s like really robust because it has the capability to create landing pages and opt in forms. And I think that’s kind of what you are looking for. Right? Okay. This is where you would create your landing page and forms. So these are just the ones that you put on your blog. homepage or like on your blog posts, and you’d get the ConvertKit plugin so that you can just directly put the code or whatever and then I think it actually just links up the to like the account and then you can set the default form for everything. So like all your blog posts, it’ll have that form. So for me, it’s like this, like 21 ways to earn extra money online or something. But then like, if I wanted certain blog posts that talk about Etsy or something to have a different one, I just change it in the WordPress post.

Unknown Speaker 4:27
And you you created another form for Etsy.

Sharon Tseung 4:30
Yeah, you have to make a lot of different ones. I think that’s like the best way to get more subscribers. So you choose what you want, I choose this one usually because then I can put the like the image of the book or whatever here are, so you would do that. So the settings are like here, and you can like here, change the text whatever and the manager changes say this or

Unknown Speaker 4:56

Sharon Tseung 4:58
Okay, so then Alright, so you would click landing page and they have like a lot of different templates. So

Unknown Speaker 5:06
is this like a pop up landing page or like literally landing page landing

Sharon Tseung 5:11
page, you can do the pop up through the inline form thing that I showed you earlier. So there’s different ones where I select an inline, but there’s ones that’s like pop up, whatever. So I have a pop up on my site through ConvertKit as well. Okay, I’ll just choose one to show you. You can change the text here like Yeah. Okay, and then colors, everything. But yeah, all these different there’s a ton of different templates that you can choose. And I’m just I’m just gonna say okay, so the sequence is cool cuz basically, this is where the email sequences lie and it’s just like hella simple. Okay, so you just add more and then like you can be like, you know, after two days, and if you don’t want to send on like weekends, you can take this out you So it’s like how easy. So the idea with these sequences is you give them value and then upset something in the end or something. Usually you want to tailor it to their needs. So if you have blog posts around certain thing you hear me. So another cool thing is they have tagging. So you can create tags that help you organize them. Yeah, so like for different emails, you can be like, Oh, this one, this person, like needs help in this or whatever. And then you can segment them that way. There should be a way to automatically bucket them once you have them in a certain sequence. So when you’re making a new automation, see, that’s where you can, it’s visual. So it’s like really nice. So you can be like, add a tag here. Like oh, like, blah, blah, blah. Yeah, I mean, like, sign up. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 6:56
So yeah, ties the

Sharon Tseung 6:58
eye right now. I have it like it’s not good. I need to I need to redo everything. So I can’t like that. I shouldn’t be doing it where it’s like, oh, this one’s Etsy, Amazon FBA, like this one’s merged by Amazon. This one’s interested in affiliate marketing. And then like, keep going that way. I need to work on my email sequences a lot. So basically, yeah, they sign up for your default one, they get tagged and then you can make an event or actually, yeah, action, sir. So then that’s where you add the email sequence, the test or whatever, right? So now they’re dropped into that but like, you could, like segment them out even more if they do something like they could go to a different funnel and then different funnel. Interesting. Yeah. So I really like this because it has everything you need in one, right? Yeah, let’s go back to WordPress and see if we can

Unknown Speaker 7:50
basically I have no idea.

Sharon Tseung 7:53
Okay, let’s add a plugin. So, search for ConvertKit This is The one that will let you integrate this stuff so I guess that wraps up I guess coaching around what like new work Yeah, well ConvertKit I guess yeah kit and WordPress basic. So hope that was helpful for you guys as well.

Unknown Speaker 8:17
Thank you

Transcribed by

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    About the Author

    Sharon Tseung

    Hi, I’m Sharon Tseung! I’m the owner of DigitalNomadQuest. I quit my job in 2016, traveled the world for 2 years, came back to the Bay Area, and ended up saving more money and building over 10 passive income streams on my digital nomad journey. I want to show you how you can do the same! Through this blog, learn how to build passive income and create financial and location independence.

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