Setting Up Email Sequences through ConvertKit (Q&A with the ConvertKit Team)

Sharon Tseung Side Hustles Leave a Comment

In this video I speak with Angel from ConvertKit, and we run through the ConvertKit email marketing software. JFYI we filmed this a whiiiiiile back and my email marketing has dramatically upgraded since!

Recommended Resources:
– ConvertKit:
– Hostgator for hosting (code DNQ60 for 60% off)-
– Bluehost if you want to use Bluehost for hosting:
– Namecheap for domains:

How to Setup Your Email Marketing and Coaching Calls with Kevin from Zero to UX (Ask Sharon #7)


Below is a transcription of the podcast. This transcription was taken from so it might not be completely accurate:

Sharon Tseung 0:00
Hey guys, it’s Sharon from digital nomad quest. I’m here with angel from ConvertKit. Hey, glad to be here. Actually, maybe you can introduce yourself.Unknown Speaker 0:07
Yes. So my name is Angel Murray. I am the Webinar producer and host with ConvertKit. It is absolutely amazing. We are an email service provider. We help creators earn a living online doing what they love. We are actually here at Flint con. Right. And it’s pretty, pretty incredible. Yeah, so definitely, definitely enjoying herself. It’s been a amazing time.Sharon Tseung 0:26
Awesome. So I was thinking this video would be kind of about, like you have ConvertKit already. How do we improve the experience? How do we get more people on your list and things like that. And also, some of them are kind of questions I have about the platform like some a little bit maybe more technical, but yet we can give a little tutorial I’m going to do a quick screen share so that we can see what’s going on and let’s do it. Cool. So yeah, so I guess first question. So basically, this is my account right now. Yep. And I created it I guess a few months ago, and I wanted to know If you have any, like suggestions for my current, like setup, so I think I have two funnels going on, I guess I could tell you a bit about what I’m doing. So my website is I teach people how to build passive income through online businesses. And I have, you know, different income streams that I’ve pursued. So like one of them’s Etsy. The other one might be like blogging for money and stuff like that. So I have one funnel for Etsy, one for like, all subscribers, where they get a freebie for let’s see, like 21 ways to make passive income like the first one. The Etsy one is think like digital download ideas you can pursue for Etsy. Uh huh. So I’m wondering, maybe we can go into automations.Unknown Speaker 1:40
Yeah, when says okay, so I think the important thing to know once you have a ConvertKit account is understanding that this is a very streamlined, efficient and easier way for you to better communicate with your audience. So once you know how to utilize the tools in here, it’s just all about having the right content and having the right context. That’s going to communicate the Best with your email list. And you can do that through having multiple funnels like Etsy and just kind of maintaining your entire email list so that you know exactly who you’re talking to who likes what, and therefore being able to better serve your community. So for example, if we go under automations if I can just kind of take a look at some of yours in here,Unknown Speaker 2:19
I think only one Well,Unknown Speaker 2:20
that’s okay. No, that’s fine. Should I go ahead and create a new one?

Sharon Tseung 2:24
Yeah, well, let me check the I think sequences real quick. I do have one for at sea, I guess maybe it’s just like, Oh, you know, I guess nothing’s okay. Right. Yeah, I guess I only have one funnel going on right now. This one. Yeah. So that one is the the intro one where whenever you sign up, you can get a freebie and also afterwards I do promote my course. I pitch it I think in the fifth email. Yes. So

Unknown Speaker 2:52
so this is is this course paid for it like they have to pay to get them? Yes.

Sharon Tseung 2:56
Okay. This is great.

Unknown Speaker 2:58
I love how you set up this email sequence already, this just kind of shows that you are consistently communicating with them. And this is when they first opt in, right? Yes. Okay, great. So this already looks great. I think my one suggestion as far as to make this better, where you can serve more of your email list is to take this course and put it into a different email sequence. Because at this point, you are promoting something that is going to help boost your business right? And so when you promote something, you want to be able to constantly remind people that’s just a part of being human. We constantly need reminders just so that we can opt in and have different options for Okay, when can we opt in and what time does it start and when does this happen? And what do I get if I sign up so you want to make sure that they’re fully informed so sending out one email is great. But sending out multiple emails that are sweet and to the point and just are super all about your subscribers and they really feel that bond. They really feel like they can trust you when it comes to bringing them back. Quick result and quick transformation. If they were to watch the course, would boost your business even more. So for example, you could put this into an entirely different email sequence. And this sequence could be called course promotion. So this could maybe be your first course email promoting it right. And then the second one might come out three days later, saying, Hey, I’m also going to throw in this if you sign up within the next 24 hours. And then the third one would be maybe five days after you know what I mean. I’ve seen a lot of creators who are promoting a course a specific workshop or specific course over a span of like eight days, 10 days. And that’s just because they’re constantly reminding their audience they’re constantly giving them extra freebies, if you sign up now, you’ll get this if you do this, you’ll get this and just really keeping in touch with them. And I think that type of interaction builds such a deeper relationship with your email list and you really really want that Yeah, and I think every well not everybody, but people should know the beauty behind email marketing, but even further than that, understand the beauty of how close you really do feel with drivers because they feel like they can trust you. They know your story, they know who you are, they understand how you can help them and they’re gonna want buy from you and become those loyal customers. So I think right here would just all be about really putting this into an entirely different email sequence that specifically based on promotions, okay. Other than that, this was great. So

Sharon Tseung 5:19
yeah, I start, you know, like, here, I go into the Etsy bar on the fourth email. So I’m wondering, do you think this should be in a separate one, the beginning when you like, first sign up, you just get like valuable information? And that’s kind of all you get specifically for

Unknown Speaker 5:33

Sharon Tseung 5:34
So this is just the Welcome to the site in general. Yeah, so that’s perfect for the first one. Yeah. Then this one’s good. I just give a little bit more like info that like kind of free value info, and I’m just teaching What are kind of setting Yeah, so it’s like you’re setting it up for understanding passive income and like, why why it’s so great. Yes. And then the next one’s kind of like, Alright, here’s some ways you can do that. These are great

Unknown Speaker 5:59
ideas. Would recommend maybe spreading these out a bit more, okay? It’s really important for people to feel like you truly do want them like you truly do care about them. It’s also important to be respectful of their time as well and their energy. So I think constantly and consistently emailing them is great, but also understanding how far apart you could Yeah. So maybe that would be twice a week rather than like three in one week out. I mean, totally up to you. I just think it to better serve your customers. It’s just really all about like, for example, it depends, right? So maybe somebody is all about giving motivational words right in their emails. And that’s great. So maybe they send one out, you know, every other morning. That’s cool. However, you are giving them really, really great information right where they are learning something in an email. You don’t want it to be information overload, right? You want them to stay steady. You want them to feel like okay, they’re really catching them on things. give them time to read the first email and learn about that. First email, and then they’ll go into the second information. You know, that’s that would be my opinion just based on this specifically because you’re teaching the SPI, Smart Passive Income type of vibe. Yeah, that would be my recommendation. But again, this is all you so customize it the way that you want it to. Yeah, so that would be really my my advice on on that other than that, I think it’s great.

Sharon Tseung 7:22
When you get into this funnel, how do you move it to, you know, you said a second funnel, right? So if I had a second funnel to Etsy course, should I direct all these like new people to it? And also, how do I send them this one first, right and then like, move them to that C funnel?

Unknown Speaker 7:39
Right? Right. So you can do that by trying to think this would have to be put into an automation

Unknown Speaker 7:50
that way there right now this is just a sequence,

Sharon Tseung 7:52
right? Yeah, I do. I think I have one if you click auto emissions, I do have the you know, the form goes to the Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 7:59
I would love to see back.

Sharon Tseung 8:00
Yeah. And then does the after this. Like, do I attach another automation? Is that worse? Yes. So we’ll wait for this to

Unknown Speaker 8:09
load. And which one is it? So

Sharon Tseung 8:11
is this and it’s just like the two different forms. I have those two this time. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 8:16
So if I click here, so I can get that full view. Okay, so this is your funnel, right? So these were the two forms that people could opt into, and therefore they are going to be receiving this email sequence, right. So therefore, let’s say, if you were to get rid of that course promotion, like that fifth email that you have in a sequence that you showed me and put that into its own separate email sequence. That’s where you could go down to here and you can choose what action you’re wanting to take. So are you going to want to add another email sequence to this? Are you going to want to add an event of some sort where you are adding tags if you hover over it, it will say events will pull a subscriber forward in your automation when something happens removing them from the previous Step. So you can read up more on this by going to help ConvertKit calm just so that you can fully understand what all of this means. However, you could easily right here, add another email sequence. And it’ll pop up in here, once you create that sequence up here. So for example, it’ll create a sequence that says course promotion, and then under here, it’ll pop up, you can add that in here, click Add action, and that email sequence will pop up again, okay, so therefore, if they’re all falling under here, maybe like a week later, they’re going to start receiving that course promotion again, that way, it’s just better control. You have people that are in the welcome series, but then you also have people that are in the course sequence as well so that you can better serve your community by understanding. Okay, well, these are all the people that are receiving a welcome email. And these are all the people that are getting the promotions for my courses, so you’re able to better detect well who’s actually clicking to buy it and who’s not and then from there, you can break them off again, where you’re showing these are the people that are buying it. These are the people that are not and then you can send out two different emails, the ones that bought it, say Thank you so much for purchasing this course is going to drop on the stage, right? Yeah. And then the other group of people that didn’t buy it, you can better communicate with them by saying, Hey, I see that you didn’t sign up for my course yet. I’m throwing in a freebie as another chance for you to join. You know what I mean? Yeah, this just allows for a very easier streamlined way to communicate with different people. Yeah, your email list is beautiful, right? Everybody in there really cares about what you have to say, and your business, but everybody’s gonna be different. So you want to be able to serve them in the best way possible.

Sharon Tseung 10:27
That’s interesting. So basically, when someone clicks it, and they purchase, that should be another trigger. So does that mean you guys have like integration with teachable or something like that? I wouldn’t know that they purchased it.

Unknown Speaker 10:37
I’m not too sure on the integrations with teachable all of the integrations that we have here. Like I want to go over here and yeah, teachable integration. So we do do that. So if you’re going to want to do that, it this will show you a tutorial on how exactly you can just to better serve you as a creator. Yeah, well, but yes, so you would do that such as teachable, if you would like but you would also do that most importantly, using tags and segments. So therefore your labeling, which is the group of people that are interested in which art and then you can better serve them.

Sharon Tseung 11:09
Yeah, that’s that’s like great information. I think a lot of it kind of incorporates tags and triggers and things like that, right? So something Pat Flynn does, right? Is he he asks his users like, oh, have you create a business yet? Or have you like created one and then make like hundred thousand or you make over 1000? Like, if they click that link, they’re gonna be into another funnel and sounds like you can kind of do that here. I saw like tag added tag removed, like, Can you do that to specific links? And then once they click that link, they’re already automatically put in that next funnel? Yes,

Unknown Speaker 11:41
yep. So you can definitely do that. So that would be in the realm of link triggers. And you could definitely look up a tutorial on how to do that we do have that specifically for our ConvertKit users. So that you’re able to put in those link triggers that’ll bring them into Oh, they want this or maybe Oh, they didn’t choose this, and therefore, you’re able to Put them into separate funnels, and then maybe those funnels each had different email sequences that you don’t even have to touch, right? Because they’re sending automatically that again, it’s just going to be able to communicate them based off of the action that they took.

Sharon Tseung 12:11
Okay, cool. So everything’s within it, there’s no need for a separate app or anything, because I know there’s something like Zapier or something that Yeah, like require, like it’s required for certain things like maybe timed triggers. I

Unknown Speaker 12:22
don’t know how it works. Yeah, it’s really depends. I do know some creators that do use it. And then some that just use the tools within ConvertKit. It’s just dependent on how much are you wanting, and what exactly you’re trying to do. ConvertKit has incredible tools for you to be able to maintain your audience and communicate with them efficiently in triggers and integrations, amazing stuff. But there might be creators who want something beyond that, because they see a different vision that they want to include, and that’s totally fine. So I would say it’s just dependent on all of that. I think it’s totally possible to do so many things in ConvertKit, but it’s also possible that you might want an integration and that’s totally totally okay.

Sharon Tseung 12:59
Okay, so like this one. I’m like requesting is within ConvertKit. I don’t need to write. Okay, right. Okay, awesome. And I think last question I had was about the forms. So I currently have like one that I created through thrive architect, and I was able to integrate it with Bert kit, but I don’t think I can see specifically that like this landing page gave me those subscribers. I think I can see like I go to the total subscribers. I think it populates that part. But I don’t know if I can see it within that landing page. Do you recommend creating all the forms and landing pages through Bertie? I do? I do. Because

Unknown Speaker 13:34
that is how you’re going to be able to better understand your subscribers. So the forms that you can create in ConvertKit, you can just embed them on your website. I highly recommend that you keep everything that way just so that again, you can better control that. Yeah, for example, if you were to go to forms and landing pages, you’ll be able to see how many people like how many visitors how many subscribers Did you get from that specific form, and that way you’re going to be able to understand the conversion. Did it work? Well did it not work well, so that you can, again, just better serve your community. So I would recommend if you’re gonna use ConvertKit, using the forms and landing pages in ConvertKit is very, very important. Because it all works together for you. Yeah, if you use outside sources, you might have to reel them in or use other certain integrations, but that’s totally okay. But ConvertKit really houses all of that. So you’ll be able to better just create more but really easy process, you know, that you can understand your subscribers and keep up with them.

Sharon Tseung 14:27
Okay, like in your presentation you had talking about forms and pages, I think, hmm, the ones you showed us that like were very customizable had like the flowers and stuff like that. Was that the landing page? Because I’m when I made my form. I think there was only like one.

Unknown Speaker 14:40
Yeah, yep. So forums are going to be a very smaller version of landing pages. I suppose they are just there to be embedded on your site. They’re there for the purpose of saying sign up here to receive here or do you want to get daily motivation sent to your inbox and then it allows them to put in a name and an email address. So that’s just really a form a landing page. is going to be an entire page, right? So maybe this landing page is great. If you don’t have a website yet, you can still capture those email addresses. They’re also great to use as a link for social media purposes or to text to people. So landing pages have a ton of different templates, right? Okay, so let’s say you have a course coming out, you would promote it in many ways, one of the ways would be to have a form on your website that says five module course sign up here to receive emails, getting updates regarding that, and then it would just be really like this big on your website where they would put their name and their email address, and then you would create a landing page, maybe saying that same thing, but the link to that landing page goes on social media. So you’ll promote it on social media, maybe on Instagram story saying, Hey, I have a course module coming out and click the link in my bio to get it. Yeah, they would click the link in their bio and it’ll bring them to that landing page where they can still put in their name and email address if they’re interested. Same thing if you send a text about it, you can send a link about that course. Yeah, so forms are for your website. landing pages are for If you don’t have a website yet, or if you’re wanting to use another means of promotion, media to text as a link, all of that really, really good stuff. And I suggest and recommend that you use all of those channels to get the word of mouth out

Sharon Tseung 16:11
there as much as possible. Yeah, that’s awesome. And the landing page, is it? Can it be part of your domain? Or is it like a separate page from Turkey? If that makes sense?

Unknown Speaker 16:19
So the landing page itself is the link. It’s going to be like ConvertKit comm slash and then some other context, however, have you used Bitly? Yes. Okay, so Bitly shortener, yeah. Okay, yeah. So we recommend ConvertKit doesn’t have integration yet to be able to use your domain or to be able to rewrite the link. However, we recommend that you could use Bitly for now where and put in your domain title or something else so that it doesn’t say convert to calm slash and then context you can just have it say exactly what you want today, it’ll be the exact same link. So yeah, that’ll that’ll help assist that as well. Yeah, I just got

Sharon Tseung 16:55
a lot more questions. I guess. Lastly, I was wondering so you work with a lot of Maybe people you do like the webinars and things like that. So do you see an average amount of sequences or funnels that people tend to use an average number? I guess,

Unknown Speaker 17:09
again, it really, really depends. I think everybody is extremely unique as far as their businesses and their own entrepreneurial ideas. So I wouldn’t put a magnet on the number of funnels that you would have, I would just say don’t overwhelm your audience, I would just say that it’s extremely important to be consistent with your audience, to keep up with them, to understand them, to get to know them, and to really learn how you can better serve them. And you can really only learn how to better serve them by listening to them, and you can listen to them by sending them those emails, and really just communicating with them as much as possible. Again, not too overwhelming to the point where you’re constantly sending them stuff every single hour every single day, but enough to the point where they are hearing from you so that you can help them and bring them the result of the transformation that they’re wanting or needed.

Sharon Tseung 17:55
Awesome. Yeah, that’s great answer. Cool. Thanks so much for you know, agreeing to be on this show and Yeah, I learned a lot. Watching. Oh good. You’re so welcome. I’m meeting you. Awesome. great meeting you too.

Unknown Speaker 18:05

Transcribed by

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    About the Author

    Sharon Tseung

    Hi, I’m Sharon Tseung! I’m the owner of DigitalNomadQuest. I quit my job in 2016, traveled the world for 2 years, came back to the Bay Area, and ended up saving more money and building over 10 passive income streams on my digital nomad journey. I want to show you how you can do the same! Through this blog, learn how to build passive income and create financial and location independence.

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