WE’VE PURCHASED 20 UNITS! Our 2021 Investing & Business Goals, Recap, and More

Sharon Tseung Design Your Life, Investing Leave a Comment

Yay Sean and I are at 20 units now! Here we go over our goals, a recap of Q1, our for fun plans, and more. Hope you enjoy 🙂

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🏠 WE’VE PURCHASED 20 UNITS! Our 2021 Investing & Business Goals, Recap, and More


Below is a transcription of the podcast. This transcription was taken from Otter.ai so it might not be completely accurate:

Hey guys, it’s Sharon from digital nomad quest.
And this is Sean with everything, Rei.And in this video, we’re going to talk about how we purchased 20 units together gay. And we’re also going to talk about what we’ve done this year and what we are planning to do for the rest of the year. So with q1 of this year, we’ve actually been moving pretty quickly. So we started the year off with 14 units. And now we’ve gotten to 20 units. So we purchased two single family homes together. And then I got this package deal of four, which was really interesting. It was two single family homes and one duplex, and that finally closed pretty recently. So I’m very excited about it. It’s pretty cool to have gotten 20 units so far. How do you feel about it?Yeah, it’s pretty awesome that we’re able to scale so quickly. And out, right, so we launched a course for more money to riches, where I’ve had several 100 students take the course. And it’s very exciting because we got to see them grow from knowing absolutely nothing about real estate investing to some of them even buying their first properties. So it’s very quick, within that short timeframe, they’ve actually taken the course, implement the strategies, and then now have close on their very first property. So very exciting going forward.How do you feel about our YouTube channels and stuff like that lately? Yeah, YouTube is pretty interesting. You know, obviously, yours has grown. You’re at like, 17k. Now, I’m currently about 3.3 8000. So a little bit behind you, but it’s been growing pretty steadily. How about you? How do you feel about your social media channels, I feel like I haven’t been tracking the numbers like crazy, but it’s cool to see it grow. And I feel like I’ve been way more intentional about the types of content I’m putting out because as my Instagram and Tiktok grew, I kind of started realizing what my audience wants to see, I’ve just been trying to spend more time figuring out what type of content to create. And it seems like most of you guys like the investing content and the money related content. So whenever I talk more about like entrepreneurship, growing a personal brand, it seems less appealing to you guys. So the more I kind of understand what you guys are looking for, the more I can tailor it to what you guys want. So that’s mainly my focus lately that I just want to be more intentional about how I push out content, and I feel like the rest will follow. So as long as I’m providing value for you guys, I’m happy.

So like you heard if you guys want to hear something in particular, the comment down below with what you guys want to learn. And should we have to talk about that subject in full detail. And on that topic, one of the things that we actually started experimenting this past year, our lives. So we did a lot of clubhouse sessions. Earlier this year, we spoke on panels, we hosted our own events. And honestly, what are your thoughts on clubhouse so far?

Yeah, I mean, for an introverted person like me, I kind of started doing it less and less, because I feel like I get all nervous when I do it. And I did host those two big panels that like hundreds of people came and it was really cool giving value. But it is a lot of work kind of organizing all the different big players actually, you know, Nate O’Brien appeared on both of them. We had a lot of other big YouTube influencers come and it’s just a lot of work to like organize those things. And then like host, you know, basically two hour sessions or even longer sometimes so I’m doing it less. I’ve been getting into big cloud more like you know, we’ve been talking about but I still feel like my main things are, you know, tick tock, Instagram and YouTube. I think YouTube is where I can provide the most value because I’m able to talk longer on these videos versus the short form videos.

Honestly, when it comes to live format, though I prefer when we do we on your channel, like when we do it with your Instagram or your Tik Tok base, because first of all, they know who you are, you’re asking relevant questions to you directly, instead of just like this panel of random people.

Yeah, so we have been doing a lot of Instagram lives. We did a few tick tock tick tock lives, but we haven’t been doing it as much. But hopefully, we can start moving into YouTube streaming as well in the future. But I think overall, as we’re back on the topic of like what we’ve done this year, I think we’ve grown our brand a lot by you know, connecting with our audiences more on lives, you know, launching a course where we can give you a step by step curriculum to getting your first property. And I feel like a lot of people were asking for that. And it’s so awesome to see the DMS come in saying, Oh, my God, I got my first property, I took the action steps that you guys told us about. And it’s just so like fulfilling to see that it’s just great to kind of grow our brand more and create the different products that you guys are asking for. And then in terms of investing goals, like we’ve really grown exponentially, in my opinion, that we have so many cash flowing rental properties.

And so recapping on q1 of this year, I feel like we really did a good job. It kind of slowed down. I feel like for me, at least this past month, like sometimes I’ll get waves of motivation and then waves of like tired and burnt out. But I think that comes with anything when it comes to like content creation. It just happened. So it’s okay. And you know, moving forward, like let’s talk about our future goals for this year. What do we plan on accomplishing this year?

I think the big goal for this year is to increase our rental portfolio from 20 units in total to buying another 20 unit apartment complex, doubling our total rental portfolio to 40 units, that’s gonna be the big stretch goal. We have already been in contact with some amazing brokers in some of our target markets to start sending us deals for any multifamily properties that fit our buying criteria. We’ve also secured financing so that when we do find that great deal, we know how much we can buy for like on a property.

Yeah, so it’s really exciting. You know, we have the 20 units, but because we’re getting individual properties, it is becoming a lot to handle. So we’re looking into commercial multifamily, because we think we can increase our portfolio a lot quicker, as well as like, move into that area and learn a lot more as well. So I think it’ll be a really interesting journey. And we’ll definitely be reporting our findings here, it doesn’t mean that we’re going to stop investing in smaller, you know, single family properties, or smaller multifamily. I think they’re still great ways to increase your portfolio, but we’re just also trying to look at different things. I’ve been also kind of learning more about flipping, so you know, you’ve done it before. So I think we’re gonna try to get a flip possibly this year as well. So those are our two I think real estate goals. Actually, we have three, I think so one is getting the commercial multifamily second is flipping and then third, I think we want to start visiting our properties out of state once COVID Lis and we want to like renovate alongside with contractors in the future so we can start learning more about the process.

Yeah, I mean, that was one of our main goals to do, actually, in q1. But then, since the COVID pandemic got a little bit worse in early January. And we were saying, You know what, we can’t wait till we get vaccinated. So that’ll happen pretty soon. And once we get that, we will feel very free to just go travel and then work alongside our contractors and take a trip to the east coast. It’s gonna be a lot of fun. Yeah. So yeah, now that we cover the real estate goals, what are our goals for our online business going forward?

Yeah. So one of the things that we do want to accomplish this year is we want to create an e book for you guys, that kind of talks about money management. And I think a lot of people ask me, like, how do I start investing? Or how do I save enough money to start doing what you’re doing? Or what kind of side hustles? Can I start? And I feel like, these are some questions we want to start covering in this book to get you from knowing like nothing to starting to be more experienced with your personal finance. Do you have anything to add to that?
Yeah, I would say a lot of people who follow her on Instagram and Tiktok, ask very similar questions. So there’s going to be a full comprehensive guide. So instead of having to go through several different YouTube videos, and find everything piecemeal, it’s gonna be right there for you all in one nice package. So we’re working really hard on this book to just give you all of our information regarding personal finances. And so hopefully, this gets you from a place where you may not be financially stable to a place where you’re thriving, you’re flourishing, because you know, the information going forward.

Yeah, I think it’s really cool that every time you know, my followers are asking me these questions, I can take note of it and start seeing what kind of products we can create. Because as I’m building this brand, I’m realizing kind of like my higher mission that I want to start helping people become more financially literate in all sides of the spectrum, I think so I remember my friend asked me, like, who’s your target demographic, and it was kind of hard to pinpoint, because I want it to be something where it’s just this educational resource for any age for you know, we have a bunch of different types of people from different backgrounds, from different ages who ask us questions, there’s teenagers who are like, how do I get started, there’s older folks that like, want to get into investing as well. So we just want to help all different people. And like, the more we’re doing this, the more we’re like, Okay, this is our purpose, this is what we want to do. And as we’re building out our products, and our content, I feel like we have a place for everyone. Because yeah, you can access the free content, you can access the free YouTube videos, our podcast episodes, our blog posts, and stuff like that.

So if you want the free content, you can check that but then like, we’re trying to give you also the step by step guides with these different products. So when we’re doing this, we’re really putting ourselves in your guys’ shoes of like, what do you guys really want to know? And how can we take you from A to B. And it’s really cool building out these products. And let’s get back to those online business goals. So aside from our products, our step by step products, are there any other goals that you want to hit?

Yeah, I would say that we should just be more intentional about our free content, make videos are relevant that people actually want to watch and hopefully grow our platforms through there. So when it comes to creating content, are you going to change your direction? Are you going to focus on certain things? What are you gonna be doing going forward?

So what I mentioned earlier was that it seems like more people like the money stuff, the finance stuff, the investing stuff that I talked about. And if I do talk about entrepreneurship, it has to come from a money standpoint, it sounds like too for people to really be engaged with it of like, oh, how can I start making X amount per month from the side hustle right so knowing that it also seems like a lot of people are asking how to get into investing earlier and with real estate it does take some capital, right but with stocks and you know, investing in ETFs and index funds, you don’t have to have a ton of money to start investing. So with my content, I do plan on starting to talk more about investing in ETFs, stocks and index funds and stuff like that. So look forward to more content around investing in stocks, as well as everything I’ve been talking about. Yeah, me. In the meantime, we’re also trying small things like here and there, right? Maybe investing in some different crypto things, maybe VC more to big cloud or some of these newer technologies. I mean, they’re interesting, and they’re fun to talk about. So that might be something going forward as well.

Yeah, I look forward to our little experiments, we’re probably going to be like, Hey, I invested 500 Here, and here and here. And you guys can check out the outcomes. It might be interesting for you guys to see the progress of what happens. Lastly, maybe we could talk about our four fun goals, I guess. So I’ve been talking about travel, like non stop during the pandemic, because I feel like you get the travel bug even more when you are forced to be inside. And you know, I quit my job and travel the world for two years. So like, obviously, it’s something I think about, you know, constantly. So are we going to be able to travel or not?

Yeah, for sure. I mean, we’re gonna get vaccinated, we’ve already signed up for a few conferences that we booked, like two years ago, then finally, they could be open again this year. And we’re gonna go travel to visit some of our properties over in the East Coast, we might travel overseas to like other countries. Yeah, we still work like full time. So we’re trying to see how remote we can be, especially with his position. He’s a hard money lender, he takes a lot of calls all the time, even at night, and I’m trying to, like, hang out with him. But he’s like, hello, blah, blah, blah. So, you know, if we travel to Europe, I feel like he’s gonna be taking calls at like 4am or 5am. So it’s like, we got to figure out what could work but I’m telling him Don’t kill my dreams. Like, I want to be able to do this digital nomad thing moving forward. You know, I talked about coming back here, but I feel like it’s still something that I want to incorporate into my life in the future. Even when I have a kid and stuff like that. Maybe we can figure out how to do it as a family. But I feel like before I have a kid is especially when we can be doing these things. So we need to figure that out.
That’s true. That’s true. You gotta you gotta let me do it.

Right. You gotta go. We gotta go. We gotta go. I heard on a podcast, like don’t put off the important stuff. Because it’s, you’re always gonna be busy no matter when. So. Just take your time, do your thing. And then work and stuff. Take care of itself in the future is definitely harder. I feel like in a relationship too, because it’s like we have different like needs and we have different things going on. And we like for him digital nomad thing is not as big of a deal. But then for me it is I want to be able to have that freedom. A lot of it is like the freedom aspect. I don’t want to feel like restricted to anything I want to be able to leave when I want to leave. Right so like, what do you think? Do you feel like it’s hard?

I’m good with a two week vacation. She wants two to three months, so we’ll see. I don’t know like I definitely try it. She’s the boss right?

Oh my gosh. Well, I feel like that’s mainly do you have any other for fun things you want to accomplish by you know, the gyms have just opened up again. So I am trying to work out like crazy I needed like it’s good for my mental health to work out all like pretty awesome.
Well, it’s good because you like drag me there Drakkar to the gym, no to and that’s what I’m saying about relationships. It’s like we feed off each other. And if I get lazy, he becomes lazier. He told me that he like didn’t drink soda until he met me. But then it happens both ways. Like I see you playing video games, and then I started playing video games.

I didn’t play video games until I met you too. Okay, why you gotta make me sound terrible. Um, there’s five other things. Don’t worry. It’s all fun.

Hey, I’m a positive influence. Yes, yes. Okay. Well, I think that wraps it up for this episode. And that kind of talks a little bit about our future goals for 2021 We’d love to hear what you guys have planned for the rest of the year. Let us know what your goals are in the comments below. If you guys like this video, smash the like button, subscribe to both of our channels. So I talk about financial freedom, passive income investing, and I’m more focused on real estate investing and how to generate wealth through that investing strategy. But I think what we both do, it all ties in together so definitely follow both of our channels. Subscribe, hit the bell button to be notified of our latest videos and I’ll see you guys in the next one.

Transcribed by https://otter.ai


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    About the Author

    Sharon Tseung

    Hi, I’m Sharon Tseung! I’m the owner of DigitalNomadQuest. I quit my job in 2016, traveled the world for 2 years, came back to the Bay Area, and ended up saving more money and building over 10 passive income streams on my digital nomad journey. I want to show you how you can do the same! Through this blog, learn how to build passive income and create financial and location independence.

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