IS EMAIL DEAD in 2022? Why Email Marketing is Important!

Sharon Tseung Investing Leave a Comment

In this episode we go over why email marketing is important and why you should do email marketing for your brand! Email has been amazing for my brand – for building a deeper connection with my audience and for growing my business.

If you’re looking for a solid email solution I HIGHLY recommend checking out ConvertKit. ✅ Try ConvertKit for FREE:

IS EMAIL DEAD in 2022? Why Email Marketing is Important!


Below is a transcription of the podcast. This transcription was taken from so it might not be completely accurate:

Hey guys, it’s Sharon from digital nomad quest and today we’re gonna talk about why you should do email marketing for your brand. Now if you guys are new to the channel, welcome, I’m all about TPL how to build passive income become financially free and design your best lives. So if you guys are interested in that, make sure to subscribe and hit the bell button to be notified of my latest videos.

So I’ve been building my brand for multiple years now through blogging, YouTube, tik, Tok, Instagram, all these different platforms. But I realized that email is super critical for your brand email is something where you can directly speak with your audience and you own that list. It is something that’s irreplaceable, it’s also something that allows you to serve your audience a lot better. And I’m going to go into different reasons today. And by the way, if you guys are interested in an email solution that really takes care of everything you need, make sure to check out ConvertKit I actually switched from MailChimp to ConvertKit because of the different capabilities and the ease of use. If you guys are looking for that email solution, go ahead and try to ConvertKit through my link below. Basically, it allows you to do automations email sequences, broadcast emails, segmenting your list everything, and it’s very easy to use, I highly recommend it if you guys want to check it out. And now let’s jump into eight reasons why I think you should do email marketing for your brand. So number one, email lists are something you own.

I actually just mentioned it earlier. But it’s very important that you have an email list because if anything happens to other platforms like tick tock YouTube, anything like that, if they shut down your email list is something you have that can’t be replaced. If you have that spreadsheet of emails, you don’t have to worry too much about everything just being lost. For example, Tik Tok was going to be shut down by Trump, I have no idea if that’s still gonna happen. But who knows right, having an email list makes you safer. And if you have a profitable business and you lose all these different followers, you can build a back up through email list. Number two, it’s a way to provide free offerings and content for your users, I actually use ConvertKit to create these free offerings for my audience. So if you go on digital nomad, you can see I have like the passive income toolkit, I’ve the Etsy Crash Course the blogging Crash Course also have different toolkits for digital nomads for managing your finances, I have a lot of these different offerings. And it’s based off of what people are interested in.

Some people might not be interested in Etsy, but they might be interested in real estate. And they might get that offering, it allows you to create stuff that specifically for your audience, and convert it has is all built in. So you can create that landing page for them, and then just upload your free offering. So whenever people sign up to your form or your landing page, you get their email, and then you also get to send them an email sequence. Now that brings me to number three, you can create automations for your users. And what that means is you can create these automated emails to your users, for example, if they sign up for these free offerings, so if they sign up for my three day et Cie Crash Course, I will send them a welcome email and then I’ll send them three different lessons for each day. So I don’t have to individually send each person this crash course I can have it all automated as long as I set it up in the beginning. So that makes it very easy for me to kind of manage all of this and give value to all my users.

So while you’re building up this content on YouTube, on tick tock on Instagram, you have these different offerings and email sequences running at the same time, so that you bring them to your free offerings if they are interested in it, because they give your audience more value. So as you’re giving more value to your users, they will trust you even more and trust your brand even more. And it’s really important to create that relationship with your audience. Number four, email is super effective. So based on a 2020 article from HubSpot, there’s some really interesting stats. So first of all, there are 3.9 billion daily email users, that’s a whole lot of people using email. And also 35% of business professionals check their email on a mobile phone. And on top of that, mobile accounts for 46% of email open, so a lot of people are checking their phone, and they’re checking their email constantly. I’m guilty of that, too. I always check my email. And if email is something that people always personally check, then that means you know that it’s a good place for you to offer value to your users. This one’s a really interesting stat. So 78% of marketers have seen an increase in email engagement over the last 12 months, I actually would have never expected that stat because I thought email was on a decline. But here we have proof that actually people are using email more and more. And this is a stat from a 2015 report from email Monday, that email has an average ROI of $38 for every $1 spent now as you can see here, if that is the case, then email is a very cost effective solution that is another avenue for you to give value to your users.

So you can actually make a lot of money through your email solution. And you can build that relationship with your users. Number five, email is measurable. So I love how with email, you can check how many people open the email that you have blasted out to people, which means you can check the open rate basically, the percentage of people who open the email out of the amount of people you sent it out to you can also check clicks and click-through rate. So if you put in links in your email blasts, you can see how many people have clicked it, which means you can check the click-through rates of those links. You can even AV test subject lines, which allows you to do a lot more optimizing and testing with emails. So because email is so measurable, you’re able to really optimize your messaging and figure out if it’s better to add images or not, or say certain subject lines or not the more you tested out the more you can make it even better for people to You open it and read it and really look forward to your newsletters. That way, as you’re tracking your analytics, you’re going to make sure that you’re going to keep improving your messaging and improving the value that you’re giving to your audience. It’s always interesting to see through all the different broadcasts and through the different free offerings like which free offering is getting more and more emails, which means more and more people are interested in that specific thing you are offering to them, as well as which specific messages are being opened more and more, for example, maybe a message that I talked about, where I give them five different Unique Passive Income ideas that might do better than maybe something about Etsy or something like that, you can figure out what people are more interested in.

As you are looking at these stats. Number six, I find this interesting, you can actually upload your list to paid ads if you want. So what I mean by that is for Facebook ads and Google AdWords and other things like that, you can actually upload your email list so that you are only targeting those people with your ads. So if you’re running paid ads through Facebook or Instagram, you’re able to upload your lists and only target those users. And that’s a little more complex and more on the paid ad side. And you can even create look alike audiences based off of your email list that you have uploaded. I don’t want to get too into detail with that. But basically, with paid ads, you can essentially create an audience through their platform that is similar to the audience that you’ve uploaded onto their platform. That means you can target another subset of users that are similar to your own. So that makes it very valuable to have these email lists that you can upload onto their platforms. Number seven, you’re able to segment your lists. By being able to segment your list, you can provide specific offerings to each group. This is a stat from the HubSpot article. But basically, marketers who use segmented campaigns actually have seen a 760% increase in revenue. So that’s huge, you can actually make a lot more money by tailoring your offerings to the audience members who are actually interested in it. For example, Pat Flynn used to segment his audience by saying, if you haven’t started a business, click here, if you have started a business and make about 1005 $1,000, click here.

And then people who make 5000 and up click here. And that allows him to segment his audience into these three different groups that are more beginner to advanced by doing this, he’s able to send his different groups better tailored messages based off of the level of his audience, right. So for me, my passive income business brand really has a lot of different areas that I focus on. So some people might be interested in Etsy, while other people might be interested in blogging, others might be interested in real estate, but they’re don’t want to hear anything about online businesses. And this is very important that you segment your audience so that you can give everyone specific messages based off of their interests. Now with tiktok, YouTube and all the other platforms, you’re just creating videos to your entire audience. And it’s not really segmented, so some people might be turned off, they love the real estate side that you are offering, but then they don’t care about the online business stuff that you keep talking about. But with email, you’re really able to create specific messages for specific parts of your audience that makes it so they come back for more and you build that relationship with them. And lastly, number eight, basically what I just said is that email is personalized because you can segment your list it is personalized based off of what people are interested in. And if you’re the type to respond to your audience, it will really create trust with your audience members.
So some people will email me back after I send them the automated emails but actually respond back and they’re always surprised and really delighted when I send them one on one messages and it really creates trust and builds a relationship with your audience which is super crucial and you should definitely do that because your audience isn’t just a number right?

These are actual people that you should try to connect with. So I hope you guys enjoyed these eight reasons on why email is super important for your brand. I hope it makes you guys think a little bit more on doing email marketing aside from just YouTube and Instagram and stuff like that. And if you guys are interested in email make sure to check out ConvertKit link below I highly recommend ConvertKit if you want to build something robust now if you liked this video smash the like button comment below let me know which reason really resonated with you. Make sure to subscribe hit the bell button to be notified on my latest videos and I’ll see you guys in the next one.

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About the Author

Sharon Tseung

Hi, I’m Sharon Tseung! I’m the owner of DigitalNomadQuest. I quit my job in 2016, traveled the world for 2 years, came back to the Bay Area, and ended up saving more money and building over 10 passive income streams on my digital nomad journey. I want to show you how you can do the same! Through this blog, learn how to build passive income and create financial and location independence.

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