what I learned at flynncon 2019

What I Learned at FlynnCon 2019

Sharon Tseung Personal Finance Leave a Comment

Last weekend I attended FlynnCon 2019, Pat Flynn’s first conference, and it was a blast!

I’d have to say my favorite part of the conference was the people. I made a lot of great connections and I’m glad to be a part of the FlynnCon Facebook community now. I’m starting to realize more and more that networking is crucial and can get you faster to where you want to go.


I wanted to cover some of my key takeaways from the event. I have to admit that a lot of the material was more inspirational over actionable. But that can be great for those who need that motivation! I also feel FlynnCon is a great place to start for new people looking to build their businesses and haven’t begun yet.

Instead of going over each and every overarching lesson that Pat and other speakers shared, I’m going to dive into the takeaways that may have made me think about my business in a new light.

What I Learned at FlynnCon 2019

1. Try Out IGTV

Out of all the talks, I would say Chalene Johnson’s was probably one of my favorites. She provided some actionable content around social media that you can apply to your own business. One of the biggest pieces of advice was to use live stream and IGTV to engage with your audience.

IGTV is something I hadn’t explored so I wanted to start getting ahead of that. I didn’t realize all creators could essentially start their own IGTV channel. As I’m currently making YouTube videos, I might as well repurpose videos onto IGTV, which can also be helpful for populating regular feed content cause it allows the option for adding previews to your actual video.

2. Get Comfortable with Live Stream and Live Webinars ⁣

I also got inspiration from how Chalene live streams constantly. I met someone at the conference who also does live webinars to get a lot of business. I know these two components are things I want to implement in my business, but I’ve always been scared to do them. Hearing more from Chalene (and my new friend) was just additional motivation to do it. I will need to brainstorm a bit to see when I’ll start building that out as well as what kind of content I should do for live streaming (and how long to do it for).

Something Chalene mentioned was that live stream and IGTV are new functionalities of Instagram that they encourage you to use, so this probably means using them will help you in rankings when it comes to mastering the Instagram algorthim.


3. Get My Email Sequences in Shape and Start Segmenting Better ⁣

During the event, I interviewed Angel from ConvertKit to see what she thought of my email sequences. She liked what I was doing but she thought I could do a better job segmenting and adding new funnels. That way I would understand my audience better and know how to serve them. The problem is my site and content cover a massive amount of subcategories. I am interested in a lot of things and like to experiment with many different passive income streams. This makes it harder to segment my audience because I’m not specific enough with what I teach. I’ll need to figure out how to segment better and really take a whole day mapping out audience segmentation and email sequences.

4. Try 90 minutes of uninterrupted work towards goals daily ⁣

Doing 90 minutes of uninterrupted work daily will be interesting. I tend to multitask a lot, and I KNOW it’s not that effective but I can’t help myself and do it anyway. One of the speakers mentioned that if I’m able to spend even 90 minutes of interrupted time working towards my goals each day I’ll be way ahead of people. I’d like to try that now to make sure I’m putting myself further in my goals each and every day.

The speakers also mentioned that they limit the amount of knowledge they learn that don’t serve them towards their goals. The speakers were very intentional with how they spent their time. So if I’m working towards building educational content and creating passive income streams, I wouldn’t use my time studying coding, for example. Even though I might be interested in that topic, it might not serve me to learn it at this current moment especially when I’m trying to be super productive.

However, Pat mentions he spends 20% of his learning time towards things that are more experimental and not within that realm of intentional action and goals. So I think I will try that 80/20 division of time when it comes to learning. Overall, I realize I need to schedule more time towards education!


Hope you guys enjoyed my learnings at FlynnCon! I got to speak with a lot of cool people at the event and made awesome connections. I even purchased Pat Flynn’s upcoming online course workshop made available to FlynnCon attendees…invested a whopping $3,000 in this workshop so I really hope it is useful! I’ll need to think of what course I want to launch.

Did you attend FlynnCon? Let me know what you thought of it!


what i learned at flynncon 2019







About the Author

Sharon Tseung

Hi, I’m Sharon Tseung! I’m the owner of DigitalNomadQuest. I quit my job in 2016, traveled the world for 2 years, came back to the Bay Area, and ended up saving more money and building over 10 passive income streams on my digital nomad journey. I want to show you how you can do the same! Through this blog, learn how to build passive income and create financial and location independence.

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