is blogging still worth it

What is Hosting, Domains, and WordPress? Blogging 101

Sharon Tseung Design Your Life, Side Hustles Leave a Comment

In this video we’re going to cover what is hosting, domains, and WordPress! I tried to explain it simply. This is important to understand the foundations behind blogging. Enjoy!

Recommended Blogging Resources:
– Hostgator for hosting (code DNQ60 for 60% off)-
– Bluehost if you want to use Bluehost for hosting:
– Namecheap for domains:

What is Hosting, Domains, and WordPress? Blogging 101

JFYI: Wow I got the price wrong – it should be $99 for hosting for Hostgator instead of $142 for Bluehost when it comes to the initial 3 years on discount.


Below is a transcription of the podcast. This transcription was taken from so it might not be completely accurate:

This is the digital nomad quest podcast with Sharon Tseung. teaching people how to build passive income, become financially free and design the best lives. Hey guys, it’s Sharon from digital nomad quest, and today we’re going to talk about what is hosting? What are domains and what the hell is WordPress. So if you guys are new to this channel, welcome. I’m all about teaching out how to build passive income, become financially free and design your best lives. So if you’re all about them, make sure to subscribe hit that bell button to be notified of my latest videos. And let’s get right into it. So the reason why I want to talk about this is when I first started out blogging, I had no idea what the hell those three terms were that I just mentioned, I was not as tech savvy, I did not know how to set up my own website. But if you understand these three terms, this will make for an easier experience and you’ll understand what the hell you’re doing. And then a bit of background about myself. I created digital nomad quest comm back in 2015. So it’s been In almost five years now, and it’s been really beneficial for me, in terms of building up my authority, when people see that you have a website, and you have, you know, consistent posts around it, and you have a really well designed blog, it really shows kind of authority in that niche. And also, if you are a content creator, and you have a YouTube channel or a podcast, but you don’t have your own website, yet, I really advise you to create one, I feel like no matter what you’re going to need one because at the end of the day, if you’re creating content on these platforms, you want to direct traffic to yourself and collect those emails. Because if any of those platforms went away, if your social media somehow went away, you will still have your audience that you can speak with so you won’t lose everything. Okay? This allows you to kind of Own your audience and speak with them on a more personal level. That’s why I love blogging and that’s why I have been making this series if you notice before, I have been creating a lot of videos around blogging and branding because I really think having your own website is crucial. Nowadays, I think you need to have your own website in this day and age. So now let’s get right into it. Let’s actually talk about WordPress first, because you might have heard about Wix, Squarespace and you know WordPress, and you have no idea which one to choose. Now, let me tell you guys, WordPress is a content management system. It allows you to create your blog posts and things like that Wix and Squarespace are content management systems as well that allow you to put a blog post, but there are less customizability options with Wix and Squarespace The reason why I really advocate WordPress is that WordPress is free and open source. I don’t want to get too technical. I want to make this kind of like a newbie tutorial in layman’s terms so that you guys can understand it for the average Joe like I want to make sure it’s easy to understand for you guys. Right so the reason why I believe in it though, is because you know if you’re thinking later in the future, if you’re thinking in terms of SEO and really ranking your site and getting traffic on your website, you want to consider that WordPress is the best for SEO versus Wix. In Squarespace, I also want to say that WordPress allows you way more customizability because of that open source component where developers are constantly creating plugins for WordPress that you can download and install for your site and add more features to it. Because of that, and of course, WordPress is the most popular content management system. It is more sophisticated. It has a wider range of templates. Sure, wicks and Squarespace might be easier to play with with the drag and drop elements. But overall, if you’re going to think long term, I would recommend WordPress for sure. Now, the reason why I want to say that before getting into the nitty gritty with domain hosting is that if you don’t want to think about anything, you can just go into Wix and Squarespace I won’t even have to tell you about domains and hosting and stuff like that. But if you want to go with the WordPress site, I want to give you guys the knowledge of domains and hosting and how to later install WordPress and stuff like that. I’m not going to get into that tutorial on how to set up everything later. That will be in later videos, but let’s just get into the definitions of hosting and domains. So first of all hosting is the server that allows you to host your website and then going here domains. Simply put is your URL. So if you have you know, digital nomad quest comm, if you want to power that website that I have, you need a hosting plan in order to power it in order to start writing content on and stuff like that. So I could own the domain. But if I have nothing powering it, I won’t be able to do anything with it. But some people make that a business where they buy a crapload of domains. For example, if you saw my interview with Ryan Scribner, the other day, he talked about how you bought his website off of this person who bought a ton of domains like investing simple drinks, simple food, simple, whatever, because those people who want those domains are going to pay top dollar for those URLs because they’re so popular. So that could be a business you go into but in this day and age is pretty saturated. A lot of people have taken all the good domains in general, if you want your own website with your blog, content, all that stuff, you’re going to need a hosting plan in order to power your domain. Now let’s talk about costs

in general, I would say domains cost about eight to $15 a year. So it’s pretty negligible, right? It’s the cost of like, I don’t know, two coffees or something like that per year to have your own domain. So this is the part where I didn’t even know that you need hosting before. So I was like, Damn, it only cost this much to have your own website. No, the answer is no, because you need hosting in order to power it. So now let’s talk about the two packages that you’ll generally care about when it comes to purchasing your own hosting plan. Generally, they offer one where it’s like you get one domain only that’ll power and then the other plan is you’ll be able to power unlimited domains. I personally prefer the one that powers unlimited domains because for example, if you want also digital nomad quest calm you want digital nomad I’m just like bullshitting. But like, if you want that if you want laptop stock, okay, these these domains are taken by what I’m saying is if you want multiple domains, you’re going to be able to power all of those domains with a plus That allows you to host unlimited domains. The two hosting plans that most people will talk about is Hostgator, and Bluehost. But if you have a website that has like millions of hits, you’re going to want to upgrade your hosting plan to something

like siteground or something more robust, because Hostgator and Bluehost will be slower hosting plans and those but siteground costs way more. So we’re just going to talk about Bluehost and hostgator. I personally use hostgator. I definitely recommend it. But let’s get into the pricing of the two Hostgator and Bluehost. Or the ones I mentioned, if you purchase a Hostgator plan that supports one domain it costs 275 per month in general, costs may change unlimited will be around 395 per month. Bluehost is around 395 per month and 595 per month for unlimited. This is something where I feel like they need to be more transparent about it because this is like the discount pricing. If you want this pricing you’re going to need to purchase the three year plan which I advocate Okay, so I purchased the three year plan because I want that discount. It’s a good price. So you These will last up to three years. But after the three years are up, this is going to increase a lot. But first of all, this is going to cause $142 and 20 cents for three years on this pricing for Hostgator, it will cost around $99. For three years, this is what the discount pricing after those three years, this is going to increase to $250 and 20 cents for three years. And this is going to increase to $287 and 64 cents per three years after discount. So I will get into comparing Hostgator and Bluehost more in a later video, but I just want you to understand when it comes to hosting, the pricing is gonna be like a few hundred bucks per three years. But you know, with the discount, it’s only like 150 something if you go with Hostgator for three years plus a domain, which will be like, you know, 15 bucks per year. So like 40 bucks or something like that. It doesn’t cost that much if you think about it, but I just want to make you understand that if you buy the domain, that doesn’t mean that you’re going to have a website for like eight bucks per year, you have to buy the hosting package as well. So I hope that makes sense to you guys. The reason why I wanted to bring up WordPress before hosting and domains is that when after you get your hosting and your domain, you’re going to want to install WordPress within your hosting plan. So they’re gonna give you this cPanel thing where you’re going to be able to install WordPress for whatever domain you want. And I’m going to teach you guys how to hook up these things, and hook up WordPress and all of that in later videos. It’s honestly not that hard. It takes like five to 10 minutes to do everything I swear to God, I did that for my boyfriend before. It really took no time. But I will give you guys that tutorial later. And I want to do this in a very basic way so you guys understand what the hell’s going on if you’re like not tech savvy, but I hope that tutorial helped. By the way, if you want this pricing, you can use my links below for hostgator. I have a promo code for 60% off it’s dn q 60. And now put the link down below so that you can use that they are affiliate links I do get a commission if you use my link and no extra cost to you it will just help support my channel which I will thank you a lot for so that’d be awesome of you guys. I will also include a Bluehost link if you actually prefer Bluehost I will compare the two hosting plans in a later video you might want to watch out for that me and my friend Jason from frugal for less we are launching a course called blog on profit if you want to be on the waitlist for that check out my link below and sign up for the waitlist because it’s going to be a good course and my friend Jason is killing it with his blog is a huge team and he does a full time he travels all over the world because it supports him and blogging has also helped me with my passive income through affiliate marketing and core sales and things like that. So we came together provide you with this amazing course I think you guys are going to love it make sure to sign up for that waitlist below so I hope you guys enjoyed this episode. Please make sure to rate review and subscribe. It really helps our podcast escrow and thanks again. I’ll see you guys in the next one

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    About the Author

    Sharon Tseung

    Hi, I’m Sharon Tseung! I’m the owner of DigitalNomadQuest. I quit my job in 2016, traveled the world for 2 years, came back to the Bay Area, and ended up saving more money and building over 10 passive income streams on my digital nomad journey. I want to show you how you can do the same! Through this blog, learn how to build passive income and create financial and location independence.

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