5 WAYS to Make Money on TikTok 2021

Sharon Tseung Side Hustles Leave a Comment

In this episode we talk about 5 ways to make money on TikTok in 2021! You actually don’t need to be Addison Rae or Charli D’Amelio to start making some cash on the platform. :o. Check out these 5 ways to start monetizing.

5 WAYS to Make Money on TikTok 2021 🤑


Below is a transcription of the podcast. This transcription was taken from Otter.ai so it might not be completely accurate:

Sharon Tseung 0:00
Hey guys, it’s Sharon from digital nomad quest and today we’re gonna talk about five ways to make money off of TikTok. Today’s video is sponsored by boosted an app that allows you to edit intro and outro videos for your business. Now, if you guys are new to the channel, welcome, I’m all about teaching y’all how to build passive income become financially free and design your best lives. So if you guys are interested in that, make sure to subscribe and hit the bell button to be notified of my latest videos. A lot of people think that it’s impossible to make money off of tik tok unless you’re a big influencer like Charlie Amelio or Addison Ray. But I’ve actually been able to make some money off of the platform. So I kind of want to share the different methods in order to do this. So let’s just get right into it. The first way is you can go live on Tick Tock and actually get gifts from people which equates to money. So that sounds kind of weird, right? But let me explain. So first off, you can only go live if you have 1000 followers or more. So before that, you’re not going to be able to go live to speak to your audience. So make sure you build up content and get those followers now once you’re able to go live, which basically means that you can broadcast who you’re following in real time, and people are gonna go in and chat with you. And you can answer questions and things like that is basically like an Instagram Live. Or if you’re streaming on YouTube, the interesting thing is users can actually buy coins on the platform, which can convert to gifts. So let me show you that right now. So once you go on to tick talking and tap the top three dots, and go into your balance, here, as you can see, you can recharge your coins balance, and you can pay money to buy these coins. So you can basically buy gifts with these coins. And you’re going to be able to send these to people when they go live. Now I’m going to show you my dashboard, when you go into live gifts, you can see that I have a little bit of balance, I’ve gone live maybe a couple of times. And essentially you can withdraw when you press withdraw. And you can only withdraw when you hit $10. So basically, if you’re the type of person who loves to stream and go live all the time, you can make actually a lot of money and going live can actually help you increase your followers because your lies will be delivered to other people as well. Likewhen I’ve gone live, I’ve seen people follow me through live, that’s a great way to make money build an existing relationship with your followers, as well as attract new people onto your platform. I think this is a very interesting way to make money off the platform. I’ve seen some people make a good amount of money through this method. Actually, it was really interesting for me when I was first going on the app and I didn’t know anything about it. So knowing that you can do that is actually really cool. Number two, there’s a tick tock career fun. So the tick tock creator fun was announced earlier this year. So basically Tick Tock created this $200 million fund for its content creators in order to support them. And I believe they upped that amount to $1 billion, actually to pay out their creators. Now in order to get in the program, you have to have at least 10,000 followers and you have to have at least 10,000 video views in the last 30 days. And you also need to be 18 years old or older. So once you get accepted into the creator fund, you essentially get paid every day for multiple factors around your videos, including views. tik tok reported that views are actually just one metric that they look at and take into consideration when distributing their payments. So I kind of saw on tiktoks rules that I don’t think you’re supposed to show your earnings. So I’m probably not going to share it on my phone. But it’s not very high, essentially, like some people are reporting that you’re getting basically about four cents per 1000 views. But if you have this consistent income, it’s pretty nice because every day you’re getting a little bit obviously it’s not passive with Tick tock, I feel like you actually do have to kind of work hard to build up the content and continuously post because I would say Tick Tock isn’t as evergreen because it doesn’t keep showing a video from way back when to users, unlike YouTube, where you’re basically ranking different videos and people can search for them and it’s pretty evergreen Tick Tock is more like you put that video out and maybe gets viral but then it pretty much dies in views afterwards. So I would say that the creator fund is kind of a nice bonus, but it’s not going to make you totally rich. It doesn’t pay as well as like YouTube does, for example. Alright, the third way you can make money on tik tok is through sponsorships. And I would say that this is pretty common with all different platforms. So basically with sponsorships brands may approach you in order to make some sponsored content for them. They might want you to create an ad around their product, review their product or something like that in a video and they will pay you a certain amount for that video. Usually the draw for brands is that not only will the influencer be good marketing for them, where they’re going to push out the video to their followers, they can also use your asset and promote it as an add on to the TIC Tock platform or on other platforms. So those assets are actually very valuable for brands. Now if you want to get these sponsorships, you should probably create a media kit. Basically a media kit is something where you will talk about what you’re about what your brand’s about, and how many views you’re getting or how many followers you’re getting on each different platform. And basically show what you can do for your brand. You can create a rape kit essentially with your media kit where you talk about the prices for each of your different offerings. So for example, for YouTube, this is how much you charge for tik tok is how much you charge for Instagram for blog posts, whatever that you can offer for the brand. Make sure you write it out for them and then you can present that to brands and see if they want to work with you. Now that my following is growing more and more. I do get a lot of these offers from different brands all the time but I definitely want to make sure that their offering is in line with my brand that I can bring value to To my audience, if I promote these different products, because you don’t want to sponsor different products that you don’t recommend at all, and your audience is going to be upset about it, it’s not in line with what you do, you want to make sure you say no to the ones that don’t fit you. And don’t fit your audience. Now, speaking of which, I want to talk a bit more about today’s sponsor boosted. So it boosted actually really felt like this could be great for my audience, because it’s a very nice tool to create those intro and outro videos that you see on YouTube on Instagram that look really cool with these fancy graphics. And you don’t have to spend a bunch of money to create these professional videos, you can just do it in the palm of your hand took me like five minutes to create the video. And it’s really handy, you can get the app for free. And if you want some of the more premium features, you can pay a little bit more, but it’s really cheap. So I’m going to show you a little bit of the app. So basically, you can go into boosted, and they have a bunch of these different templates. So you can go into one of them, you can tap this and then you can go into the different dimensions. So maybe you want to do a long video for like Tick Tock or square one for Instagram, or a longer style for YouTube or something like that, you go ahead and choose that. And what you can do is you can add your media clips here. And you can customize it to what you want. There’s different color palettes, you can also edit the text.

And it’s just really easy to use. You can see the different previews here. It’s a very cool app, you guys check it out. Now let’s get back to the video. So number four, you can sell products. So what I do with my following is I have a link tree that links to different things like free courses that I’ve created for my users who are interested in making money through blogging, making money through Etsy, I have the links below. But basically, if they go into the free course and they see that, oh, I want to learn a bit more, I do have a paid course that I lead them to as well. So that paid course has a step by step of everything that I’ve done to get to where I’m at with Etsy and blogging, and essentially I sell products that way, and users can decide if they want to buy it or not. So that is basically one way that I sell products through Tick tock, I lead them to this funnel essentially. And how you want to do that is essentially you want to create a lot of value for your customer, maybe through your tic Tock videos or those free courses. And they’ll know that you know what you’re talking about that you can help them a lot. Once they trust you. Once they know that you know what you’re doing, maybe they will buy your course or your product or something like that. So it doesn’t have to be courses, people sell shirts, like on Teespring. And on T chip, they sell products on Etsy. So a lot of people send them to these different sites where they can support the creator as well as get value themselves. And lastly, number five affiliate marketing. So again, I promote different products on link tree. So essentially with affiliate marketing is you promote different products that you use yourself or you recommend and think it’ll give a lot of value to your users. You want to make sure when you’re doing affiliate marketing, it’s something that you really passionately care about, and you use that you think will really benefit your audience. So everything I promote is something I use and I really believe in because I know that it helps me a lot and will help other people as well. And when you’re promoting these products, you can use a unique referral link. And basically when people purchase through the link, you get a commission as well. So it’s a win win situation for the buyer for the seller as well as for me who’s promoting it for the owner as well as giving value to the buyer. Now people like Brandon from investment, Joy says he makes $3,000 a month from tik tok, which is a huge amount for posting these videos and it really goes to show that you can actually make money through this platform. So I hope you guys enjoyed these different ways to make money on tik tok. So a lot of these aren’t totally new to me the creator fun as well as the live gifts are pretty interesting though. A lot of platforms actually do that like on Twitch or on YouTube and stuff like that. But I would say that sponsorships selling products and affiliate marketing you can do those things anywhere for sure you can bring people to these different products or different things that will give value to your audience. Now if you guys liked this video, make sure to smash the like button comment below and let me know what is actually interesting for you or new for you subscribe, hit the bell button to be notified of my latest videos and I’ll see you guys in the next one.

Transcribed by https://otter.ai


About the Author

Sharon Tseung

Hi, I’m Sharon Tseung! I’m the owner of DigitalNomadQuest. I quit my job in 2016, traveled the world for 2 years, came back to the Bay Area, and ended up saving more money and building over 10 passive income streams on my digital nomad journey. I want to show you how you can do the same! Through this blog, learn how to build passive income and create financial and location independence.

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