reasons to start an online course

7 Reasons to Create an Online Course

Sharon Tseung Side Hustles Leave a Comment

Courses have become a hot topic lately, and there has been a lot of interest in my Facebook group around it.

I had this fear back in the day that only “furus” made courses and that I would feel icky about making my own. I’m sure you may have had that same thought come across your mind.

Then I realized that if you actually have a problem that you can GENUINELY solve and have proof that you’ve achieved results, you’re only doing a disservice to people by NOT having a course. When I realized many people were coming up to me with similar questions around topics I had expertise in, I wanted to figure out how I could help others at scale and I knew courses were the solution.

I want to share a few reasons why YOU should create an online course.

7 Reasons to Create an Online Course

1. Create an impact

Courses are a great way to benefit others by teaching what you know. You may have knowledge in a specific area that many people long to have.

You may also debate this thinking there are tons of experts in your niche – “why should anyone listen to me”? The thing is, you have a specific perspective, passion, and personality that can make others want to learn from you. For example, I’d prefer to buy a course from someone I could relate to, who’s humble yet knowledgeable, versus someone who’s light years away from where I’m at. Do others a service by providing your knowledge to the world!

teachable course

2. Automate your business and reach a wider audience

While it’s wonderful to provide one-on-one coaching for people who are seeking help, courses can reach a wider audience all around the world as everything is digital. As Gillian Perkins said in our interview, she STOPPED coaching and switched to courses as her audience was asking her a lot of the same questions. She knew she could help a wider range of people by creating digital products.

3. Help others but also help yourself

When you only help others but forget to help yourself, you tend to burn out. It’s just not healthy to forget self care. I have experienced this as I’ll want to help others but end up spending way too much time doing that as opposed to making sure I’m working on my own progress as well. That’s why courses are great, because it allows you time for yourself as the information is already created for others to purchase. AND you can get paid for your time teaching others.

4. Build passive income

Speaking of point 3, it is possible to make a side hustle and perhaps even a full-time income from your course. Especially if you’re teaching something extremely helpful that many others are in dire need of, people will purchase your course and get a lot of value out of it. Since it’s a digital product, passive income can come in automatically (though usually you’ll want to do some maintenance and help your customers through support inquiries).

passive income

5. Create a strong following that will continually be interested in your message, products, and services

When people purchase your course it means they’re interested in what you have to offer and what your message is. When I invested in Pat Flynn’s course workshop and conference, I became even more of a fan. If others invest in you, and you’re helping them back, they’re likely to become superfans. Creating that community of people who support you is very powerful and fulfilling!

6. Express yourself creatively

It’s such an amazing feeling to express and teach your passions. As more and more people purchase your course, you get to share that with the world. You get to be your own boss, and you can pursue your biggest, craziest ideas without anyone saying that you can’t. When was the last time you had that kind of creative freedom?

7. Establish authority

Having a course gives you a leg up in showing others you know what you’re talking about and you’re not just doing this as a pastime. People tend to trust you a lot more and take you seriously when you launch your own courses.


I want to encourage you to think about creating your own course. As you may already know – I LOVE Teachable, one of the most popular course creation platforms. It’s been amazing for helping me build my online course and I’ve taken tons of other courses that were created on that platform as well. Gift yourself the opportunity to build something fulfilling – start making an impact and building that passive income.

Try out Teachable for free here!

About the Author

Sharon Tseung

Hi, I’m Sharon Tseung! I’m the owner of DigitalNomadQuest. I quit my job in 2016, traveled the world for 2 years, came back to the Bay Area, and ended up saving more money and building over 10 passive income streams on my digital nomad journey. I want to show you how you can do the same! Through this blog, learn how to build passive income and create financial and location independence.

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