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How Do You Build Your YouTube Channel from Zero Subscribers?

Sharon Tseung Design Your Life, Side Hustles Leave a Comment

In this video, I was asked “How do you build your YouTube channel from zero subscribers”? In the past, I had grown 2 music channels (@sharonestee and @sharonswt) to a total of around 15,000-16,000 subscribers. I’m also growing my current channel: @SharonTseung. So in this video and post, I wanted to provide my thoughts! Enjoy 🙂

How Do You Build Your YouTube Channel from Zero Subscribers?

Below is a transcription of the podcast. This transcription was taken from so it might not be completely accurate:

This is the digital nomad quest podcast with Sharon Tseung. teaching people how to build passive income, become financially free and design the best lives. Hey guys, it’s Sharon from Digital Nomad Quest. And today I’m here with AJ and maybe AJ, you can tell us about yourself.0:21
I’m in the financial services business. And I’m here today to learn from somebody who I think is an expert, because she’s been doing this for a while. And I just want to learn more about social media marketing and using platforms like YouTube and Facebook to help with my business.0:37
I guess I’m like trying to do this ask Sharon series. So you know, whatever questions you have, go ahead and ask away.0:43
So first of all, I just want to know, what made you want to get into social media? Would you call it blogging, or0:50
Well, I first started with blogging, I was doing Etsy and Kindle books, I was trying out different passive income methods. And my idea was I was going to teach people how how to make passive income online. And I also had a travel blog, I was like testing different things, right. So blogging was new to me, I had never like made a website before. But it was like really cool to learn more about blogging, SEO and all that. And then after that, I, you know, I quit my job travel the world for two years, like started building passive income through different means, like I told you before, at the Amazon, and yeah, they all kind of worked. And now I’m like expanding more to YouTube and podcasting, but basically repurpose the audio from YouTube to podcast. So I mainly focused on YouTube and blogging, I would say, Yeah, awesome.1:36
So I guess for somebody like me, who’s just getting started in forever, anyone else who’s listening to this? And they’re just getting started? And well, how long was the process to get you started on your first video?1:47
Oh, my first video Well, okay, I actually been YouTube for a long time. So I started with music. And I started making YouTube videos in high school. And that was like, a long time ago, like maybe 2006, or something like that. So I was doing it for fun. I was just like, using my webcam, like recording covers. And then afterwards, I started like, getting more serious about that. And then I like rebranded made a new YouTube channelstopped maybe three years ago or something, my idea was to achieve financial freedom and then work on music after. But now I’m doing YouTube for like a day, like basically a different channel. And, you know, teaching about the online business world and passive income, financial freedom stuff. And that started what, like two months ago, or something like that, I’m pretty familiar with the platform. And it’s just about like, being consistent cranking out videos, like not just giving up when you’re tired, you know, it’s just yeah,2:46
it’s just all about consistency. So I see. So started off from a hobby, and then you turn it into using it to brand yourself,2:53
kind of, because I think I was pretty serious about music, too.Like, I wanted to build that up for a bit. But then later, I realized because I was working a job, and I was doing it on the side, I didn’t have that much time to like work on music. And I thought if I achieve financial freedom, then I could, you know, lock myself in a studio and like work. So it’s something that I could go back to in the future. I don’t know if it’s like a hobby, or it’s like a passionate, I would say, I think my passion is creating. And I think that can apply to many different areas that’s like business or music, or, you know, writing could be something even like building a house of equal in my opinion. So it’s like really random stuff. But3:42
just creating is like my name. Yeah, I see. So like, I kind of want to ask you what is like ultimate end goal with social media? You said achieving financial independence? Yeah. What is that your ultimate goal in life? And how is this all going to lead to that, I would3:55
say my purpose is like creating to create impact people. So like, you know, whatever projects I might impact other people so and goal, I think is just to do the stuff I love and not be like restricted to having to make money or things like that. It’s like this whole like passive income financial freedom thing is so that I don’t have to like, think about money. And then after that is where I really just kind of live my life or whatever. And like, do things I love but actually right now to building this content for people is actually pretty fulfilling, because it’s like merging the whole passion of creating with hustling people like right now you’re, you know, getting advice, and I can help you out. So feels good. It’s like fulfilling.4:36
And I’ve noticed while we’re doing the interview, I would say you’re pretty good at public speaking, you don’t really stutter, you don’t send it that much. I mean, nobody’s perfect, right? And I started to a little bit and then I stumble on some words and sentences and stuff like that. But for somebody who’s thinking about getting into this, but then they’re struggling with their public speaking of their speech, what would be your advice? Like? Did you practice or do you just turn on the camera just did it and you just get better and better and better? And then it just happens. You probably just get better subconsciously like, well, what would be your advice on that?5:04
It’s like finding that you’re saying this, because I like I interviewed my boyfriend on a previous video about this exact thing of like, how do I get better at public speaking because I always like stutter and say, and stuff like that.5:15
You actually didn’t I didn’t hear you the whole video until you did. Yeah, that’s pretty good. So yeah, okay,5:19
that is nice. I think it’s because you’re asking me about my personal experience. So it’s like I know this topic. I better know it let’s see. So you’re asking how do you get better at speaking to the camera? Cuz you you’ve done public speaking, right?

I’ve done public speaking but for me, it’s a little weird when a cameras on I just act like a totally different person. Yeah, yes, I’ve done public speaking and for me how I got better just kept on practicing and kept on doing it. So and I even attended, I don’t know if anyone knows about this. But there’s a there’s a thing called Toastmasters. Yeah, it’s like yeah, so it’s a meetup group and, and they help you get better at speech. So I did do a couple of those.

So yes, I guess what the camera I guess I’ve done it for a while. So maybe that’s why it’s a little bit more natural to me. But it’s still not totally, because when I did the music thing, I was too scared to speak in front of the cameras. I never talked in any of my videos. Part of it is like I didn’t like my talking voice. I thought it was really scary to think on the spot. And like talk music was a little different. But I think Yeah, I kind of what you said, it’s just like practice, right? You just keep doing it. When it’s on camera, you can edit it. So I think like, if I mess up, it’s okay. Like, if we have pauses right now, it’s okay, I can just cut it. So with that mentality, I can go into it a little more confident. I don’t know, maybe, you know, I’ve done like interviews as well on camera, and I’m still super nervous. So I think it’s all practice. And it’s only been two months or so doing this. And I’m just going to keep trying to do this until I’m like super confident.

Yeah. And then for somebody who’s getting started in this, and let’s say they don’t have any equipment, and they’re going to start investing money into doing this doesn’t cost a whole lot to get started. And you know, give me a quick man microphone camera.

Yeah, I would say don’t even worry about here when you’re first starting. Don’t trip about that. Because you can still give a lot of value when it’s just like your iPhone, or like Android phone, whatever. And I’ve seen like crappy videos get tons of like tons of views, like without any editing or anything. If you want this gear this this microphone was really cheap, like 20 bucks or something like that. This this camera, I think it was 500 or something like that. I guess I’ve invested into camera gear before so I’m like kind of comfortable with it. I think it’s it provides value. It’s good. To me. It’s just like an investment in gear. And I think this camera is cool, because like I love the flip screen thing. Yeah, it’s awesome. And it’s like also if I if I touch this It focuses so whatever face you want to touch it, it’ll focus and it’s just like it’s small. It’s not one of the DSL ours where you attach the line. So it’s like easy to carry around if you want traveling or anything. It’s nice. I recommend this as a Canon g seven x. But when you’re just starting you can just use your phone to be honest. Use your phone and just keep making videos and keep upgrading as you go when you when you feel comfortable.

When you got started. Was there anyone that you follow to learn? Or did you just jump in and do it and even till now? Are you still like, Is there anyone out there that you’re watching that you’re still learning from when I

first started? I think I just watched other musicians because I was studying music but when it comes to getting good at the YouTube part like actually honing the YouTube part because I think there’s actually a lot of things to learn now it’s advanced a lot. The platforms advanced a lot. There’s tricks when it comes to SEO titles, use the thumbnails use the equipment, right? I sometimes look at Sonny Leonard Uzi, I think that’s turning 71 our channel and then another one’s Nick niman. Those are the two I watch. But I think also another tip is probably to look in your niche and see what other people who are successful in your niche. What are they doing, and maybe look at what videos they’re creating and be like, oh, which ones are the most popular ones? Maybe I can make a version of that. If you have like good advice around that. I guess it’s two parts, right one is like looking at the successful youtubers internet. The other one is looking at channels actually specifically teach tips are on YouTube.

Okay, and for those of you people who don’t know, what is your niche,

so I am teaching basically about making passive income online businesses. And it’s all about kind of financial freedom and entrepreneurship and self development, I would say

awesome, great. I think that’s all the questions I have for now. If I come up with more, maybe we could do another video.

Awesome. Yeah. Thank you so

much. And maybe you might see me do a video but we’ll see she’s pushing me to do it.

Hey, yeah, if you start one, I will link in the description. Awesome. Alright, see you guys. Thanks. So I hope you guys enjoyed this episode. Please make sure to rate review and subscribe. It really helps our podcast grow. And thanks again. I’ll see you guys in the next one.

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build youtube channel

About the Author

Sharon Tseung

Hi, I’m Sharon Tseung! I’m the owner of DigitalNomadQuest. I quit my job in 2016, traveled the world for 2 years, came back to the Bay Area, and ended up saving more money and building over 10 passive income streams on my digital nomad journey. I want to show you how you can do the same! Through this blog, learn how to build passive income and create financial and location independence.

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