How to GROW Your TikTok Followers (SKYROCKET TO 150K IN 6 MONTHS)

Sharon Tseung Side Hustles Leave a Comment

In this post, I talk about how to grow your TikTok followers and how I was able to get to 150k followers in about 6.5 months. I truly believe TikTok is a great way to grow your brand. Hope you enjoy my tips!

How to GROW Your TikTok Followers (SKYROCKET TO 150K IN 6 MONTHS)


Below is a transcription of the podcast. This transcription was taken from so it might not be completely accurate:

Sharon Tseung 0:00
Hey guys, it’s Sharon from digital nomad quest and today we’re gonna talk about how I was able to reach 150,000 followers on Tiktok now if you guys are new to the channel welcome I’m all about teaching y’all how to build passive income become financially free and design your best lives. So if you guys are interested in that, make sure to subscribe and hit the bell button to be notified of my latest videos. So let me start this by saying you should not sleep on tik tok. I actually think Tick Tock has driven a lot of my growth on YouTube and on Instagram. And what I’m trying to do is really build up my platforms all throughout, right I’ve been blogging for like five years and YouTube is maybe 1.5 years and now I’m doing you know Tick Tock and building up my Instagram a bit more and tik tok really got a lot of eyeballs on my stuff, which I am grateful for. So don’t sleep on it, it might be beneficial to your business. If you have high quality content. tik tok does spread it to audiences that care about what you are offering. So that’s why I think it is a good platform to get eyeballs on your stuff. It reaches a lot of new people faster. So going back to my journey, I would say that ton of people started going on tik tok during quarantine. Obviously, most people think of it as the Gen Z app. Right. But a lot of you know millennials and older people are starting to get on the platform just because it is an entertaining platform, especially during these times when you’re not supposed to hang out with people as much or like honestly be out that much. It’s just an easy way to pass time. Now I played with it, maybe January of this year, surprised by how it worked. But I like posted a video my first video got like maybe a couple 1000 views. I was just playing around hanging out with my boyfriend. And I was surprised, right, it reached that many people. That’s pretty awesome. And then I just posted some old videos of me singing, dancing and stuff like that. So after three videos, I didn’t really revisit the app until end of March, I decided to post some old videos as well as some new ones that I saw were trends on the platform, and I was just having fun with it. So a lot of the trending jokes and lip synching things I did a few of those maybe like 10 of those like for fun videos. And I thought it was a cool way to kind of showcase my personality because I am a music artist on YouTube as well. And I thought it’d be a great way because a lot of my attention now is on passive income and business but I also you know, have this other side that I don’t get to showcase as much and then I noticed that a lot of my financial videos started picking up and I felt like financial videos weren’t as popular back then like financial entrepreneurship stuff on tik tok, I would say it’s getting way more saturated now. But once I noticed that I started doing more of that. And then I also did a few the for fun videos just to sprinkle them around to showcase my personality. But when I noticed that it was picking up I was really excited. And I was like, Okay, I might as well try to experiment with this. Maybe I’ll do one a day while I’m in quarantine because what else is there to do. So I started doing one video a day, and I hit about 11,000 subscribers pretty quickly. I remember maybe in a month or two months time or something like that. And then what it really hit was when I posted this video on real estate about my journey and purchasing my second rental property that one video got super viral hit over a million views. And I was able to hit 100,000 followers pretty soon after. So it was very interesting because you know, I’ve been posting like pretty consistently and then once I’ve put this video out, it just skyrocketed and to me it was a sense of like doing this consistent work helped me get there where one video hit and then I knew people like this type of content. So I started making more of that type of content. Fast forward to now I’ve hit this many followers and I’m just stoked about it. So I kind of want to give you guys my tips around Tick Tock hopefully you guys enjoy it. So first off, I would say honestly focus on one niche and then in the future when people know who you are, then you can post them more for fun videos but you want to be that resource for people around one topic. So if you are into comedy, you should just keep posting funny stuff like that right then people will know you as a resource for that and then if you’re a singer stick with the singing stuff stick with the music related stuff you can even dance still in the same niche even entertainment in general you can use that broader niche as long as you’re staying within that circle for me I’m sticking with financial freedom passive income real estate type of stuff everything around financial freedom so you know investing passive income building walls all that matters with this right but I also do for fun stuff from time to time showcase my personality, but mostly I focus on that niche because I know it works. So double down on one kind of you know, experiment beginning see which one picks up and then go all in for that obviously if you’re using Tiktok for fun, don’t worry about this type of stuff. But if you are trying to build a brand if you are trying to grow a following make sure you stick with one topic number two, you should think of others more than Think of yourself actually I came onto this platform to just have fun initially and once I started thinking about okay what would help other people who watch my videos that actually helped a lot. So again, it depends on your goals. If you’re just having fun on tech talk like whatever just have fun creating have fun expressing yourself but if you are wanting to be known for that one niche again stick with that niche but also be helpful. So if you are the resource for entertainment, make sure it provides value for people. So if you are a resource for dancing videos provide value by creating this entertainment for people if you are known for DIY projects, keep making that information, create tutorials, things like that, where people are like, Oh, I can like benefit from this or create inspiration for people with my stuff. I talk about my journey because people seem to like that It inspires them. But I also do tutorial videos where I can tell them, okay, this is how you get started with this passive income stream. And it really helps people learn more and start doing it themselves. So remember, always provide value and think of others. Number three, yes, you should post consistently. But you should also post high quality content, I would say that tik tok really favors, you know, high quality content, because that type of content can spread to a wider audience. If posting one video a day hurts the quality of your content, just don’t do it, maybe do it weekly, or bi weekly, just figure out what schedule will allow you to be consistent with it and then keep going with that I used to do every day. But now I’m actually doing it closer to like twice a week or once a week. To be honest, I do want to post more frequently. But essentially, I want to make sure that I won’t despise it. And I can still keep up with the high quality content. So in my journey, I kind of talked about it before, right. So when that one video went viral around real estate, I realized that people liked that type of content. So I just kept making more of that stuff. I made sure that that content was high quality, and I wasn’t just posting whatever I wanted. So to recap, make sure that you are consistent, but you are also producing good stuff. Okay. Also, I want to add another note that essentially people will follow you when you have a portfolio of high quality content, as well as consistent content, if they go to your profile after you’ve been viral and they see that Oh, your your content is like whatever and you’re not posting all the time, then they might not follow you. And you know, Marco from whiteboard finance, our interview talked about this where for him, he was producing a lot of high quality content, and then one of them just blew up. But like what made people follow him was that, you know, he had this portfolio good stuff that people wanted to follow and see more. So that’s the key, right? You want to keep producing the good stuff, one of them’s gonna hit someday, and then you want to be there for it, where people are like, okay, I like your stuff. I’m gonna follow you. Number four something hits, keep making some more videos. I already talked about this earlier, because it went along the lines of produce high quality stuff, it’s the same mentality where if you know that this provides value for people make that type of stuff, people seem to really care about real estate investment on Tick tock, if you will follow me I’m fine that you know, with my Tick Tock lives, a lot of people who go on it and have asked me real estate questions, there are some passive income financial freedom questions, but a lot of it becomes real estate, I’m gonna do all of this type of stuff. So if you look at my profile, now, I don’t just focus on real estate, I still talk about how to achieve financial freedom, whether it be advice on freelancing, or high paying jobs, or passive income methods that I can teach you also around principles around managing your finances, all that stuff is still relevant to my channel, I’m still gonna talk about those things. But if you do want to make more viral content, just look at the ones that are doing well. Next, I would say look at what other successful people are doing and find ideas from them. I do not mean just copy what people are doing. Just look at other examples and learn from what they’re doing. I got started kind of looking at a bunch of different channels and seeing Okay, this type of stuff is popular. Okay, these trending sounds are happening right now, these types of videos are very popular right now. Okay, cool. So I would get inspiration from different areas. And then I’m like, Oh, I can apply it to my life by doing this, or Oh, I can apply it to entrepreneurship. By doing this. For example, I have this one video that follows one of the trends where I say a normal employee usually gets the paycheck really easy. But then an entrepreneur has to go through a bunch of steps in order to achieve success, or it’s like highs and lows and everything like that. You can see it on my channel. But that blew up on ag reels surprisingly, and gets views on Tick tock, but it’s all kind of based on trends and looking at what other successful people are doing what’s hot right now, make sure to stay on the app so you can kind of research these things. Another tip I have for you guys is you can repurpose content, sometimes I don’t do it that often. But sometimes I will take one of my viral videos from a long time ago, and then repost it again because there is no real penalty with that. And it still gets eyeballs to these pieces of content. And some people may not have seen them before, because you’ve been posting so many other videos, you know, the old videos get pushed down that much that like maybe it’s time to bring it back. So don’t be afraid to repurpose those viral videos. Also, don’t be afraid to collab with other people in your niche. I do. I did one tick talker that we talked on DNS and was like, hey, let’s do some collabs. And that one actually did get 100,000 views. So if you see a popular video from another person in your niche, why not do a reaction video or a response video or something like that, or you can even meet up in person and do a collab I’m going to do more duets in the future because it’s an easy way to push out more content and get more eyeballs for their content as well. So it’s a win win situation. All right, I hope you guys enjoyed my tips on how to grow your tik tok account. I really do feel like it’s helped me a lot in terms of building my personal brand and I’m gonna keep investing in it and posting consistently there Feel free to check out my content as well on tik tok. If you guys liked this video, make sure to smash the like Find comment below and let me know if there’s any tips that really stood out for you. Make sure to subscribe and hit the bell button to be notified of my latest videos and I’ll see you guys in the next one.Transcribed by


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    About the Author

    Sharon Tseung

    Hi, I’m Sharon Tseung! I’m the owner of DigitalNomadQuest. I quit my job in 2016, traveled the world for 2 years, came back to the Bay Area, and ended up saving more money and building over 10 passive income streams on my digital nomad journey. I want to show you how you can do the same! Through this blog, learn how to build passive income and create financial and location independence.

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