Q&A with Sharon Tseung! Everything you want to know about me (Money, Business, Travel, & Random)

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In this episode we’re going to keep it light and fun! I made a questionnaire on Instagram so y’all can learn more about me.

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Q&A with Sharon Tseung! Everything you want to know about me (Money, Business, Travel, & Random)


Below is a transcription of the podcast. This transcription was taken from Otter.ai so it might not be completely accurate:

Sharon Tseung 0:00
Hey guys, it’s Sharon from digital nomad quest and today we’re gonna do a little q&a with me everything you want to know about me personal finance, real estate, passive income, whatever you guys want to know. So basically, I kind of wanted to have a little fun I put a little ask on Instagram to see if people had any questions for me for my next YouTube video, I ended up getting about 18 questions. So I have a lot to cover. I’m probably not going to get to everything, but I’m going to try my best to get through as many questions as I can. Alright, so let’s just get right to it. So first question, does pineapple belong on pizza? I’m gonna have to say no, because I don’t really like pineapple. What type of ice cream? Would you be? Okay, I’m weird too, in that I don’t really eat desserts, Ice Cream Cake too much. The only thing I’ll eat is like French vanilla ice cream. So I guess I would be french vanilla. What’s your cash flow goal? And what is your favorite state to invest in? So I guess it’s a two part question. So I kind of talked about in a previous video where money isn’t really my focus, right now, every time I put a numeric passive income goal, I get kind of more unhappy because then I chase another number and then another number. And in reality, I’m actually in a good place right now. So I’m trying to put a cash flow goal I’m doing pretty decently with all the cash flow that’s coming in right now. My thing is right now I just want to live with intention, live with purpose, keep doing the stuff I enjoy that aligns with my values. So what is your favorite state to invest in? Right now? I’ve currently invested in California, Texas, and Georgia. And I think there’s just a lot of different markets that work around the country, you just need to study the different markets. I don’t really have like a favorite right now. I’m just testing out different ones, to see which ones do well, which ones are easier to kind of maintain and stuff like that. It’s been decent so far, with all the different ones I currently have. We’ll see how they go. All right, why real estate? All right. To me, real estate is more fun. I don’t know, ever since I was little, you know, I play Monopoly. And then I saw you can have all these little rental properties that just keep cash flowing for you. And I’m just like, I want my life to be like that, right? So to me, it’s like a tangible asset that gives you consistent cash flow. I personally just really like cash flow. And real estate gives you that it gives you that consistency. And I’m just trying to collect a bunch of little properties and build my empire. But I don’t have anything against stocks or anything, I actually have kind of an equal 5050 with the amount I have in real estate and the amount I have in stock. So I like to diversify have multiple things going on, including real estate stocks, and online businesses do you play among us? So I have played and I play with my coworkers? What I find is I really don’t like being the imposter. I don’t like those games where you have to kind of lie, because I’m not good at lying. And it just feels uncomfortable. So if I were among us, and I’m not the imposter, I feel okay, like I can even die and be okay in the game. But when I’m an imposter, I just feel really uncomfortable. So I just don’t really play that game. If you could pick your height, what would it be? I’m okay with my height. I am five three. I guess I could add a couple inches if I wanted to. But I’m pretty comfortable with where I’m at how many countries have you been to? I believe it’s 31 countries so far. Hopefully I can increase that I have this blog before called me want travel calm, I still up so you guys can check it out. But basically my friend and I wanted to visit 100 countries before 100. So I think that’s still a goal of mine. So I know it’s gonna be hard to be able to reach that, but we’ll see how it goes. So currently 31 when I was nomadic, I didn’t actually visit that many more countries actually stayed. You know, one month at each place, I was more focused on kind of building my passive income stream and kind of seeing how local life was while traveling. I wasn’t like oh, I need to go here and go here and go here. It wasn’t really like that. So that’s kind of why it’s at 31 Actually, I do think people think 31 is a good number, but I probably could have visited way more countries during my two years in real estate investing books I recommend. So you could check out long distance real estate investing with David Greene, the ABCs of real estate investing and of course Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki. Are you a good cook? Probably not. I don’t really know that many recipes by right now during quarantine, I’m trying to learn more and more. So no, I’m not really a good cook. But I feel like I can learn. I feel like with anything I could probably, you know, spend some time, learn a bunch of recipes or learn whatever I need to learn and get decent at it advice for someone starting a YouTube channel. I’m sure you’ve covered this before lol. So my advice is, first of all, everyone says it but you have to just start just do it. I think so many people get action paralysis, because they’re worried about making perfect videos. But honestly, if you have a phone, you can just start recording and start putting up YouTube videos because the more you do it, you will get better because you’ll start noticing things about how you’re doing it and how other people are doing it. And how you can upgrade. I would also say make sure your thumbnails are interesting. Maybe put more of your face in it if you can put you know maybe two or three words or something that show what the video is about. If you look at my thumbnails, I kind of pop out of the background. I try to make it kind of more exciting to have like a little facial expressions, stuff like that. I think that’s gonna helpand it also kind of outline your videos before you start recording because you’re gonna get stuck when you’re trying to talk. It’s easier when you know where you’re gonna talk about And lastly, you can check out to buddy I use that for my keyword research to make sure that your titles are more SEO optimized. But don’t worry about all these things just start because keep posting at least like once a week, I would say you can as long as you’re consistent with it, because for me, it’s a long game right? For me with my YouTube channel, it’s at least five to 10 years, timespan I’m planning to, you know, keep up with this YouTube channel. And you should think in that timeframe as well. Please talk about how you set up your Etsy store for passive income. I have a bunch of videos on this, I’m going to put a referral link. So if you want to start your Etsy shop, you can get 40 free listings, and I’ll give 40 free listings to if you use that link, basically just click that link, set up your shop very easy. And when you’re doing it, again, focus on thumbnails, make sure your description talks really specifically about what your product entails. If it’s a digital download, show people what kind of files it is and how it’s supposed to be used. And again, just keep making more products. I have a bunch of Etsy videos again, make sure to check those out. Make sure to check out my free Etsy Crash Course as well. So you can kind of understand how to do se with digital downloads. What’s your morning routine? I don’t really have a morning routine. To be honest, I just get up when I get up. You know, it’s been really cold these days, too. So I’ve just been going to the couch and just working there because right now it’s all remote work for me. What are your five things you look for in a partner? First, I do have to be physically attracted to the person it’s hard for me to be in something with someone by not that way with that person think that’s normal for any relationship, honesty and loyalty I would say is a big one for me. I’m just going to package that up as one caring they have to think about my needs and put in that effort. similar values I would say so it’s nice to have someone who understands like my financial outlook, my entrepreneurial spirit, my values, my family and friendships and stuff like that. What’s your pet peeve? I would say a big pet peeve is they say they’re going to do something and they don’t do it or people who are like hypocritical when the world opens up again which country would you like to travel to first at this point? I think anywhere in Europe and I’ve kind of been missing Hong Kong to what’s one thing you can’t give up my phone? Any favorite show or movie favorite movies random but Minority Report shows Breaking Bad Death Note was a dope anime. I also really liked this warehouse. I’m a big fan of that show friends is always a good one. It’s just like a thing that friends and Gilmore Girls. It’s like the wholesome vibes that I like to just watch sometimes. I guess friends is not as wholesome, but it just feels kind of like a nostalgic sometimes when I watch it.Unknown Speaker 7:24
I should have more movie selections.Sharon Tseung 7:25
Can’t think of them right now. Maybe I’ll get back to it later. Favorite boba shop. I actually don’t drink that much boba. I like Jamba Juice better. I like mango gogo. Mango, Jamba Juice. That’s what’s up. Do you do mentoring? I currently don’t. I have the courses out though. Right I have the Etsy course and have the blogging course out. So if you guys want to check that go ahead. I am also planning to release a long distance real estate investing course with my boyfriend. So keep watch on that. How popular Do I have to become to collab with you? It’s not about that. It’s just okay. First of all. Lately, I’ve been lazy about interviewing people. I’m kind of introverted. So it’s like easier for me when I just talk straight to the camera. And I don’t need to talk to other people. But when it comes to like interviews and stuff like that, it’s usually if you can bring some value to my audience. So it doesn’t have to be like you’re super popular or anything like that. It’s just more about what can you bring to the table that will be of interest to my audience? Do you invest in dividend paying stocks? And ETFs? Yes, my favorite ETF is q qq. And I do have some other like tech giants and stuff like that. But if you guys are looking into ETS, I do recommend q qq. If you’re in college as a freshman right now, what would you do to get started, if I were in college as a freshman, I would want to just like live up my college years. Okay, right now, it’s quarantine. So it’s kind of hard to do that. But when I was in college, I really enjoyed my four years. And you know, some people are like, do you need to go to college to be successful or whatever. For me, it’s like not about that. It’s more like, if you can enjoy here for years, like you don’t need to grow up so quickly. I do feel like once you graduate and you’re in the real world, it’s kind of like that’s it, you know, can’t go back to those innocent days when you’re in school and you’re thinking just about your grades or just about having fun, and socializing. It’s like the real world now. And you got like priorities, life things. So to me, I would just live it up. But if you are really already like, Okay, I’m gonna make money and whatever, I think is more about taking action and studying the resources you can so studying my channel, studying some of the books I recommend. And yeah, just taking action because you learn a lot as you take action. I’m just going to do a couple more. Let’s see what place Did you least like when you traveled? Okay, I don’t know because there’s always like good things about each place. When I started. I went to Stockholm and then I went to Greece, but I went to Greece when it was super hot. I was struggling like they didn’t really have AC and a lot of the places because it’s not normal to have AC apparently so I was struggling because it was really hot. And I think for me You know, it’s a struggle for me when I don’t have like Asian foods. So it wasn’t really common in Greece and the types of foods there was different from what I’m like normally used to. So that was harder for me. But there’s a lot of good things about Greece too. So I don’t want to knock it but that was probably the one I struggled with the most in the beginning. And then as I kept going, it was like better and better the places I visited. How many lows could Rob Lowe? Rob, if Rob Lowe could rob Lowe’s? Five, have you experienced a loss in any of your rental properties, we just got started. And it’s scary. I think my biggest loss was like when I had my first property in California. And I bought that one. And later on, I had these tenants who basically weren’t paying rent afterwards, they didn’t pay for six months, and they were trying to sue me it was like really weird, but ultimately, we were able to get them evicted. But it was just like such a process, especially in California because they’re more tenant friendly. So I guess that was kind of my biggest loss, but it wasn’t too bad. And ultimately now the tenants I have There are so good that it’s so hands off very passive. Also, when you first get started with real estate investing, you should expect like a one year seasoning period when you first buy your property that seasoning period could have like repairs could have issues, just have those unexpected things. So just a lot one year when you first buy your property. Alright, this is the last question I’m gonna do so any tips for students to make more money or work towards their first house? Alright, so my advice is there a bunch of different like side hustle options, I talked about it all the time on my channel. But first of all, when I went nomadic, I took like multiple part time remote positions, I use sites like Upwork Craigslist, and I got referrals from friends and things like that. So you should try to look on different sites to see what kind of remote freelancing positions you can get. If you’re not trying to do that route. I talk a lot about online business as well on my channel, I talk about doing Etsy merch by Amazon Amazon FBA a little bit of Shopify and affiliate marketing, blogging, YouTube all of these methods are ways to build up your income so in my opinion, it’s really good to have multiple income streams so that they can all be working for you. And then this way you’re bumping up your income and you’re making it so that you can save more money towards like your first house and things like that. You should also try to figure out how you can lower your expenses and your biggest expense is going to be your housing costs so see how you can kind of reduce that maybe you’re going to live at home until your mid 20sor something like that, you know, that’s what I did actually so it’s not a bad idea to try to reduce your living expenses are so I tried to get through as many questions as I could. I didn’t realize how long this would be but I hope you guys enjoyed the video let me know in the comments below. If you guys have other questions, maybe I can answer them there too. You guys like the video smash the like button subscribe, hit the bell button to be notified of my latest videos. I’ll see you guys in the next one.Transcribed by https://otter.ai


About the Author

Sharon Tseung

Hi, I’m Sharon Tseung! I’m the owner of DigitalNomadQuest. I quit my job in 2016, traveled the world for 2 years, came back to the Bay Area, and ended up saving more money and building over 10 passive income streams on my digital nomad journey. I want to show you how you can do the same! Through this blog, learn how to build passive income and create financial and location independence.

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