I’ve Launched My New YouTube Channel!

Sharon Tseung Side Hustles Leave a Comment

I have finally launched my YouTube channel (and podcast)!

I initially felt hesitant announcing that I’ve created a new YouTube channel, because I already have two other music channels including Sharon Estee. I didn’t want to bug people with all my business.

But now that I think about it, I’m creating educational content for people so I shouldn’t worry about it! If people find my videos, blog posts, and podcast episodes useful, they will consume the content. If people don’t, they don’t have to watch or care.

If you have content you’re hoping to see, please let me know and I’ll try my best to create those videos for you!

YouTube sharon tseung


Launching a YouTube channel was a part of my endeavor to level up my brand. In the past I mentioned different tasks to get my blog to the next level including:

1. Implement a new website theme (done)
2. Build two courses (halfway there)
3. Create an email sequence (done)
4. Master affiliate marketing (learning!)

As you can see I didn’t mention YouTube or podcasting. I didn’t realize these two were in my plans until later, after I started posting more educational Instagram videos and met my boyfriend who inspired me to make bolder decisions.

Creating Instagram content for people made me more aware of the multiple ways to reach wider audiences. I also realized video + audio content could be great self improvement practice.

There are a few reasons why I want to incorporate YouTube and podcasting:

  1. I want to be more comfortable with my voice.
  2. I want to be more comfortable with talking and communicating with people.
  3. I want to start interviewing inspirational people, not just through text-based posts on my blog.
  4. Expanding to multimedia platforms will allow me to reach larger audiences and grow my brand.

My main focuses will most likely be the YouTube channel and blog. I won’t be as focused on podcasting as I will mainly export the audio from my YouTube videos and put that up as podcast episodes.

I’m more familiar with YouTube because I have experience from my Sharon Estee music channel, which is why I chose YouTube as my outlet. Blogging will still be another focus as I still enjoy blogging a lot. I find writing is a great way of expression and in ways, less pressure.

In my YouTube channel, you can expect some of the following upcoming interviews:

  1. Interview with Pat Flynn – Founder of Smart Passive Income (and someone you probably know that I respect a lot)!
  2. Interview with Alvin Poh – A multi-millionaire who sold his company and became a digital nomad
  3. Interview with Martin Barry – Founder of Manifesto Market in Prague and reSITE, a non-profit that aims to improve urban cities through design

There are many other videos I’ve been working on, and I’m super excited to share them. I have learned so much just speaking with others, and I’ve also been enjoying creating educational content.

What do you all think of my new endeavors? If you want to follow along, I’d love it if you would subscribe to the channel here and let me know what you think. I’d also love it if you could email me or comment with feedback on what kind of content you would love for me to make. I want to make sure I provide as much value to you all as possible. Thanks so much!





About the Author

Sharon Tseung

Hi, I’m Sharon Tseung! I’m the owner of DigitalNomadQuest. I quit my job in 2016, traveled the world for 2 years, came back to the Bay Area, and ended up saving more money and building over 10 passive income streams on my digital nomad journey. I want to show you how you can do the same! Through this blog, learn how to build passive income and create financial and location independence.

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