review fincon 2019

My Review of FinCon 2019!

Sharon Tseung Design Your Life Leave a Comment

I went to FinCon 2019 and did a review of the conference! If you’re wondering if FinCon is worth it…the answer is yes, haha. I met a lot of amazing influencers and learned some great pieces of information. I also wrote about it in this blog post. But if you want the video or podcast versions, here is my review of FinCon 2019!

Is FinCon Worth It? My Review of FinCon 2019

Below is a transcription of the podcast. This transcription was taken from so it might not be completely accurate:

This is the Digital Nomad Quest podcast with Sharon Tseung. teaching people how to build passive income, become financially free and design the best lives. Hey guys, it’s Sharon from Digital Nomad Quest. And I recently got back from FinCon. So I wanted to give you guys my review of the conference. So what is fin con? fin con is basically a conference for financial content creators basically like YouTubers, podcasters, bloggers and things of that sort. And I was surprised because I didn’t know that going into it. Apparently, I didn’t study this site very well. I thought it was going to be like financial information. I was going to learn stuff about like saving taxes, investing all that stuff. But I wanted to meet people there to that were in the space. So no matter what I knew I was going to meet like content creators. But to my pleasant surprise, it was like filled with marketing tactics, really useful breakout sessions and seminars. But anyway, let me start from the beginning, right, so I go there first impressions, I was amazed by the amount of people who actually attended there like thousands of people there. And even Pat Flynn messaged me saying is cool that I ended up showing up at fin con. And that fin cons turnout is always this big. And I was just so surprised. And then when I get there, I go to like the booth section. And they’re actually really cool. Like they’re giving out a lot of really good swag to me on is like my boyfriend, I were just like scouring the booth trying to get this swag trying on the best thing I’m supposed to learn about, like the different booths and what their advertising which I did, right, I did bit but I was trying to get the swag. So it was really good sign. Some of the notable boots like I even got headshots. So fin con was supporting this, they’re giving out free headshots, which is really cool. They also give out free shirts, they even had like cupcakes with our faces printed on them. I think the company was ally that did that. And that was really cool. Some other goodies. I like pens and picnic blankets. And like notebooks is useful at the time because I needed to take some notes on the seminars, they even had a pre party and an after party. So they included drinks and food and stuff like that. And I thought about it and the goodies and like these parties alone kind of already make up for a lot of the value of the tickets. So I think I bought it at 300 bucks. If you buy earlier, you can get it for even cheaper, I believe. So hey, if you get nothing out of like networking, and breakout sessions, which is pretty impossible, if you get nothing out of that at least you get the swag and the parties or the seminars. This is where I was actually like really surprised. Again, my expectations for this conference was let’s go and let’s see what happens. Like I had no expectations. And I go there and they’re like breakout sessions for each hour. And they were really useful. Like each one was super useful. They were podcasting ones, YouTube ones how to like grow your email list, how to increase traffic on your website, how to increase sales on your website, a lot of these things were things I really want to attend. Sometimes they were like multiple ones going on at the same time that I want to attend all of them. But I couldn’t because they were at the same time. So I had to choose one. But yeah, most of the seminars I went to I actually learned a lot from it. Sometimes I go to conferences, right. And then there’s speakers, but they spend 80% of their speech talking about their backstory and like fluffy stuff that like yeah, it’s cool to learn about it. But it doesn’t teach me anything and inspires me. But it’s Yeah, it’s not like teaching me anything. This conference is like different. It just starts off basically with stuff that you want to know. Like it gave me actionable steps towards building my brand. For example, a lot of them were actually revealing their stats, they’re revealing how much money they’re making per channel from their business, as well as how much traffic their website was getting. And what caused each spike. It was very interesting hearing that Oh, getting this guest post actually got this spike, or speaking at these gigs helped me get more and more gigs, they would teach you how to get those gigs, or how to make your email opt ins better or how to like think about your autoresponder series, like they’re just going in depth. And I was actually really surprised because it was like a smaller space and not like a big conference room. Each breakout session felt really comfortable, where I actually raised my hand as an introvert, that’s pretty rare. I don’t raise my hand, but like I raised my hand to ask as many questions as I could, because I knew these guys were experts that could teach me a lot. And they were all really willing to help and give actual answers to you. And then now let me talk about the networking. So before this conference, I’ve been having trouble trying to find people that I can talk to about stuff, because we’re both doing the same things. Now that I’ve gone to this conference, I feel like I’ve networked with a lot of people where I can reach out to them and like learn stuff or like collaborate with them. And they’re all like either at the same level as me or above. And you don’t know how useful that is not just in the community sense. Sometimes I would feel pretty alone and doing all this entrepreneurship stuff, because it’s not that common, like not that many people are doing this. But aside from that having this group where we can actually like share tips and collaborate is really useful. I mean, I met some big YouTubers like Ryan Scribner, NATO Brian, I even met Graham Stephen and meet Kevin but like kind of briefly not in like a like a chill setting me Ryan knee and some others like got drinks and stuff. I also met other YouTubers and bloggers that are pretty big in the space, others that I could collaborate with kind of in the same realm as me even got to interview someone that I attended her session. And I thought she was like really good. So I decided I wanted to like interview her because I could relate a lot to her. She was talking about how when she rebranded her site and really thought about what her brand was, like, skyrocketed her traffic and her sales and that’s where she started making a six figure business because she did that rebrand. And now I was at that point, I’ve been thinking a lot about my branding lately. So it’s really cool to get to speak to her and they’re all kind of willing to just be like, Hey, I’m down to do an interview with you. So it’s really cool to be able to talk to these guys, people and we’re all equals we’re all like trying to help each other just felt very collaborative. Alright, so takeaways from the conference. Once I got home these last few days, I’ve just been working the hell out of my website. I like did kind of a rebrand. I’m restructuring my menu. I’m going to redo my email opt ins and my email sequences. I’m going to add more hire writers I’ve already done so much in these last few days just because of this conference. I’ve also like reached out to a bunch of the people I met and we’re going to like collaborate. I’ve already done some collaborations with them already. I’m just taking so much action after this conference. And I’ve gone to a good amount of conferences already and this one is my favorite so far.6:41
So I hope you guys enjoyed this episode. Please make sure to rate review and subscribe. It really helps our podcast grow. And thanks again. I’ll see you guys in the next one.Transcribed by
fincon review
About the Author

Sharon Tseung

Hi, I’m Sharon Tseung! I’m the owner of DigitalNomadQuest. I quit my job in 2016, traveled the world for 2 years, came back to the Bay Area, and ended up saving more money and building over 10 passive income streams on my digital nomad journey. I want to show you how you can do the same! Through this blog, learn how to build passive income and create financial and location independence.

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