Think Big, Achieve Big – Thoughts on the SF Bay Summit 2019 Real Estate Conference

Sharon Tseung Investing 2 Comments

This past weekend, I attended the SF Bay Summit 2019, a real estate conference hosted by J. Martin. My friend bought me tickets so I was grateful and stoked! I’ve been trying to learn more and network in the real estate world as I believe it is one area where you can expand exponentially and make large gains if you do it right. ⁣And if you know me, you’ll know I love events like these. Conferences let you meet like-minded people, learn, and feel productive. It also allows me to write up educational notes for you all in these blog posts.

sf bay summit 2019

real estate conference sf bay summit 2019


SF Bay Summit 2019 Real Estate Conference

Think Big, Achieve Big

Something I’ve been thinking about is this concept of think big and achieve big. I met someone recently who showed me how mentality and the subconscious matter so much in your external results. I think about rewiring mindsets a lot, but I don’t think about training the subconscious enough. It’s so easy for me to disregard visualization and affirmation practices because it feels less tangible. I want to know that if I work hard on A I will get to B. But connecting the idea of repeated sayings to the mirror to actual results seems a bit unbelievable. It’s easy for my mind to resist these types of activities because it feels silly and won’t help. For example, people talk about how saying your affirmations daily to the mirror will help towards whatever you want to achieve. But I can tell that my mind/heart deep down resists entertaining the notion that saying “I am successful, beautiful, and smart” to the mirror each day will help my life. However there have been tons of evidence from celebrity success stories that confirm there may be something to it.

Jim Carrey

Take Jim Carrey. When he was broke, he used to drive up to Mulholland Drive every night, look at the city, put his arms out, and say:

“Everybody wants to work with me. I’m a really good actor. I have all kinds of great movie offers. Movie offers are out there for me, I just don’t hear them yet.”

He would repeat this over and over again and would visualize directors coming to him and people he respected saying “I like your work”.

Carrey also wrote himself a check for $10 million for “acting services rendered”, dating it 3-5 years into the future. He kept it in his wallet so that every time he took money out he would see the check, serving as a visual repetition to remind him of his goals. Carrey really believed in the law of attraction, that positive thoughts bring positive experiences into a person’s life.

Lo and behold, just before Thanksgiving 1995, he discovered he was going to make $10 million dollars for the movie “Dumb and Dumber”.

Carrey not only talked about the power of the law of attraction, visualizations, and affirmations, but also added some tips on creating your reality:

  • You can do as many visualizations and affirmations as you want but it only makes a difference when you truly believe it. (This is something I could probably work on.)
  • You can ask for as much as you want from the Universe (don’t let fear stop you).
  • Let go and allow what the Universe has planned for you.
  • Take action towards your desires.
  • Do things intentionally.

Tiffany Haddish

Another example that comes to mind is Tiffany Haddish. She went through an extremely traumatic childhood that included sexual abuse, foster care, a stepdad who tried to kill her and her whole family, poverty and homelessness. She details this in The Last Black Unicorn, and throughout the book and in interviews, she talks about how she would practice affirmations and positive thinking to get her through hardships. Haddish would force herself to believe that she would make it and succeed.

When I see her resilience and where she is today, it truly blows my mind. I don’t think I would have been able to find that strength if I were in her shoes. But the way she trained her subconscious thinking to really have faith in the Universe probably made all the difference. Check out the below video (she talks about law of attraction practices around 3:59):

Haddish would speak to the mirror saying “I love you” and really instilled in herself that she’s strong, she’s loved, she’s beautiful, and she’s going to make it.

In the below video Haddish talks about “positive thoughts, positive things” and motivational tag teaming with her friends around 3:46:

Both of these comedians/actors came from extreme hardships yet shined in the face of it all. They both attribute their success to their visualizations, affirmations, and faith in life and themselves. That faith does not come without practice. You have to train your subconscious and mind to believe in the best.

My friend showed me his vision board and how he meditates daily, practices affirmations, visualization, and gratitude. His vision board is his phone wallpaper and also hangs on his wall. Because of this he is constantly reminded of his future ideal self, which not only contain money goals but also health and passions. After learning about Jim Carrey’s $10 million dollar check, my friend followed suit and wrote himself a $100 million dollar check dated 10 years later! His thought process was that if you don’t think bigger and train your subconscious to believe in the limitless possibilities of life, you won’t even know to take the actions towards that person you want to be. You have to be intentional with how you do things, and visualizing your ideal self makes you more prone to figuring out the correct steps to get to your dreams. He even mentioned that he has no idea if these practices work, but he might as well do them over and over again if successful people mention the power of the subconscious and law of attraction.

I noticed that some things in my life have been working out so well, and I attribute it to these challenges I started implementing in my life. I found that the challenges changed the way I thought, and I started believing in the best rather than the worst. I started trusting that I could do anything I set my mind to, and life started feeling more abundant. I do believe that the “positive thoughts, positive things” mentality is real! I want to continue pursuing challenges as well as start implementing practices to train the subconscious. Seeing not only celebrity cases but also my friend’s case (he’s going through a few hardships yet he’s optimistic and grateful as ever), makes me realize this stuff is real and I need to learn from it.

It reminds me of this amazing video of Dax Shepard talking about his flaws and how he changed to become more like his partner, Kristen Bell. After seeing how her goodness, generosity, loving character, and optimism created undeniable results in her life (she’s making more money than him, getting ahead, everyone loves her, etc.), Dax decided to move in her direction for the better.

Your Network is Your Net Worth!

It is insane to have been around such successful people at the SF Bay Summit, where $1 million a year is low of a goal and owning hundreds of units is sort of normal. Having met all these people really changed my perspective of what’s possible.

⁣In terms of my own financial goals, I’ve never cared too much to increase my net worth to 8 figures, and I probably will never make it an end goal of mine. I used to fear the repercussions of owning too much money. However, I realize if I stayed aware and kept working on self improvement, I could view the exponential expansion of passive income and chasing of dreams as a fun game and positive testament to the opportunities in life. ⁣Right now I’m aiming to hit a 7-figure a year passive income goal, and anything after that is a bonus. I’m guessing I will constantly pursue projects and who knows, maybe the 8-figure net worth will become a byproduct.

I’m all about the average of 5 people concept that says you are basically the average of the 5 people in your circle. It is crucial to surround yourself with people who inspire and lift you up. It’s almost a productivity hack! If you hang out with ‘losers’ every day, it’s likely you’re going to become one as well. If you hang out with people who inspire you, you’ll both consciously and subconsciously learn their ways and gravitate towards them. If people are getting the results you want to get, it’s quite obvious you’re going to learn from their techniques, mentality, strategies, and implement them in your own life. It’s exactly like the Dax Shepard and Kristen Bell example. Surround yourself with people who make you your best. In the SF Bay Summit example, because I met people who normalized the idea of 8 figures a year it became a regular concept and an attainable goal that I should potentially strive for.

sf bay summit 2019


In this post I talked more about my personal takeaways versus notes from the summit, but I plan to publish my learnings on some of the seminars in future posts. Overall I had a lot of fun at the conference, and it shifted my mentality in a positive way. I want to always THINK BIG and surround myself with cool, respectable people. What you believe becomes what you get!

Think Big, Achieve Big


About the Author

Sharon Tseung

Hi, I’m Sharon Tseung! I’m the owner of DigitalNomadQuest. I quit my job in 2016, traveled the world for 2 years, came back to the Bay Area, and ended up saving more money and building over 10 passive income streams on my digital nomad journey. I want to show you how you can do the same! Through this blog, learn how to build passive income and create financial and location independence.

Comments 2

  1. Thanks Sharon, I needed this great post today.
    Regarding affirmations…I try to remind myself to apply the Law of attraction, and have faith. Give the affirmation stock, grounding and power. Not to fall into the black hole of the question, ” believing in myself”, (doubting capabilities), BUT, giving strength to power. It’s trying at times, but that’s when I find out what I’m really made of.
    I’m grateful that you wrote this post of personal standpoint. As a result, I think the post offered more in depth information to inspire, we’ll done!!
    Always strive for more. Be well, and stay safe.

    1. Post

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