tips on making a successful etsy shop

Tips on Making a Successful Etsy Shop

Sharon Tseung Side Hustles Leave a Comment

In this podcast and video episode, I describe tips on making a successful Etsy shop. This is based on personal experience of building my Etsy shop for 4 years or so! I can guarantee that if you folllow these steps you will save a lot of time in creating a successful store.

Tips on Making a Successful Etsy Shop

Below is a transcription of the video. This transcription was taken from so it might not be completely accurate:

This is the digital nomad quest podcast with Sharon Tseung. teaching people how to build passive income, become financially free and design their best lives.

Hey guys, it’s Sharon from Digital Nomad Quest and today I want to tell you guys about how to make a successful digital downloads Etsy shop. So for my own journey, right I started Etsy as my first passive income stream. It took a long time for me to get the results that I wanted to get. That is with me spending almost every day on building my Etsy shop while I was traveling the world I quit my full time job I became a digital nomad. I was building these passive income streams while I was pursuing some part time positions, and then transition fully to passive income streams, right. So it took me a long time to get to the point that I am at today. I started my Etsy shop back in 2015. So I want to tell you guys about some tips that really changed the game for me while I was building my shop. So one of the biggest things is you need to understand who

You are catering to who is your audience? What kind of products do you need to make to the audience that you want to serve? So in the beginning, I was just putting out whatever out there, right? But you need to be specific, like, who are you serving? Are you serving only people attending bachelorette parties are only people who are getting married, or only people who are having a kid and need like baby announcement cards and things like that. Who are you serving? You need to understand that before you make your shop, because if you just put whatever out there, they’re not going to understand what your shops about. It’s just too random for them. Most users are going to turn to people who are experts at what they do. So if you haven’t done it yet, write down exactly what your shops going to be about who you’re catering to, like go down to specifics, how old are they? What kind of design would they like? What kind of style would they like the next thing that changed the game for me that’s might be obvious to people. I spent a long time manually creating listings over and over again until I realized you could just duplicate listings

You can click Make a copy and make the exact copy of a previous listing and then just change the details for your new listing. So if you are constantly making wedding cards, it’s going to save you so much time to just duplicate the listing and edit those details there. So don’t make my mistake of not doing that because that changed the game for me, because I was able to pump away more listings quicker as he’s going to care how consistent you are with your listings, as well as how many listings you have in your shop currently. Next, I recommend you really stocking your shop fully, like you want to have at least 100 listings and when I got to that point, I could see exponential gains. So that is something you should consider. Next you need to be worried about your keywords. Okay, so the keywords matter because if people are going on to the Etsy marketplace and searching and they can’t find your listing, how are they going to buy your listing if they can’t even find it. So you need to kind of do some research, you can use Keyword Planner from Google AdWords, you can use it as the search engine as well. I’ll get into more videos around SEO later but

These are things you need to think about when you are making your listings. And you also want to view competitor tags. This is a great way to do some keyword research. You can go to a competitor, check out their listings, scroll all the way to the bottom and see what tags they’re using. And you can actually just copy a lot of them. I wouldn’t copy it exactly, because usually you can improve upon them. I seen a lot of really bad tags that they’re way too general. They’re way too saturated. You want to find the keywords, the sweet spot where Yes, people are searching for them, but also, you can stand out because they’re not like way too much competition because nowadays, there is a good amount of listings out there on Etsy, right, you want to target the keywords, they’re called long tail keywords or you want to target the ones that are more specific. I’ll get into longtail keywords later. Again, you want to get into ones that aren’t just like wedding card. It might be a rustic gold wedding card as a tag you might want to target that’s a lot more specific, what your listings about and that might be the specific one that people are going to search and you might be thinking

Act One that they are looking for, rather than just targeting the general keyword of wedding card. And don’t forget to care about the amount of reviews you have, as well as the rating of your reviews, you want to make sure you’re aiming for those five star reviews, you want to make sure your customers happy. Because if someone’s searching for a listing, and it’s like a two star shop, it’s not going to look good to buy. So you want to make sure your ratings are maintained. The good thing about the rating system on Etsy is that it takes a one year time frame from the current date to the past year. So for example, if you’ve had your shop for five years, and you started off with like a bunch of one star reviews, and then you realize it and you’re like improving upon it as he’s going to only take that past year. So maybe in this current year, you’re doing really well then you can still have five stars, it’s not going to take the average of all five years. So that’s the great thing about Etsy it gives you kind of a second chance of that. So I hope you guys enjoyed this episode, please make sure to rate review and subscribe.

It really helps our podcast grow. And thanks again. I’ll see you guys in the next one.

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If you’re looking for growing your Etsy shop to $1,000/month, check out my course here.

tips on making a successful etsy shop

About the Author

Sharon Tseung

Hi, I’m Sharon Tseung! I’m the owner of DigitalNomadQuest. I quit my job in 2016, traveled the world for 2 years, came back to the Bay Area, and ended up saving more money and building over 10 passive income streams on my digital nomad journey. I want to show you how you can do the same! Through this blog, learn how to build passive income and create financial and location independence.

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