facebook instagram marketing strategies

Top Facebook and Instagram Marketing Strategies to Skyrocket Your Next Launch (Women Who Create, Mari Smith Notes)

Sharon Tseung Side Hustles Leave a Comment

I recently watched Mari Smith‘s seminar on How To Use Facebook & Instagram To Skyrocket Your Next Launch. This was conducted in an online conference called Women Who Create, hosted by Teachable! Mari Smith has spoken with a bunch of notable speakers and celebrities like Richard Branson, Tony Robbins, Guy Kawasaki, and Paula Abdul, and she’s widely known for her Facebook marketing expertise.

I actually loved what Mari discussed as she revealed some really strong strategies for social media marketing. I wanted to share with my notes with you all as I believe they will be very helpful!

Top Facebook and Instagram Marketing Strategies to Skyrocket Your Next Launch

The Mari Method 

1. Start with a piece of great content.

Live videos – 7-20 minutes
Short-form content – 15 seconds (ideal for turning into ads). You can go up to 3 minutes with this content.
Youtube – Anything above 3 minutes

2. Get organic reach for 1-24 hours, then promote with ad budget to get a CTA button.

Even with a small budget, you can get a CTA button integrated with your video.

3. Drive traffic to your sign up page

4. Create custom audiences

On Facebook, you can create custom audiences based on what actions they take.


  • People who viewed your video
  • People who visit your website
  • Then create a lookalike audience from the previous 2 sections (Lookalike is a feature on Facebook where Facebook will give you a whole new audience based on other audiences you want to target)

5. Retarget these audiences

6. Encourage watch parties

7. Build community in Private Groups

8. Amplify your message & influence across other social platforms

Methods You Should Leverage

You want to create thumb-stopping content that stops their thumb from scrolling! Here are some methods you should leverage to create content and connect with your audience.

1. Video

Video is absolutely favored on Facebook. Mark Zuckerberg’s video mission for Facebook was the following: “Create shared experiences and a sense of belonging through video.”

video content

Create short form compelling video content that’s around 15 seconds in length and test in square format.

The biggest challenges people say they have with video include:

5. Gear
4. Confidence
3. Differentiation
1.TIME! 43% of marketers would create more if they had time

video challenges

Wave.video is something people use to create branded video that Mari loves to use.

2. Stories

Stories are growing 15x faster than feed content, and they create top-of-mind feed awareness. Post 3x a day if you can!

In terms of how you divide those 3:

2/3 = Personal and engaging behind the scenes
1/3 = Promotional

Your key measurable will be your DMs and how many people respond to your stories.

3. Ad component

Even with a small budget you can amplify your content a lot. Return on investment matters.

When it comes to organic reach on Facebook, only 1-6% of people average will see your stuff. With a little bit of ad budget, you can immensely help your organic reach.

Mari likes to save/bookmark Instagram ads to study them.

  1. Put Ads on both Facebook & Instagram.
    Facebook Ads Manager lets you automatically place on both.
  2. Create Video Ads with a CTA
    1. Can even put just $1 to get that CTA
  3. Photo/link ads work very well
  4. Create custom audiences and retarget!

4. Messenger

You can get a really good open rates with the chat bot. 40% of people have said they don’t care if customer service comes from a human or tech, as long as they get the right answer. It is said that by 2020, 85% of our engagement with businesses will be done without interacting with another human. Instead we’ll be using self service options and chatbots.

Messenger automation

messenger automation


Whatsapp Business App is something to try out for its chat service.

  1. Set up a Messenger chatbot
    1. Try Mobile Monkey or ManyChat
  2. Start simple
  3. Test comment triggers on your videos/Facebook Live
    1. E.g. Type the word “Free guide” and the chatbot will trigger and message the person.
  4. Test Click-to-Messenger Ads

5. Groups

Groups cultivate meaningful social interaction. She mentions, “Content is king, but engagement is queen and she rules the house”

  1. Create a public OPEN group linked to your page (optional)
  2. Create a private closed group linked to your page for your course participants
  3. Deliver some of your content inside your Group (Units/Learning Tab)

You’re looking for your 1,000 true fans.


I thought Mari’s talk was great because it was straight to the point and consisted of a ton of strategy and actionable items. She gave exact numbers of how many times to post, how long your video content should be, etc. whereas many people provide fluffy speeches that don’t tell you enough what to do next in your business. I’m definitely going to be implementing some of these tips, and I think I’m going to start doing a lot more video content on YouTube and Instagram.

How will you be implementing these tips? Let me know in the comments below!

facebook instagram marketing strategies





About the Author

Sharon Tseung

Hi, I’m Sharon Tseung! I’m the owner of DigitalNomadQuest. I quit my job in 2016, traveled the world for 2 years, came back to the Bay Area, and ended up saving more money and building over 10 passive income streams on my digital nomad journey. I want to show you how you can do the same! Through this blog, learn how to build passive income and create financial and location independence.

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