Why You Should REFLECT ON YOUR SUCCESSES (and Failures) – Reflecting on My Small Wins!

Sharon Tseung Design Your Life Leave a Comment

In this episode I wanted to do a quick recap of all my small wins and accomplishments during quarantine. It’s important to reflect to make sure you’re recognizing your progress and appreciating how far you’ve come!

Why You Should REFLECT ON YOUR SUCCESSES (and Failures) – Reflecting on My Small Wins!


Below is a transcription of the podcast. This transcription was taken from Otter.ai so it might not be completely accurate:

Sharon Tseung 0:02
This is the digital nomad quest podcast with Sharon Tseung. teaching people how to build passive income, become financially free and design the best lives. Hey guys, it’s Sharon from digital nomad quest. And today we’re gonna talk about the importance of reflecting on your accomplishments. And basically what I’ve accomplished during quarantine. Now, if you guys are new to the channel, welcome, I’m all about teaching on how to build passive income, become financially free, and design your best lives. So if you guys are interested in that, make sure to subscribe and hit the bell button to be notified of my latest videos, I wanted to talk about this topic because it’s something that I have experienced a lot during quarantine, where I’m super busy on the go all the time that I felt like I was not kind of reflecting on what I’ve been doing and all my progress, right. So often, like entrepreneurs tend to do that, where they don’t appreciate the present moment. And they’re just constantly thinking where they should be. And that’s kind of a problem, because every time you’re thinking, Oh, I need to be at this point, then you’re not happy with your current state. Once I recognize this, I really had to think about all the progress I made during this time and really appreciate and be grateful for how much I’ve done as well as place I’m at right now it can bring a lot of fulfillment and happiness, just reflecting on like the obstacles you were trying to overcome. And how you overcame that challenge. The more we do that, the more we can kind of enjoy the process while we’re moving forward. Rather than keep looking at the goal where we’re supposed to be. Instead, think more on enjoying the present moment, the journey of it all. And as long as you’re purposeful with your actions, the benefits will come and achievements will come later. So you just got to make sure you’re on the path where you’re enjoying the entire process, I actually find that women in business have an even stronger tendency to forget all that they’ve achieved. They’ll downplay it saying like, Oh, I was just doing my job rather than notice that Yo, I’ve been killing it like I’ve been doing a lot. And it’s important for you to recognize that and appreciate all that you’ve done. Even reflecting on lessons learned not just like the successes, but also the things you’ve learned from the process will help in your performance. So on Harvard Business Review, research shows employees who spent 15 minutes per day reflecting on the lessons learned perform 23% better after 10 days than those who did not reflect. So reflection as a whole is really important for your progress, your performance and your happiness. So that’s kind of why I wanted to make this video Today’s a little bit more for me to kind of see what I have done during quarantine, and just be proud of myself. So first off, I was able to purchase five units actually during quarantine, which is huge for me. And I tend to forget this. So basically, when I was 22, I purchased my first rental property, as you may have seen in a previous video, but since then I hadn’t really made much progress with real estate investment. So that’s why I’m very proud to say that I did some out of state investing purchased five units in Texas, one four Plex, and then one single family home that I basically had to completely rehab. And I’m alsoreally proud of how it turned out. Because that single family home looks amazing now how to coordinate with the property managers who helped me coordinate with the vendors who could help with the rehab and just looks really great. I’m really happy for Plex already has all the tenants in there, it’s already cash flowing. So I’m really happy about that. Number two, my course launch. So you guys have seen that I launched my course blog launch profits all about blogging, and we worked on it for one to two years something about you know, working on a big project for so long, it just feels so good to push that out and like have that out there. And the more you reflect you realize, okay, I spent so long on this thing. I overcame this challenge. It was something I had in the back of my mind to do and I’m really happy I actually created those goals. Next, also the opt ins on my website. So I worked on a free blogging Crash Course as well as a free Etsy Crash Course I also have toolkits on the site that are free. I think those were accomplished before quarantine. But like having all of those on my website feels really good because it’s something that I have been talking about for the longest time because I’m just really happy I actually did it, you check it out on my website, you can get that free Crash Course to help you with your blogging success and your Etsy success. Next, I also set up some email funnels. And I’ve just made it so much better on my website. So before I was leading them to one lead magnet that is about 21 ways to make extra income online, which is great, but some people are looking to create their own online businesses and have some more step by step guides to it. And the free crash courses really give that intro to how to do that I knew that I needed more opt ins so that I could better serve my audience. Because my audience is kind of diverse in different interests, I might be more interested in investment in managing your finances. Some might be more interested in digital nomads, others might be interested more in the whole passive income business side of things. So having all these different toolkits that kind of geared towards each of these subsets really helps with my traffic with my email subscriber amounts. So each day I’m getting a lot more than before and I’m really proud of that and I should just be grateful for all I’ve done with that next I don’t know if you guys know this, but I work in dayjob Currently, I’m the general manager at a startup called vispa. And basically, we are building the social media app. And we’re all about connecting others around meaningful causes so that they can take actions toward those causes. And basically, we made a lot of progress during quarantine, we created a new feature. And I’m just really proud of it because I’m driving the direction of the app towards this mission. So it’s really cool to see it all coming about another thing is I’ve been actually dabbling with Tick Tock so I don’t know if you guys have experimented with it. But Tick Tock is an interesting app for getting your stuff noticed, it’s a little different, because it’s very content based tic Tock delivers the stuff that you think you will like, it might not be as much of a you know, I’m going to follow that person. It’s more about what the algorithm serves you. Regardless, I’ve been able to get over 13,500 followers already on Tick tock, who knows, it might be different by the time this video is out. But basically, I started it during quarantine. And it’s actually been really cool to see the progress. So I’m gonna keep posting on there, keep posting different tips. But it’s still another way for me to push out content to people around, you know, making money online and building passive income businesses and also managing your finances. Like I love that those types of topics. And I want to help people do that to design their lives to their true self. That’s another platform that I have been dabbling with. If you haven’t checked it out already, go subscribe to my tic Tock channel. And let me know what you guys think. Lastly, I moved in with my boyfriend, to me, it’s a big accomplishment. I’ve never really done that before, where I’m like, kind of permanently living with someone and we’ve been painting our place. It’s really cool. I think you guys can see it already. Right? This, you know, the light gray walls that we’ve been painting all over the house, it used to be this warm, ugly, like yellow color. And it’s just looking so much more modern and relaxed. We bought all new furniture. So I’ve been working on interior designing all of these areas, refurnishing the places and it’s just looking great. You know, it’s not exactly like a business type of update. But to me, it is actually things where I’m learning new skills, like I’m learning how to paint, I’m like testing my interior design skills. And I hope that will actually help me in my real estate journeys. You know, I’m still very interested in investing, I’m interested in the whole fix and flip type of thing. fixing up the single family home that I bought in Texas has been very cool to see. So I want to learn about it more. And I think that will be very crucial to my success in real estate. Okay, so in summary, it looks like I’ve gotten a lot done, I want to know what you guys think about my progress, let me know in the comments what you guys think. But I really am grateful for all that I’ve done. I’m grateful for all the opportunities I’ve had to pursue and the things that I have going on. For me, it’s very cool to see the progress. These are things that I had been wanting to do for a long time. So being able to complete it, I got to make sure I remember that if I don’t remember that I’m gonna keep saying I need to be in this next place in this next place. And I need to kind of like go back a few years and be like, I was like so far from this place. Look how much I have accomplished. And you know, I got to be proud of myself and be happy for what I’ve done. Things I could be better at is I would say I could be better at taking care of my health. I’ve been all like go go go because of this, you know, this mindset, like oh, I need to be in a new place and I got to slow it down. I got to take care of my health more, I exercise more. So that’s one takeaway, also that I do think that I have been better at being present and kind of enjoying the company and my loved ones. So my mentality and kind of my health has been I think a lot better in that sense. I’ve been doing a lot more self care, a lot more reflection, a lot more practicing gratitude and alot more, you know, spending time with my loved ones and I plan to keep doing this. So I hope you guys enjoyed this episode. Please make sure to rate review and subscribe. It really helps our podcast grow. And thanks again. I’ll see you guys in the next one.Transcribed by https://otter.ai


About the Author

Sharon Tseung

Hi, I’m Sharon Tseung! I’m the owner of DigitalNomadQuest. I quit my job in 2016, traveled the world for 2 years, came back to the Bay Area, and ended up saving more money and building over 10 passive income streams on my digital nomad journey. I want to show you how you can do the same! Through this blog, learn how to build passive income and create financial and location independence.

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