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February 2020 Progress Report

Sharon Tseung Design Your Life Leave a Comment

Hi everyone!

We’re already in March which is almost ending, but I want to do a short recap of February. I’m keeping up with these reports so I can remember my progress each month :). Honestly it was beneficial that I wrote up a lot of my journey in the past on this blog because I got to remember when things happened (e.g. when I hit certain passive income goals, etc.). It’s nice to reflect!

Here’s a new progress report for Febuary 2020.

February 2020 Progress Report

3 Interviews with big YouTubers

I was able to connect with Marko from Whiteboard Finance, Brandon from Investment Joy, and Joe from PrepAgent and become sort of friends with them. In one week I managed to interview all of these large YouTubers who have hundreds of thousands of followers! Marko is now my accountability partner, so we check up on each other every Sunday on our progress.

I haven’t been able to upload two of my interviews, however, because they’re all real estate related and I have been discussing blogging in all my latest videos. I’m trying to keep with a series of blogging videos so that I can keep my audience engaged without jumping too randomly from topic to topic.

Interview with Etsy Student

I got to interview one of my Etsy Entrepreneur students! My student is getting great sales on her Etsy shop and I’m super proud of her. It was really exciting for me as well because I got to see how valuable my course really was, and it just feels good that what I spent a lot of time on really paid off. She gave a really wonderful testimonial on the sales page that you can check out here.

Real Estate Conference

I went to the SF Bay Summit real estate conference again like I did last year (thanks to my boyfriend). I took some notes on it and want to upload them onto my blog – I will be sure to do that soon! I’ve been more and more interested in out of state investing, mobile home investing, and Airbnb businesses.

The more immersed I am in real estate investing, the more I’m super excited by it and want to keep putting my money in it. I really want to just build up my cash flow, so I don’t really care too much for fix and flips at this current moment. Let’s just keep collecting those properties!

TWO Properties I’m Investing In

This is my BIG NEWS! I had been in escrow for 2 properties in February (and finally closed on one in March). One is a 4-plex and the other is a single family home, so I’m super stoked. I can’t wait to see how they perform. I will keep reporting on how everything goes.

800 subscribers

I hit 800 YouTube subscribers in February! It’s been a slow but steady effort. I’m planning to just keep being consistent with my content and see where it gets me. I have a lot of things to teach and I’m not short of video ideas. If you guys have any type of content you wish to see, please let me know.

youtube subscribers

(Right now it’s at 890 in March, and hopefully we can hit 900 at least by end of the month).

Personal Events

Took Pictures for my Brother’s Engagement

Wow I did a photoshoot for my brother and his fiance this month! I almost forgot. I’m pretty proud of the pics I took and edited…preview here:


Omg, I went skiing for the first time since I was in elementary school. It was terrifying but a fun experience. Not sure if I’m going again next year but maybe I should get brave enough to try it again. We’ll see lol.


That’s essentially it for updates. To be honest because February feels so far away now, it’s hard for me to remember what I was feeling and if there were any other items I may be missing. So unfortunately, this is going to be a short post but I hope you guys enjoyed it! Let me know if you have any questions below.

About the Author

Sharon Tseung

Hi, I’m Sharon Tseung! I’m the owner of DigitalNomadQuest. I quit my job in 2016, traveled the world for 2 years, came back to the Bay Area, and ended up saving more money and building over 10 passive income streams on my digital nomad journey. I want to show you how you can do the same! Through this blog, learn how to build passive income and create financial and location independence.

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